I'm a restaurant owner, and I don't want to hire women. How do I appropriately convey that message?

I'm a restaurant owner, and I don't want to hire women. How do I appropriately convey that message?

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Rebrand as a gay bar.

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everyone assumes all male waiters are fags. enjoy failing.

shoot yourself in the face. you'll never need to worry about hiring anyone ever again.

I dont think you can in these times OP

Put a hefty "must be able to consistently loft x amount of weight". Youll get girls that come in and obviously cant qualify, the ones that can are more likely to be too un-presentable to work with customers.

Never call any females in for interview

And dont ever put any sign up indicating this is active practice at your business (bad pr)

May i ask why?

Bro. All these years I’ve been chopping wood and throwing it into a fire when I could have just sold all those logs and become a millionaire.


Just don't hire women.
Not that hard.

Requirements: must have a penis.

You don’t have to as long as you are a sole propriotorship and have 15 or less employees.
If both of those are the case you can hire exactly whatever you want.
No niggers, no women, no fucking jews.
If you franchised out you’ll likely have some trouble though.

You should hire a hot hostess for good business

Keep it to yourself. Don’t ever vocally convey you feel this way. Put caveats into your qualifications for jobs that makes it hard for women but not too obvious. Such as another user pointing out the whole “lift stuff”. But in the restaurant biz that might be tough. Or hire girls who look like they do drugs and then drug test them. Record you hired women but they failed.

How do you think lumberjacks have been doing it?

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Lumberjacks ain’t selling stumps of wood for 200$.

>convey that message
You don't, fool. You don't hire them and you keep your mouth shut about the real reason why.

> implying there aren't women who have penis

Oh I'M SORRY, are you a wood-millionaire?

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dont hire women, just ignore their applications

This what happened with white castle but you can't ban customers.

Most places I work won't hire blacks. We don't say anything about it we just dont. We hire one a year knowing they will fuck up and get fired in a month or less.