>be me
>#1 JewTuber of the world
> decide to make new video
>what is the current trend I wonder?
>end up on reddit
>See people posting images with text that is green
>I am now an expert on the subject
>decide to make video about it
>"its the new reddit meme"
>"peepol of reddit discovered that if you use angle brackets you can make words green"
>"people of reddit make greentext"
>proceed to read several greentexts
>That I stole from other youtube channels anyway
>another trillion views
>also now you know what a greentext meme is
>you're welcome
>also get payed more than your life is worth


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Other urls found in this thread:

I mean I like some of his content but Jesus, how fucking ignorant can you fucking be

you know he's been of /wsg like 20 times on his channel

deal with it faggot. you're still developing those teenage emotions into big boy ones.

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Wow, it's almost like... He's following the rules of Sup Forums.

You know that he saying that he took it from Reddit is actually him protecting us and the first 2 rules right?
And not only that, also did you know that you are one of the biggest idiots for taking that obvious bait? Just saying

Vikings are known for fucking very land (or woman) they step on

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It's a Sup Forums rule not to mention Sup Forums anywhere else on the internet

They can take our memes. But they'll never take our super inside-y memes!

I'm guessing the kids are on spring break? Come back when you're 18

Would you seriously want him to mention and advertise Sup Forums to his audience?
Maybe you feel like he's stolen something from Sup Forums, and that offends you, and you wish he'd made a video about Sup Forums instead but think about it

There are already too many dumb faggots on this site, we do not need his masses running here and making it worse.


Rules of Sup Forums:
1. You do not talk about Sup Forums.
2. You DO NOT talk about Sup Forums.

Sounds like you're an underage newfag, OP.

this dude was on Sup Forums from the beginning you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise

also dude is dope

I'm pretty sure he SAID it was a reddit meme just to make you retards assblasted, he visits Sup Forums regularly

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>Being this asshurt because pewdiepie will bring normies to Sup Forums and ruin it

>literally not caring about the million of porn threads that are running right now

Fuck off pewds

Are you fucking autistic? Well of course you are, but are you brainless?

This fucking thread only shows who are the actual normies.


Next thing you know some dumb cunt makes a news report on how Sup Forums is the asshole of the internet and suddenly there is an influx of children.

Whoever took the b8 is a brainlet

Felix is an oldfag

Sup Forums was never good soon, and it's already ruined

You'd prefer if he told his millions of subscribers to come to Sup Forums? Are you fucking retarded?

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hey we're working on getting rid of those porn threads, we dont need a normie infestation on top of that


OP might be the biggest retard I've ever encountered


I have a feeling this is Felix shitposting about himself. We all know he comes here, hell most of his ylyl videos are from /wsr/.

Honestly he is the only top guy on youtube who is not a sjw. Be thankful he is number one.

Faggot club rules

Everyone already knows about Sup Forums anyways
A video in which he doesn't even mentions it won't make the difference so grow up
You are not some kind of 'unique' species of something haha just chill

calm your tits OP, this site went to shit when you got that "GREAT PLAN" to invade 9gag.

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>like some of his content

Get out get out you fucking underage b&. This guy has always been terrible.

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he's been doing YLYL threads with obviously Sup Forums content for how long now? green text is like a third of our content anymore. just be happy you haven't been here long enough to suffer motivational posters as the go to for captioning. shit was cancer.

Fuck me I remember that.

For the most subscribed YouTube channel, pewdiepie is pretty Sup Forumsro. Why do you think he initially called his fanfare bros?

cos thats Chad lingo

What a fucking ni-

>feeling personally attacked because you identify with a website full of deranged virgins

>be OP who posts every 6 hours about this guy
>be big faggot, disappointing my ancestors
>end of story


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being this nigger

just concerned about the greentexts becoming a common every-day meme for normies and chads

I mean its bad enough reddit is sharing everything green to farm karma

yes kiddos on spring break
ignore me

Well, if he starts making a video about all Sup Forums memes and all those redditfags and 9gagfags starts using them on their own website then act all cool about it like they're above us, what's the point?

>well poopie cutie pie showed me this meme it's a Reddit meme guys not a Sup Forums meme

says the reddit spacing red text pleb.

>Implying he isnt baiting us

People like you ruined Sup Forums

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50 replies, and they said this kinda b8 would never work

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>Implying it hasn't already been that way for the past several years on this website

thought trap & porn threader ruined Sup Forums
content like this has always been around

He is a weebfag that gets memes from reddit and if he feels real edgy he hops on /wsg/. Ive lost hope

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how does it feel to be fucking retarded op?

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how about we all start posting comments about his recent death?

OP your retarded

Obey the algorithm. It teaches what you should make other people 'think' about

Actually feels pretty nice, overall I still dont feel like posting porn threads, so theres still hope for me

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>Hm,,,,he was behind?

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You retard he said it as a troll because he also doesn't want retards to know ahout Sup Forums. So how did you find out what Sup Forums is? Gtfo you faggot

googled traps and /b came up

You know he was fucking joking, yeah? Knowing how mad some of you tards get over this shit...

>doesn't want retards to know ahout Sup Forums
too late

This, last few years Sup Forums has been popping up alot on jewtube, too many redditfags and kids now

This ans boogie the golem too. Sup Forums attracts real celebrities too every now and then

History repeating

But swedish people are protected by indifference and muslims. How would we get to him?

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Wait Quentin Tarantino is on Jewtube?

He didn't even break rules 1 or 2, stop bitching faggot

Ok ok ok, first of all, why the fuck you clicked on some of his videos?

Do you think he faps to all the Marzia shit in /gif/?

OP you're a retarded newfag. He obviously knows the difference between refdit and Sup Forums, he just doesn't want to be filmed saying the words "four-chan" for what should be obvious reasons.
Please take your autism elsewhere

Kill him for what, hurting your feelings?

>make post on Sup Forums saying its bad that he follows rules because vikings raped all the wahmins
>realise that I'm autistic

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I mean shitty greentext comps on YouTube got me curious about Sup Forums, I guess I was already fucked up before coming over here though so I just kind of just fit in anyway.

He's been coming to Sup Forums longer than you have.

If you don't believe Pewdiepie is based then you seriously need to see this:

Skip to 8:26

And in his Amy Schumer video, he literally calls Sweden "Saudi Arabia".

If you don't believe that Felix is redpilled, then you seriously need to watch more Pewdiepie.

">That I stole from other youtube channels anyway"

... you say that like it took a genius to invent such a video

Rules 1 and 2 are for raids only newfag

I feel like half of Pewd's comedy is actually the butthurt his vids cause.

The whole video had a sarcastic tone, and he makes self deprecating jokes all the time. If you take anything he says seriously you should honestly kill yourself.

muh sekrit club

look at this fucking faggot

felix is an oldfag and he knows the rules, unlike you


People think pewdiepie is edgy/modern because he constantly lifts content from here, but really he has contributed so greatly to the death of this site, I wonder if that was his plan all along...

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Is Pewdiepie red pilled?

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Grow up faggot

yes, along with marzia


I want Marzia's feet around my big cock

Lol but she a shitskin

jelly? he makes money of idiots and all you do is cry.

Damn is she cute. You all calling him a fag when he's tapping that, look at her majestic hair and cute nose. You are all fags.

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Don't mess with a god

you are a complete idiot if you think he actually believes that

Don't take the turd's name in vain

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Glitter bomb him

>Sup Forums didn't even do greentext first.