20-25 beers a day

>20-25 beers a day
>90% of time is busch ice cause cheap
How do I stop drinking?

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By not buying it.

New hobbies


Good solution

Every time you feel like a beer, just drink water instead.

Every time I felt like a cigarette, I chewed a piece of gum (normal gum, not that nicotine shit). Just doing SOMETHING instead of the other thing works really well

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jesus if you're that desperate you're too far gone. just keep drinking and eventually you'll have no choice but to stop.

Smoking weed helped me kick the booze

Actually bad solution, cause the effect of weed is quite different than the alcohol's. However, weed is, let's say, way less unhealthy than alcohol. I also quit drinking, even though I was no addictfag like op. Now I have one or two joints a week and I'm fine.

I found my little brother dead two months ago. He hung himself when he was drunk. I swore to myself I’d never drink again. Two days after that, was a downward spiral of Xanax, weed, booze. It’s been two months like this. I know I can stop, but how do I get to the point werei actually want to stop?

Today is his birthday. He would have been 22. Happy Birthday, Vincent. I love you.

go to your grandparents country on holiday
repair yourself with the love there
swear an oath not to touch the booze anymore

That's been my excuse for a number of years user. "I can stop if I want to... I just don't want to"

you need to realize its harming you and make the choice to stop drinking it, nobody can do it for you.Try switching alcohol with something else less harmful, or just tell yourself you wont drink and do it.

Start smoking tobacco

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Cheaper (unless you have a stupid high tolerance and have a Q a day habit) If like me you were only ever a casual user, a ten bag would last me about 2 days a good size 1/8 would last me a week aslong i didnt share it with friends.

£20 a week as opposed to my current 30-40 a week on beer/ whiskey seems favorable.

>one or two joints a week.
>now im fine

Implying two joints is acceptable

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soft psychadelics cure addiction

find a dealer
do a huge hit of mushrooms
after that smoke an occasional joint or something
do exercise
read on it, its poison


you should contact your local firefighters, if you drink that much beer you must be a walking fire hose!

start doing heroin

I buy Qs at a time and it lasts me legit months. I just have a cone or two on Fridays or Saturdays and I'm more than happy with that level of usage. Sometimes I forget I have the stuff and get the boys over for a smoke up

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what if he wasnt worth pissing on to put out a fire?
self immolation could be an answer

If absolutely any of that applied to you, I would accept that argument.

Except you dont use hemp fiber for making shoes and clothes and instead smoke the stuff for the high. You have no practical or cultural reason to and as such, are a degenerate

The guy makes a good point

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Marijuana > Alcohol


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Yeah, would always end up finding a few joints worth randomly when tidying the house like "...guess i'm getting baked tonight".

What are your thoughts on mixing alcohol and weed? I've found that if in a social situation and both are used in moderation it can make for a good night. When i'm high i tend to get lost in my own thoughts and go a bit quiet if i'm with other people, alcohol balances that out a bit with the confidence boost. I'm far from a quiet person but weed just makes me too reculsive. Partly why i stopped smoking