People you are almost 100% certain browse Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>stefan memeneux
>alex jones and his reporters
>trump from time to time
>ben "the manlet" shapiro (although, he might be browsing the Sup Forums archives -- but the content is the same)
Milo yianwhatever already admitted to browsinng
Angela Merkel.
>captcha pickup trucks
I'm not even sure if I browse Sup Forums
I'm absolutely sure Phil Labonte lurks Sup Forums, there's no way he doesn't. He even says 'kek'. He never outright mentions it but you can tell.
Can't believe this wasn't the first post
I was born in it, molded by it.
Assad. Without a fucking doubt.
>not niggering the legacy captcha
Maybe not him, but his people do
He's definitely here with us
John Cena
I'm pretty sure there are russian bots posting memes all over the internet. Its top tier propaganda.
In our hearts and minds.
I like the smug cunt, but hes a bernout
he never posts, but we can all feel his gaze
Good chunk of Nordic Metal band members.
t. Nordic Metal band member
sauce on that claim?
no he's not he endorsed Trump on his twitter
The Bernie sticker behind him in all his videos
>implying a russian robot is not in the white house
Hitler would gas her for the propaganda of degeneracy.
Probably looking for help on the Clinton case, besides you know what
he said he'd vote Trump over Hillary on his twitter at least
He isn't.
He donated to Bernie telling him to buy an economics book.
Looks like Benzema
>like an ironic joke thing
what a faggot
FBI reads this board
hello FBI agent, KGB is so much better
no doubt
Well I wasn't wrong then. Aside from the board maybe. I wouldn't doubt that he's wandered over a few times.
I think Shkreli has potential but I'm convinced he doesn't browse Sup Forums because of stuff like this.
It's like he wants to be based, but just fucks it up at the last moment.
Like raising the price on the AIDS drug then pretending he didn't do it to kill gay niggers.
He is defiantly a forum regular. Or at least he was for awhile.
because he knows that the majority of the so called alt right consists of basement dwelling losers who jerk of to asian drawings
such deep knowledge requires several field studies beforehand
I thought trump called him "a spoiled brat" or something along those lines
Ben browses sheekyforums.
Wrong. He posts here all the time newfriend.
he just had a meltdown because we always trolled him on twitter
there's only a few types of avatars we use on twitter:
trump pepe
yeah, he's close, just needs to find himself here one day
he did
and no
they never were_
>trump from time to time
wasnt it confirmed that one of this sons must be browsing because he posted family photos on here that could nowhere else be found?
I'm willing to bet he is, just doesn't always camwhore.
>he thinks voting for a known liar and meme candidate is stupid, so he's clearly inferior or not privy to profound and esoteric information that we get from Sup Forums
Jesus, you're only filling the stereotype of trump voters being complete morons.
that's nice, I'm still voting for Trump though
How did he get so based?
justin "Zyklon- Bieber"
>user sending a cum tribute of his daughter to his wife/mother on Twitter
Good times
Imagine getting paid to go on Sup Forums I'm not talking about all the cruzmissiles, shillary,bernout and cuck threads. I mean working for an intelligence agency.
>learning how to greentext
>trying to asitain the reason of dubs
>slowly becoming red pilled
>naming your son pepe
James Woods
check my digits lad
Mossad agents so you better really be behind 7 proxies
Is that a tattoo of Ron Paul inside a heart?
We don't get any Ukrainians here
No everyone was asking to confirm that but never did
Michael "Ku Klux Kramer" Richards
isn't this guy from All That Remains? if so, where does his says kek? songs or interviews?
Ben "Pulling the trigger on every nigger"
Ben "Unloading my 9 at the welfare line"
Ben "when niggers die I don't cry" Garrison
>Meme candidate
Doesn't make him any less than the best hope we have for securing a future for our people
I love ATR. What If I Was Nothing gets me every fucking time ;_;
Mike Cernovich
Think on it. Sup Forums has almost literal enforced anonymity nowadays. Even celebrities - or especially them - can't camwhore for attention here because of the potential political backlash.
Hollywood is composed of Sup Forumstards . They hate the Jews because they have to follow their agenda .
ask anything
>ask anything
....eh, did Hitler do anything wrong?
Great band!
>believes in not abolishing the fed, believes in expanding the NSA, believes in renewing the Patriot Act
Yeah, securing quite a future for someone.
How can I marry her?
you forgot Ben "The Ten Ton Tel Aviv Terror" Garrison
who is this guy?
Its surprising how fast they jumped on some local bandwagons in resent seasons.
hacker called Sup Forums