>sister gradually becoming rotten sjw bitch in uni
>brings home book about feminist book about "rape culture" and consent, "Asking for it" signed by author
>go downstairs in middle of night and tear it to shreds all over the floor to make it look like the dog did it
>fucking 21 years old balling crying, kind of feel sorry for her
>Say my line "did fluffy(dog's name) ask for consent"
>Loses shit, screaming at me
>Dad gets pissed at me and sends me outside the house for few hours to "think about it"
>Dog get's sold
>100% worth it
Story time
Holy shit OP's sister absolutely BTFO
Dude you're a fucking faggot. There is nothing cool or alpha about destroying another persons property.
Fucking liberal scum.
>letting fluffy take the fall
>fluffy dindu nuffin
>fuck the dog up
>screw with someone property
libtard detected
Or you could've redpilled her and kept the dog instead of engaging in maximum nigger behavior.
Destroying opinions you don't like is the first sign that you don't think your ideas could stand up to theirs. Grow up and maybe talk next time.
Op, you are a beta cuck, if you let your sister get away with this behavior.
women can't be swayed by facts
Not your personal blog nigger
reported for being a complete bastard.
What the fuck is wrong with you that poor dog... definitely a pole
There is no talking with those people. Give them an inch and they take a foot
>Dog get's sold
>100% worth it
Dude you're a fag, the dog has nothing to do with her or your bullshit.
And if you can't make your sister behave you have no right to call yourself a brother.
>dog gets sold
Worth it had me laffen
wtf poor fluffy ;_;7
>Dog get's sold
>sister comes home from uni
>spouting SJW nonsense
>take her on a trip to Amsterdam and Rotterdam
>she is now a massive racist
Wew that was easy
What the fuck is wrong with your nigger tier family? You don't sell your dog because he chews a shitty book up.
I hope this is bait. Your family doesn't deserve the life they have if this is not.
In fairness the dog was already pushing it and did have an actual reputation of tearing shit up and chewing things in the past as well as shitting and pissing everywhere.
Sounds to me like op did the right thing. Fluffy is usually a name for some ankle biting glorified rat and not a real dog. Also if my sister cried over her book getting chewed up or destroyed then it was probably for the best because that truly sounds like an unhealthy relationship with fucking ink.
So you have a SJW sister
Your Father is a Cuck
You sold out your Dog and your happy?
You dumb potato nigger, you sound 18 years old.
>My family is too retarded to even try to train our dog
I hope you all were at least competent enough to find it a good home, but you give me little hope of that.
'SJW are v-valuable users of the free market! *pisses self* d-don't infringe on their consumer rights or their l-libready!!!'
>>Dog get's sold
% worth it
Only a monkey would think destroying property and getting rid of a dog is a net positive.
Should have just hid it in the back yard or something
>Dad gets pissed at me and sends me outside the house for few hours to "think about it"
He may be your dad, but he might not be your biological father, judging by his cuck behavior.
Then again, I understand how a signed book may be of worth to your sister. She's a woman, she doesn't know any better. Imagine you see a retarded person clinging to some stupid object; you achieve nothing by taking it away and destroying it other than making the retard sad.
Your sister should thank you for that, this sjw shit is a waste of time
>balling crying
There are typos and there are signs of mild retardation. This is the latter.
> buy dog back
You should buy dog back and train it to not to.
Say it`s animal abuse if they sell a dog, that is get used to you already and also microagressive bigotry.
Make kickstarter of it, so other SJW and PETA-fags will pay for this.
Fucking Kek.
>I love happy endings.
Oh op this thread seems to be filled will shills and little bitches but don't worry about them. What you did was fucking hilarious.
>blaming the dog
>the dog got jailed
Sounds like nigger story to me.