>Danish National Art Gallery removes the word "negro" from 14 pieces of art

>"We took a sample in our database to see if we could find words which are considered offensive and inappropriate. We found the word "negro" 13 times and we also found the word "hottentot" once. These words have now been replaced with "African"", says Peter Norgaard Larsen, collection manager and Head of Research at the museum.

>"The purpose of these linguistic changes is to avoid words, which Europeans have used to describe other ethnic groups, which are remains from the Colonial Period."

>The origin of the inspiration is Netherlands. At the Rikjsmuseum of Amsterdam, 222.000 works were investigated, and so far 223 titles and descriptions where words such as "negro", "hottentot" and "Mohammedan" were included, have been changed.


Where were you when SJW's got so hyped on social justice that they're now also trying to liberate the past from racism and bigotry, Sup Forums ?

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does this trigger them?

You should see some of the responses DF sends back. Truly redpilled.

This would not just trigger them, it would literally give them a problematic aneyurism because of all the implied white supremacy and bigotry.

Nope, haven't. I couldn't seem to find anything on their facebook page either. Link?

Shit, de ord er som taget ud af mund.

Desværre er jeg sikker på at mindst 60% af min omgangskreds synes det er helt i orden og et "progressivt skridt i den rigtige retning!!!"......skyd mig

Bare vær enig med dem. Vælg dine kampe.

goodbye zwartie piet


Ja det er sgu nok det klogeste.

you just reminded me of Mogens Glistrup.
Great guy, would have a drink with, if he still lived.

We shouldn't remove/censor words from the past, since they have a historical meaning, which can showcase the past and how society was.
However, sadly, the progressive narrative in Denmark is growing everyday, and not many seem to care about it. They just keep on nodding and continue to live in their own reality.
>dansker i udlandet

Wouldn't negro just mean black in your languages? I know a lot of countries use negro for the colour black

Negro is black in spanish for example. We call blacks that way. They are black so they should be no problem right? And the blacks that are here don't seem to mind anyway.

Even in English negro just referred to the fact that they were of the negroid race. Somewhere down the line that became offensive, and it just keeps changing the definition. Now they're called black people but even that's becoming offensive it's stupid. Negro is not offensive, people might have used it in an offensive way but in the same way a nigger would say "white boy" it's stupid to change the dictionary because some niggers get offended

Isn't Negroid the proper term for a black anyway? Like Caucasoid is also a proper term for white.

>black people but even that's becoming offensive

I just say "black(s)", no one gives a fuck.

And if hand clenching tribe people try to make it a problem they can't persuade change without properly subjecting the youth along with their parent's.

>blacks that are here
This shouldn't exist.

I just say nigger but I haven't seen any in over a month so I never have to communicate with them

Well consider me jealous


Only leftist wont use our word for negro = neger because they watch too much American TV.

the only reason this shit has come up is that we just had what the cucks here called: Negro Gate. Basically it was just a politician who was defending a party poster of a normal danish family against leftist cunts who were mad that it was 100% white. He then said "Should we throw in a negro just to make you feel better?".

and now this crap about changing the word is the pathetic revenge of the cucks the only places they hold power, Art galleries.


There's a ton of Filipinos and they're really loud and litter a lot but at least they won't stab me.
Denmark is mostly white though as far as I'm aware it wouldn't make sense. Even here in Canada it's 75% white and 3% nigger but whenever they want a token minority they always throw in a nigger even though there's more natives, Chinese or Filipinos here. I feel like American TV influenced that

well we are 93% white and 96% white if you count slavs as white.

and yes the token nigger shit is indeed an American influence.

When you use a word to refer to a bad thing, inevitably it becomes a bad word.

lmao what the fuck is a hottentot.
only hottentot I know is hottentotten tenten tentoonstelingen

When I was a kid we didn't have any of this diversity crap, there was one nigger and one Asian in the whole school. When I got into high school it started changing, I remember some teacher telling me I wasn't a real Canadian because I didn't know who Martin Luther King was or what Martin Luther King day is (we never did black history month until I got into high school) it got a lot worse with my younger sister, there was at least 20 niggers in school by the time she got to high school and my safe clean school finally had to hire a security guard because they were robbing people. During gym class you could leave your phone in your pant pocket in the locker room but they had to introduce a lock box to keep it in because the niggers would go through your stuff.

its a subspecies of the negro strain. At least that is what I was taught by my father and he is a biologist.

sounds bad. Cant say Denmark is that far in the whole diversity department. We at least do not have black history month or crap like that.

however some inner city schools are completely nigger and shitskin dominated now.

It's not as bad here as in America, I'm in Toronto which is only 50% white so I imagine it's worse here than the rest of Canada. I was driving by one suburb not long ago and ended up going by a school, it was 100% nigger kids outside I couldn't believe it. My area is still clean though thankfully

As if niggers ever set foot in a museum.

I actually saw some once, when I went for a school field trip I saw a gang of like 20 of them I guess they were there for a field trip also.


I paragraf 67 står der.

"Borgerne har ret til at forene sig i samfund for at dyrke gud på den måde der stemmer med deres overbevisning, dog at intet læres eller foretages, som strider mod sædeligheden eller den offentlige orden"

Der står ikke noget om muslimer specifikt. Dog kunne det være interessant at have en ol med ham.