Why is it wrong to be gay?

Why is it wrong to be gay?

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because god said so

you start writing bots that post the same thread every day and that is fun
not as fun as slurping on juicy dick all day of course

because its disgusting

if u want to be with men as a man id say you dont know much about the world and are wired fucking from, ur a degenerate disgrace

God said too much sexual pleasure is bad.

>will never have children
>very high chance to have AIDS and many other STDs
>likely to abuse drugs
>prone to pedophilia and domestic violence
>weak, pathetic and useless
>simply disgusting

the only person touching your wee wee should be you, your parents and your priest
everything else is against god

When you grow up, you'll realize not to care what other people think

That's some weird bait.. Right?

>you dont know much about the world and are wired fucking from
this is an english-speaking forum, mohammad. try again.

It's not.
>I'm bisexual.

what if god doesn't exist? would you still hold this view? why?

Of course not. Kill yourself you mentally ill faggot.

what a retard

you lose all interest in women and babies

it's cruel to leave women starving for attention! and we need babies for smooth 80 year-old millionaire faces!

Sauce pl0s

And.... no, thete's nothing wrong about gay

Now, sauce, pl0s

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Having sex with men adds no value to your life, you increase your chances of catching stds ten fold for nothing. Gay romance is okay though.

>Having sex with any gender adds no value to your life, you increase your chances of catching stds ten fold for nothing.
get a fucking job

No, woman at least make men feel very good about themselves and give them reason to live and strive, most homosexuality has the same vibration level as fapping to porn or eating junk food, its not evil, but its self destructive and wasteful.

i think you just went full retard. you should never go full retard.

Except for, you know, having kids, the only actual purpose of sex and life.

Straight guy here who doesn't give a shit who you fuck as long as they are a consenting adult.

Every "reason" out there basically boils down to one these:
>Sex for anything other than procreation is wrong (because biology or because God)
>It's icky
There's a shit-ton of hypocrites invoking the first "reason" while wanking to porn and fucking people who they aren't actively trying to knock up. I'll let you decide just how idiotic the 2nd reason is.

oh yea, i see all those people having kids and planning families in the streets on friday night.
very upstanding citizens looking responsibly after the future of our country.

Those people are depressed and empty inside, hence why they resort to casual sex and drugs. They all try to forget about how shitty and meaningless their life is.

you're acting as if we aren't talking about people who resort to casual sex and drugs.
>Gay romance is okay though.

let's look at this from two angles:

1) "being gay is wrong because it doesn't lead to procreation / advancement of the species."

this line of thought is a bit odd, because it assumes that the entire purpose of sex is procreation. By logical extension, anytime anyone has sex and it doesn't result in offspring, they are being just as degenerate as gay sex. Condoms? Just as degenerate. coming on a woman's face? just as degenerate.

this line of thinking also assumes that someone's only worth to humankind is being able to provide children, which is also pretty odd. Many straight people never had kids but largely advanced society. Many gays have advanced society; for instance Turing.

(Sidenote: we are currently getting dangerously close to overpopulating our planet, so an argument could be made that having kids is disadvantageous to the species atm. Not my personal belief but worth noting.)

2) being gay is unhealthy, gross, unsanitary, etc

this really comes down to several bad habits in the gay community, and doesn't really have much to do with being gay itself. there's quite a lot of "straight" fetishes that are pretty fucked up, health risks, dangerous, but people don't raise a stink about them. why? the difference is you don't know the average straight person's fucked up desires; however, the average gay person, as a counter-push against being marginalized for years, has made an effort to put his sexuality in your face. I'm not saying this is right or wrong; it's just basic human psychology. after being persecuted for years, rather than just live their lives and be normal humans, they make it a point to be the GAYEST person possible and let everyone know it. this skit is a really good example of that, and also a good example that they are a vocal minority:


tl dr, there's nothing wrong with being gay, unless you think sex is only for procreation, though some gay guys are annoying af because they have something to prove

Really? Show me one quote in the Bible where God or Christ said anything at all about Homosexuality? (It does not count if Levi Paul or James said it on Gods behalf.) I would like a single quote attributed to God or Christ?

Trust me you can not do it.

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There is no such thing as gay romance, it's always pure sodomy.

Because religious cunts want to have power and control, so the more they restrict your freedoms like sexuality by means of shaming, hating, ridiculing, etc. the more control they HAD, (which they used to get rich and abuse kids), it's all fading away now though (because of course you dirty bastards got caught fiddling kids), we're finally starting to head toward a world where personal choices that harm no one, remain just that, and accountability comes for those whose choices DO harm people. Live For Progress


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read

it's bad for the economy

It’s not convenient or optimal for the bottom tbh and adult diapers is the reason

im gay and this is 100$ accurate

>If you want to eat pork I'd say you don't know much about the world And are wired fucking from, ur a degenerate disgrace

See how you're arbitrary rebuttal has no validity since it basically assumes credibility without evidence? Why do you think about homosexuals gratuitously anyway? Does it make you feel insecure with your own sexuality?

>pure sodomy

There is no such thing as a Christian other than Christ. No one exhibits all the "Fruits of the Spirit" We all fail the "By their fruits you shall know them test." Sodom was not destroyed for Sexual reasons read the Bible.

"They hardened their hearts, and became a law unto themselves." - Genesis 19

it's too much fun and repressed people get jealous and want to bash your head in.
it removes the societal pressure to self-sacrifice for the creation of new workers for the economic growth machine.

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You're certainly an odd one, tell me this, have you engaged in homosexual activity?
If not, how do you know what "vibration level" it feels like?

This. No man will ever inspire, support or satisfy another man like a woman can, let alone share with him the unique bond of having children together.

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>"vibration level"
i think he's a new-age leftover

this is not true
>anybody can satisfy you if you are on the same level

>No man will ever inspire, support or satisfy another man like a woman can
that's a weird demand. good luck with enforcing it.

I'm not even religious. Giving into your instincts for extremely-short-term gratification is simply immoral.

Literally, he's a homosexual

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way to miss the point, buddy lol

Why is it immoral exactly?

i'm not who you're responding to, but, serious response; why? if no one gets hurt as a result, why is it bad?

nearly every pass time that humans engage falls under this category. watching TV is short term gratification.

who cares that someone in their free time enjoys watching TV, or playing video games, or fucking dudes, or what?

What does "same level" even mean? You cannot have children with someone of your same sex, that alone proves you cannot be satisfied by any of them.

Because it's what animals do. Would you rather feel pleasure in this very moment, or feel happy and satisfied for several years in the future? Taking care of yourself and of the people around you is moral, destroying everything is not.

you can allways adopt children, loving something doesnt have to do anything with dicks and vaginas mixing reproduction has

Why can't people just do whatever makes them happy?
How come some people think that they can decide for others whats normal or acceptable?

It's your choice.
Don't be an asshole.

Animals also eat, drink, procreate, show affection to each other, mostly in a heterosexual way in fact, so again, why is it immoral? Also homosexuality doesn't destroy anything, there are countless homosexual couples who raise children who straight people were too immoral to look after in the first place

there are several gay men who have been in long lasting relationships that have lasted years. not sure what you're saying.

do you think that there's some sort of pact that gay guys sign that says they can't take care of people around them?

what is your basis for "taking care of yourself and people around you?" because i'm not really understanding how fucking a dude (or another chick, if you're female) makes that no longer possible.

Actually it has, because it's natural for your genes to want to propagate themselves. It's impossible to love an adopted child in the same way you would love your own child as they don't share the same genes; the males of lions and many other species kill the offspring of other males for this exact reason.

I don't think that dying of AIDS or colon cancer makes anyone happy, but maybe I'm wrong.

welp i gues i am a lion typing on a keyboard i guess

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You just asked the most important question, "how come some people think that they can decide for others what's normal or acceptable"
The answer is control freaks, immoral people who want everything done their way and their way only, they're mostly just afraid of not being able to control themselves.


what an understatement haha

>Also homosexuality doesn't destroy anything
Except your own health and the lives of others around you.

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Straight people get those conditions too, also aids was originally introduced to gay and black communities by white, upper class, heterosexual males, way to pwn yourself bud...

Relationships based on sodomy can last for many years, see fuck buddies, couple swingers and cuckold bulls. Still not moral.

so; what would you rather? the adopted child just die, abandoned by its parents... or have it be raised by gay parents who "presumably" love it less (I think the notion that these parents love it less is immeasurable and absurd but I'm willing to give you this for the sake of this argument)

As a side note, there are a lot of very interesting dissertations about gay animals in the animal kingdom - that is to say, in animals that are NOT human. Yes, there are gay animals that exist other than humans. And as far as scientists can tell, they are the result of a lack of nurturers in whichever species that is (nurturers typically being female). In other words, scientists have found compelling evidence that homosexuality arises as a necessity, not as a random mutation.

For people who are super into shit being "natural," you guys are all too willing to immediately disregarded anything as being different from yourselves as "natural." If homosexuality truly had no evolutionary advantages, it would essentially not exist. This is just pure mathematics and science.

>kids are gross
>practice safe sex and use condom
>where are your facts
>go look at like any gay guy ever . They are ether ripped are medium build
>that's a opinion not a fact .

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Yeah, because of anal sex, i.e. sodomy.

Because objective truth exists
Therefore objective morality exists.

That objective morality includes all things including sexuality.

Since truth exists the concept of perversion exists.

Homosexuality is degenerate perverts. Men cramming their cocks in each others assholes as they pretend to be women, and a bunch of commies who don't believe the truth exists exclaim that its beautiful love.

The op asks why being bay is bad and the pic he choose is a metal chain tearing out of a Mans asshole.

Point made.

so is any relationship that doesn't result in offspring amoral?

I'd rather have the child raised by a proper family. Children need both a mother and a father, there's no questioning that.

And yes, sodomy exists among animals as well, same as cannibalism and infanticide, doesn't make it any better.

We're not living wild in the jungle fucknugget, also if you couldn't love an adopted child as
much as one who's genes you share, then you're the immoral, shitty person, not homosexuals.

No he didn't. Your book of lies and tales may have but thats all rubbish anyway.

You burn in hell for eternity.

This behavior must be stopped through deterrence.

The claim about homosexuality being natural is nonsense.

The best they've actually found is animals humping each other when there's a lack of females, or homosexuality as dominance.

They've never found homosexual pair bonding.

They've found bay sheep with hormonal disorders who think they're girl sheep.

Stop trying to justify a mental disorder.

>implying today's straight couples aren't just as big of sodomites as gay couples


Trolling now is all

I think that you know very little about the world to come out with a comment like that

mother and father couples willing to adopt and nurture aren't readily available. that's my point.

the idea that i'm putting forward is that homosexuality is an evolutionary advantage that our species has mutated into as a result of a large amount of heterosexual couples not being interested in rearing the children that they've bred.

so you're a virgin? if you've ever fucked a girl and not had a child you're immoral

Why would I love someone who doesn't share my genes more than someone who does? That's cuckoldry. Personality, morals and values are another story, but that doesn't apply to children.

Still doesn't make homosexuality ok.

>as they pretend to be women

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Why don't you lube yourself up, find a nice big stud with a big veiny cock and lt him slide it slowly, but forcefully into your asshole, stretching it to pleasuretown, then you can comment on what being "gay" is (we're all bisexual, it comes with the whole intelligent thought package)

Or its a mental disorder that about 2.5 percent of the population suffers from.

Men going crazy with lust of for other men's assholes has nothing to do with raising children.

at this point you seem like a troll, but


two key points:

there are several homosexual animals that raise children, flamingos is one

every single species that has sex has been observed participating in homosexuality. every single one.

If you're going to condemn homosexuality from a religious standpoint you better never have had a blowjob or gone down on a girl in your whole life


You are naturally supposed to have sex only with someone you are planning to build a family and future together with. Mistakes can happen I guess, but anything else is sodomy, it's not even debatable.

> tolerating homosexuality has led to an increase in anal cancer in women
Huh, would not have seen that coming.

Because I'm not a faggot.

"Were all bisexual"

Even gays?

That is such a post modern nonsense assertion.

You really are this stupid?, what an utter dim witted nobber

I'm a fag and I dont wanna do any of this hardcore fetish shit
I just want a soft bf to cuddle with

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Never throughout history were homosexuals in charge of taking care of kids left without parents, so saying that it's an evolutionary advantage is just stupid. Homosexuality is at best a recurring genetic disorder, at the same level of the Down syndrome.

damn sorry to hear you're a virgin user

There is no issue if you do it with someone you're already having kids with.

>Implying gay sex makes women have far more anal cancer than men

Oh you think men liking men is a mental disorder? So sayeth the crazies, who as fully grown fuckin' adults, believe in the most ridiculous fairytales, you're suffering the echo effect of childhood brainwashing, fuckface, you should get that disorder fixed. (they were only brainwashing you so they could take your family's money and your virginity btw).

except the mental capacity of a homosexual often stays the same
Alan Turing was a pretty good example of this
>INB4 if hes so smart why is he dead
Because he was put in prison at first and then put on shitty 1940s psychological medication

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It's the same kind of sodomy.