Do people with functioning brains really look at this and go "oh man that's so cool, and definitely real!"?

Do people with functioning brains really look at this and go "oh man that's so cool, and definitely real!"?

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Ask nasa. They are tracking it. Unless they are all morons too....

grats on being a delusional faggot / nutcase OP

>hurr durr its not real because reasons


Grats on believing everything like a gullible fool dumb nigger

How do I know you aren't a nigger?

>Do people with functioning brains really look at this and go "oh man that's so cool, and definitely real!"?

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I bet you voted for Trump and think the Earth's flat, too.

Do you have a better reason for SpaceX to be throwing explosive metal tubes in the sky, and bringing them back to land?

What's the point in wasting time putting cars in space?

its not that hard to launch something into orbit user. how do you think direct TV works?

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Got me

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Normaly on first flights of now rockets nobody puts their multi million dollar satellites so they fly concrete blocks up to prove it works. SpaceX put a Tesla on top to get free commercial time on many news networks. not that complicated to grasp the concept of why they did it.

This. Fucking double win by Musk, successful launch and free PR for his other company.

Sounds pointless to me.

Testing something is pointless?

Sorry the earth isn't flat OP. Better luck next time

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Light doesnt work like that, and why cant i see the sun at night then?

> i was first

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so does your life to me, especially if you can't grasp the concept of this simple event you're useless to society.

i go with occams razor. it's real.

Then anything about space is pointless.

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You don't know what you're talking about.

t. Nuclear Physicist who works exclusively on the Moon

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it would be much much harder to shut up a few hundred people for life than to just fucking put it on top of your test rocket that has no payload.


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I actually wrote the soundtrack for this particular moment in time if you want to hear it. I made a VSTi of an ex’s voice and she got sooooooo mad kek

Neger John joker ikke

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who's that and how is it relevant to what i said?

You've never seen Robbie Parker before?

Oh, my sweet summer child.

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extra faggy Stefan Moly-jew

i don't watch daytime tv. are you going to answer my questions?

Oh sorry, I never read them.

just farting into the aether, i see. have fun.

Robbie Parker is a Rocket Scientist who solved the Flat Earth puzzle.

that guy
is the rocket dude who just launched?
i imagined him to be older and dirtier.

Isn’t Musk like, heavily subsidised by the government?

I'm just messing with you.
Robbie Parker is a father of a supposed kid you was killed at Sandy Hook.

do you feel we're wasting our time here sometimes?

yeah but atleast hes progressing and not stagnating technology.

lots of machines designed was because of space missions you retard. most famous being an MRI scanner. you should stop being so ignorant before posting. also dont forget nasa and others are searching for new battery tech so theres that....

they used a tesla because its weight is over 1 ton and the company tesla also owns spacex so its free advertising and if the payload makes it to orbit its even better. the mission objective is to send huge payloads and it was a success so fuck you christian-science-hating faggot.

do you even read what you reply to?

yes i did. that guy asking if spacex is subbed, well they are.

the guy crying how space is useless, well its not because

well you missed the very obvious sarcasm.



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>very obvious
could not be that obvious. i am not autistic or anything and failed to get the "sarcasm". sarcasm is MOSTLY in the tone so fuck off my back, user

reading would've helped.