I'm incredibly stoned. What should I watch?

I'm incredibly stoned. What should I watch?

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super troopers. sauce?

Your weight, fatty

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incest porn

Fantastic Planet

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watch the microwave , the.clothes washer , or the clothes dryer , because eventually something good will come on

that's something. more?

Even drunk I can tell what's obviously photoshopped.

bad photoshop

Where's the original of this?

this, nigga


watch tommy edisons videos on youtube. he is a blind guy (blind since birth) who tries and explains what his world is like. his positivity, the way he describes his experiences and how talk about people who can see really makes you look at things with a different perspective and makes you feel special.

trust me, iv watched a few while i was stoned and was hooked

how bout some photoshop tutorials. sick of seeing this ugly ass bitch and her terrible photoshops


>So,,,He was behind of it?

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what is this stupid jet black 2 shit

jan smankvajer dimensions of dialogue

Planet Earth 2 bro