These are what terrorist look like now

These are what terrorist look like now

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're retarded.


no u

Does Sup Forums have a crush on this Vin Diesel looking bitch? I swear, she didn't get any attention until she started spouting out stupid shit.


2/10 video edit. Made me reply.

Fake and gay.
Shit effort, Boris. I hope Putin fucks your girlfriend.

Sup Forums is constantly being raided by interest groups and government agencies, seeing agenda driven bullshit is part and parcel of lurking Sup Forums now.

from my cold dead hands

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Imma just leave this here

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seriously don't understand the hate for these kids, all they want is to stop more children from being shot and killed like their friends were. Honestly what's objectionable about that other than "they r LIBRULS and I hate librulzz!"

user can you really not tell that the text is edited onto that paper?

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Does she have cancer or an escaped mental patient?


No, that's real. Nicholas Cage is a supporter and gave her his original copy of the constitution.

>every single one of them is a brainwashed teenage female feminazi libtard
unsurprising. i have noticed that womens ability to think critically and rationally has been deteriorating for some time

cage is kino

These are what idiots look like now

just ur average everyday liberal

because they are braindead retards that think banning guns will stop school shootings.

it will not. anyone with even the most basic of life experience know this. you want to stop school shootings? stop bullying, because regardless of what the shooters say in those ridiculous manifestos they like to make, the reason they shot up the school was because chad mcthundercock made fun of them or beat them up one too many times and they fucking snapped. realistically though, this is completely unfeasible to do since you cannot keep kids under observation 24/7 without becoming a nanny state

Because they're children with no grasp of what it's like to be an adult with real responsibilties and they're are preaching to adults who do know what it's like living in the real world.

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man shitthfugup

Non-american here whats going on here?
What shes ripping apart?

>Doesn't have pubes yet

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>Gay friend got stabbed to death
>let's ban knives so other gays don't get stabbed
The only people who disagree are literally homophobes

The Magna Carta

future of mankind

Imagine living in America every day of your life. Talk about fucking suffering.

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Stop fucking shooting people. It's not an age thing.

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>she's ripping apart photchopped Constitution, original picture is her ripping up human profile target
>right wing are indeed faggots and they have gone to plan b:
>Plan B: suck choades on the way to Hell, pretend taint-licking is normal behavior

It's past your bedtime.

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kill em with fire

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So... is the US going to stop bombing people via drone attacks at random? And circling back after an hour to lay waste to mourners and rescuers?! Do you realize that happens daily?!

Tell that to the blacks that make up the majority of gun related crimes.

>right wingers are finished
wasn't I reading threads just like this a little under a year and a half ago? My, how time flies


Behind this are the twisted old white faces of democrat career politicians who know that they can pretend to care and get a few more votes. They changed their strategy a bit now. They probably realized having Hogg spearhead their ploy was a little too transparent; picking one of their own elitist kids whose name literally means pig. Politicians like Pelosi and Schumer are the the background sharpening their political knives. This oddly reminds me of house of cards.

No because the liberal media can't use that to better position themselves.

Cool story. It's sad that you believe that stupid shit. Your ego is so invested in this retarded ideology that you can't tell when you're being fed obvious bullshit. Stop being livestock.

I want so badly to educate all the retards i see posting on facebook about gun laws they know nothing about... but im trying to get a job with the state government for the sweet sweet paycheck and benfits so i know its better to not post facts on social media and to maintain my facebook ghost status.

But holy fucking shit all the videos i see about how people think its so fucking easy to buy a gun...

>we gunna show everyone in da world how easy it is to buy a gun with NO BACKGROUND CHECK!!!!
>go to gun store
>gunstore runs background check
>check comes back clean and they get a gun
>Now we gunna buy one from out of state but the law says residents cant sell to non residents so luckily our cammeraman is a resident and he is going to commit a crime and do a straw buy for us!!!!

I would love to see some of these fuckwits going to jail like the rest of us gun owners would if we did half they shit they fucking FILM themselves doing.

Nothing would be better then to watch the people ignorant of the laws they are complaining about not existing and breaking them go to jail and find out just how many gun laws we already have.

Lol nice liberal deflection.

That's such a shitty shoop.

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Som1 post her noods

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>why can't we have socialism and sharia, bahuhuhu *sniff*, everyone nazi faggot *barf*

weak bait and a poor shoop

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holy shit ddos when



the FUCKING faces she makes man

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god, dude. I keep seeing this exact post in everyone of these threads. copy/pasta much? at least put some mother fucking effort into. goddamn, does Putin know how fucking lazy you are? Should I tell him? Thought not, bitch.

what do you think?

there's more of them than you. you should go hide.

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did anyone else think she looked like Tyler1

i really wish i was that bald dude, he gets to slay all that vagene on the regular i bet

wait, you know you caught the wrong side on that argument, right? tell me you knew that. that user was not the liberal.

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Teen Le 56%

You really believe feminazi scum like these are actually getting any?

They are only there because they BELIEVE that doing all this shit will get them any, but the reality is that the bitches on this movement only hate men.



fucking hell

oh... :)

I'm okay with both versions. Time to update that garbage ass document anyway.

Children who have earned a right to preach to adults. Or continue to pretend as though your life experiences are more significant than theirs because you're older and were once fired from a job.

That bald girl is not even a survivor wtf

Isn't she a cancer survivor? That's why she's bald, right?

How does this even make sense?

hey fuck that bald dude bro

that makes literally no fucking sense what so fucking ever coming from an 18 year old you're a fucking idiot.

And George Soros is bankrolling most of it.
He helped the Nazi's during the holocaust.

George Soros himself declared that he was not sorry for “helping in the confiscation of property from the Jews” in the interview done by Steve Kroft for CBS' 60 Minutes George Soros on December 20, 1998

>pic related

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pretty sure its sarcasm

a classic was born

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They don't look like Trump supporters to me

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Actually they don't look like left or right. They really don't fit anywhere.


actually it good and actually it honest

how will the dems put communism in place?
1st would be disarm
2nd would be destroy the Constitution / bill of rights
3rd implement their Communist hellhole

wait for the millions of people to be slaughtered in mass graves as will all communism

the kid was a registered Democrat
and the police ignored 45 calls and 2 fbi reports to allow this to happen, they were fully warned, (just to push gun control)

Odd because banning guns has been proven to greatly reduce school Shotting but amerimutts seem to say otherwise

Because American adults have no grasp of the guns not being toys

trying to stop terrorism ...

4chin calls her terrorist

come on little racists fucks u can do better

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omg what the fuck are they trying to prove here? using children to push an agenda is wrong

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This. Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine actually showed that Canada has a lot of guns too. And you don't see canadian children killing each other at school. The problem is USA has built some kind of culture around this bulliying thing, around making a miserable life for the "looser kids" and making fun of it, as it is the way it's supposed to be. All this school shootings and crazy SJW shit is only the consequence of decades of bullying culture at schools. This is what you get for your tendency to cruelty, racisim and exclusion.