Trump is the 2nd worst president of all time

Trump is the 2nd worst president of all time.

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>Trump is second worst
>Dubya is the worst
Spot the millennial

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>worst then the closeted gayman who failed to stop the civil war.

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Faggot you have no idea what would happen if Dubya didn't invade Iraq. The US dollar would go to shit and the Euro would own the world. I'm not a burger so I'm fine with the idea but you idiots would lose all relevance

>a burger

Is this slang for American? If so I like it.

If you're going to raid Sup Forums, try not to be such an obvious newfag

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Look, you must be new here. I'm well known around this site.

forgot to greentext

That's my Bush!

Trump is no where near the worst or the best.

Liberals actually believe this,

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>He no live in my life time so he don't count.
W is probably in the top 10, but we've had 45 of them. Silly to assume that the current one is the worst.
Every generation probably thinks their president is the worst.
Iraq was bad but so was the trail of tears, and the indian wars.

>you have no idea what would happen if Dubya didn't invade Iraq
>proceeds to pretend he knows what would have happened

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That's not a rebuttal or argument cuckservative.

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So are you saying these things aren't true?

Please see

i've heard scholar refer to warren g harding at the worst pres of all time

So you're not denying these things happened, just that he wasn't the worst president.

>Iraq invades Kuwait
>US bombs Iraq, and the UN security council does nothing
>Saddam says he'll start selling his oil for Euros
>US invades
Why the fuck do you think France was against the invasion? or why UK was immediately supporting it? If Saddam won then all the arab states would drop the US dollar

And would you look at that he still caused the biggest recession since the great depression.

Don't fucking try to spread your propaganda you stupid russian fuck. We can fact check anything you claim. Go back to Jewbook you putin cock riding faggot.

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>putin cock riding faggot
I would love to see russia get nuked, but that doesn't change shit. The middle east crisis wouldn't have happened if Bush stayed at home and the EU became the dominant currency, I'm just saying the US would slip herd. Bush fucked the world to keep America in power. Similiar thing happened when Ghaddafi wanted to sell his oil for gold, that's why everyone wanted him dead.

>claims that Trump is second worst president to dubya
>other user claims there statement to be untrue as there were much worse than those two
>"so you're not denying these things happened..."
Ladies and gentlemen, a modern liberal education at work
Be sure and vote Yes on raising school taxes so that we can continue to produce such talent

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>I would love to see russia get nuked...
>I hate trump as much as everyone else...
>As a woman...

Fuck outta here with your bs. The bush dynasty were a bunch of morons that were manipulated by people like cheney.

Just face the fact that republicans are a bunch of brainless greedy shills who fuck children and get blackmailed and manipulated by smarter people.

Down with the republican party and bring back a new form of McCarthyism where anyone found having even the slightest connections with Russia face treason charges.

>Russia is bad
This kind of blind allegiance to a philosophy is how we got here to begin with.

Trump and Dubya are near the bottom, but there were worse. Polk and Taft, for example. And Harding was a proud member of the KKK.

Nice try you filthy russian cuck.

They have declared cyber warfare upon us and they've meddled with our elections. Down with those filthy white apes.


>russia russia russia
wtf is with this incoherent shit, nobody cared about russia or putin when bush was in charge
>bush dynasty got manipulated by cheney/others
so what? my point is the Iraq war was vital for america's status as a superpower. Saddam wasn't a threat to the american people but he was a huge threat to the economy
I have no idea why you brought that up. You americans love to eat bacon but don't wanna see how it's made, shit like the Iraq war are ugly but you're getting much cheaper shit because of it.

not replying to this anymore bye

But I’m russian. So should I turn against my home land?

your homeland is mongolia

Every single conflict in the world for the past 20 years is tied to Russia in some way. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Down with those white apes!

But I’m a russian living in Mongolia. Do I turn against my homeland?

for once, OP is not a fag

No you will be exterminated along with every Russian.

The only good Russian is a dead Russian.

Are you polish by any chance?

samefag all you want OP.
routine reminder that OP is always a fag

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>number of planets when Bush took office: 9
>number of planets when Bush left office: 8

I'm an American who's tired of these white apes' attempts to ruin my country. Hang every last one of those treasonous pieces of shit

How are you gonna do that? Your too busy trying to take guns away. Extermination by spork?

He keeps making fantastic progress every day. Which way do you think he is headed?

Guns are meaningless to this new age of cyberwarfare.

Fuck outta here you slavic cock riding faggot.

So you’re gonna exterminate us with Facebook?
Haven’t we already shown we are better at this cyber game?
Silly american....

>Hm,,,,he was behind?

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"Families is where we find hope, where wings take dream" - GW Bush

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Listen closely you slavic dick riding son of a bitch, this is how it's gonna go down.

We're going to create some kind of secret police, not a militia of dumbass brainwashed rednecks. They will be in charge of hunting down every treasonous bastard within our border walls and eventually, we will proceed to hunt them down in other allied countries. This will be accomplished by tracking their online activity which is where the cyberwarfare comes into place. These individuals will be authorized to use all kinds of weapons, including chemical ones to terminate the targets.

We're not gonna be arming dumbass brainwashed rednecks, we're gonna be training professionals.

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What does it mean?

Different annons here m8. Not OP, never said W was the worst, in fact I said he wasn't.
Trumps not done enough to really be ranked yet, though if this Russia thing gets him that's at least as bad as Nixon.
I was making sure you're not denying the claims OP posted, Cause Bush did do those things.

Give him some time. Plenty of moves ahead to take the #1 spot.

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This times 5000X

I think he meant to say "Where dreams take flight" how this is related to families is anyone's guess!

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I don't know, Trump has said some pretty dumb shit too.

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Reagan was pretty bad

Reagan was awesome. I’d take another Reagan anyday

>trail of tears

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>OP specifically states that Trump was 2nd worst, with implications that dubya was the worst
>Other user denies this is the case, starting that there were worse than those two
>third user chimes in with "so you're not denying these things happened", in reference to the claims that OP made (Trump second worst, dubya worst)
>Never said W was the worst
Are you posting in the right thread? Did you read a different OP and mean to post in that thread?