Didn't this kind of thing die because women and SJWs thought they were misogynist and patriarchal?

Didn't this kind of thing die because women and SJWs thought they were misogynist and patriarchal?

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,no, that's gay

It died because men are too scared to even ask a girl out, instead they talk to the girl and act like a friend to them and wait months to make any kind of move, then they cry over being rejected.

Can we bring back women who aren't cunts?

Probably because asking a girl can result in the cops being called.

Women aren't that bright, and have a lot of trouble with complex ideas like "cause and effect".

They wanted to be nothing but sex toys (because offering anything else useful to a man is wrong, for some reason) - let them be disposable, replaceable pocket-pussy substitutes.

You're severely retarded if serious

Unwanted advances (ex.: asking a girl out) is sexual misconduct, breh. Which is illegal.

No, he's seriously correct.

You might be "alpha, bruh" enough that it hasn't happened to you yet.


I don't want to lose my job because of a sexual harassment claim.

The VP agrees with you.

no, basically it died because the sexual revolution has slowly killed all semblance of normal human courting rituals. Even the concept of taking a woman on a date and buying her things in order to win her over is a relatively new idea, in the really old days if you wanted a woman you had to go through her parents first and had to prove to them that you were worth a shit and could provide.

Women used to have a pretty good deal, then they started giving up more and more of it in exchange for "freedom". In 2018 freedom basically means putting pictures of herself on a phone app and having random sex with hundreds of guys until eventually her looks run out and she realizes she should have snagged a husband while she could, because she has no talents worth speaking of and is required to get a job and work the same as a man, again thanks to all that wonderful "freedom" that feminism has brought her. Sucks to be them.

>Women used to have a pretty good deal, then they started giving up more and more of it in exchange for "freedom". In 2018 freedom basically means putting pictures of herself on a phone app and having random sex with hundreds of guys until eventually her looks run out and she realizes she should have snagged a husband while she could, because she has no talents worth speaking of and is required to get a job and work the same as a man, again thanks to all that wonderful "freedom" that feminism has brought her. Sucks to be them.
(almost) Trips of truth. Quoted for you to read again.

America is fucking gay haha I'm glad I live in a superior country


>Didn't this kind of thing die because women and SJWs thought they were misogynist and patriarchal?
Nope, it's because women are cunts

It happens to guys who aren't extremely attractive. Women can easily mislabel you a "creep / stalker" while excusing the same behavior from someone else.

This can result in a lot of trouble for you. Happened to me, in a way. My best friend's girl told everyone I was a creep, and when I tried to disprove that, my friend stopped talking to me.

>I'm glad I live in a superior country
>that I incidentally can't even name

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>because women and SJWs thought they were misogynist and patriarchal?
>Nope, it's because women are cunts
I failed to see how these two are mutually exclusive.

> In 2018 freedom basically means putting pictures of herself on a phone app and having random sex with hundreds of guys
Get your prude ass out of here. Not only is this blatantly not true it pretty much makes me think you're some kind of a religious nut. Because only a retarded religious nut would bring up sex as a problem and exagerate it like women are fucking everything they see. You're just AS retarded as the SJWs are.

Australia cunt

Exactly correct. Search out the OKCupid graph for the female definition of "extremely attractive".

What a leftie shithole that's not worth bothering with.

Sauce: I'm in that shithole, too.

Why are conservatives even on Sup Forums, its basically an oxymoron

Sorry that you're such a soft cunt lol

Well, you were asking for a specific reason. It wasn't because of the SJWs, directly but because opening doors (for anyone, honestly) is just a nice thing to do and I'm not doing nice things for those who cannot act in a reciprocal matter.

I do this for my gf ironically.

I do do that. But I'm in my 40s and was brought up to do all that

Sorry you're such a lying cunt. Hope you get glassed and cored, shitstain.

Except you've never set foot in a pub, or even outside your mum's house. That's the only way you can be so ridiculously ignorant of A) women and B) this country.

it did.
but in my experience,
most of the females i talk to,
including my wife,
really, REALLY hate all this 3rd wave feminism BS.

thank god, the real world still has way more of them "old school women" then the internets.

but it may also be because i'm actually 40 and the chicks i hang out with have a different mindset then the ones in their early twenties.

when on a date with a girl from tinder, i called our meeting a date.... she said, calling it a date puts pressure on a woman. i told her, if that's true then woman are pussies.
date over.

I'm yet to meet a woman under the age of 40 worth the air she breathes. They're only good for fucking, so that's what I do.

>wants equality with preferential treatment

Isn't that just called superiority?

Wah wah stop crying you little homo lol

Go be a loser somewhere else, user. The grown-ups are talking.

Shh, you're not supposed to mention that. That's misogynist.

I'm glad you were being honest about it. And you're completely right. If mere words bring you discomfort then you probably need a shrink or a firm bitchslap.

Just like at work when I said "if your biggest merit is being a woman, then you're damn useless as a person". And the coworkers were like "how could you say that?" until someone started thinking and suggested it makes sense because biological sex is not a merit. Dumbshits.

My last date

>meet up with chubby white 23 year old chick from OKcupid for first date
>take her out for drinks
>We got to porn store afterwards
>I buy her a new vibrator
>"I'll buy it for you, but you have to let me watch you test it out"
>End up back at her place
>she lives with parents, so we sneak in
>Fuck her, pull out and cum in her mouth
>make her suck me 3 more times that night, mostly sucks on my sweaty balls
>blow every load in her mouth
>go home and never call her again
>she texts every day for a week asking to hang until finally giving up when I respond with maybe and other one word answers

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>someone started thinking
>in a workplace
Shit - make sure you hold onto your job, user.

i'd say 35, but yeah, you are pretty much right.

50s style traditional "honorable" dating can only exist in that civilizations early stages, when religion, maintaining a family and living with integrity actually mattered and had an effect of your social standing. Remember when men wore suits and hats unless you were a blue colar worker where it was acceptable to when hardy work clothes? When TV's most shocking words were, gosh and golly gee willerkers.

That shit can't happen in advanced stages of degenerate society.

Don't worry, I'm not planning on being there forever.
But a job is a job. At least it wasn't people who have to make decisions.


>pumped'n'dumped fattie then goes full SJW
>faggot later complains about too many SJW's around

inb4 whiteknight

nope -- just a friendly remind that women went fully sluttywhoring and you're helping them to go further.

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>That shit can't happen in advanced stages of degenerate society.
You should join the SJWs, prude cunt.


There are very few benefits to keeping a woman around anymore - why not take virtually the only one left?

It's not about sex, it's about the dissappearence of courting rituals.
Which have disappeared in parts due to the internet/nude pics and availibilty of sexual partners for either gender.
You don't have to court for days or weeks, if you can get someone to come scratch that itch and leave in an hour.

I ain't doing shit for women anymore. Society can die for all I care.

what are you so assblasted about anyway? go fuck some STD infested slag if you unironically enjoy this degenerate hookup culture so much.

man are so shy
>Man makes a move
Oh my god you perv

That's how you sound sweetheart

Come back with the most shittiest rebuttal

>>definitely ignorant with women.

You're severely wrong user, this shit actually happens

Because not even a slut infested with VD will touch him.

I thought this quite obvious from his whingy-whiny tone.

same thread with same replies posted every hour... fuck off Russian bots.

>I don't like what I'm reading.
Fuck off, retard.

It's almost like you want her to make up her mind about you herself. But then they seemingly never do, so you have to trick them into thinking they want to be with you. Only to later realize that she never truly wanted to and will leave you for the next guy.
That's somewhat avoidable, by letting the woman pick her mate herself and not have guys presenting to her, until she gives in and settles for one.

>HOWTO: destroy your civilisation with single mothers, criminals, soyboys and whores

I don't give a fuck about the content, in fact I agree that modern women are trash. it's that this exact same thread and a bunch of the same replies was here an hour ago and this shit happens every fucking day constantly.

Then go to another thread?

There's a nice trap thread over there that might be more to your tastes.


"OMG met a dude on Tinder, dinner at a fancy place (tab was on him), kissed, had sex, but really really it wasn't a date".
Yes, it was PROSTITUTION. Even if you labeled it a "date".

>the dissappearence of courting rituals.

They didn't "disappear".
They went totally apeshit overcomplex paranoid.

Mating ritual 100 years ago:
- be sober, have a job
- choose a young virgin, if her father is not OK then switch to next one, else marry her and fuck like rabbits for decades

Mating ritual 50 years ago:
- have a good job and a good car
- choose a woman, hope she's virgin, hope she will fall for you, marry

Mating ritual today:
- have a high paying job, own large house, be 6ft
- pick a woman, don't expect she's virgin
- treat her like a queen until she divorce-rapes you


other threads I want to post in get pushed off the bottom by retarded political bot spam. is it too much to ask for them to at least slow their fucking pace?

Fine, let's say they drastically changed into a less extensive and elegant form.

Yes. This is Sup Forums. Go find another board with lower traffic (which is... erm... ALL OF THEM) if you can't keep up.

> let me live in a society where man have to do all the work, take all the risk and responsibility, while women stay at home, doing whatever they want to

Sounds much better than an equal society, where everybody has to be capable, educated, confident and so on. But I guess you find fullfillment in serving others. Slaving away, while your poor wife gets to stay at home, with the kids, getting fucked by her neighbour.
> inb4 that didn't happen back then

You are fucking retarded for thinking this is what makes someone "real".

Good strawman. Particularly the part where I actually enjoy watching this civilisation destroy itself. I get sluts any time I please, and I don't have to give them a damn thing for them spreading.

You weren't to know this ahead of time. But stop with the binary thinking - it makes you look like a downie.

Niiiice work douchebag

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don't make me dump my folder ...

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But you were implying that given women choices and expecting them to have sound judgement leads to the downfall of society right?
So the only working form would be one, where they do not get to do that.

> le edgy nihilist

Yeah it was feminazis that killed that not men

>But you were implying that given women choices and expecting them to have sound judgement leads to the downfall of society right?

But remember who allowed them those choices, with thousands of years of evidence behind us demonstrating their childishness and utter inability to handle such responsibility.

The next civilisation will, hopefully, not be so stupid.

What makes women so special to where I gotta do all those things because there's a cunt and not cock between her legs? She's got a job, some arms, some legs, and other shit that allow her to do that herself.

I mean, we both sort of agree what has happened and whose in parts to blame.
It just seems to me, the better option would be to collectively force women to grow up, by cutting of their male supporters. Thereby creating a society in which everybody is capable of supporting themselves. Instead of having one group rely on the other.
I imagine that it would be possible to change towards that today, but of course there are so many far more important things, like perpetual warfare.

While your solution is sound, I'm pretty sure it's too late for that, user.

We're now up to three generations of single mothers, producing damaged, stupid, lazy, worthless offspring. "Cutting off their male supporters", at this point, entails nothing less than the extermination of beta males.

Seriously, while I hate betas on a personal level, as a group, they're very useful. They fund me (through their wage-slavery and tax dollars), and provide me an endless supply of bored housewives to fuck.

This civilisation is going down. I don't care enough to try to save it. But by golly, I'm going to get my use out of it before it dies.

>Real dates
They don't like the word but a one on one in the beginning stages is a date whether they admit it or not. If things don't work out after a few of those abandon ship
>Opening the car door
They don't give a shit about this
>Bringing flowers for no reason
They do like this but only if they're interested first

Honestly, fat bitches are not wife materiel anyway.
Especially fat bitches that fuck on the first date, and for that I blame the jews.

Yeah, I constantly flipflop between
> if we start now and keep at it, we can build a utopia
> fuck it, you guys spend the last century fucking up human society, you're also responsible for untangeling it, i'm gonna have my share of fun now.

I think a lot of problems with the male/female dynamic stems from men letting women behave like children. If we stop with the special treatment, they're forced to grow up. But of course, people like you benefit from them being childlike. Meaning impulsive/emotional/etc. So you don't have incentive to force them to grow up.

I mean, you're right, it's all pretty fucked, but there are also so many improvements/changes/new concepts we could try to apply, in order to better our society. Yet everything seems to be getting worse. It's like we're all a bunch of children playing and screaming at each other and no adults around to correct us.


What, walking all the way around and opening a door that she's capable of opening herself?
2018, really? Cutting plants for what exactly?

>men are too scared to even ask a girl out, instead they talk to the girl and act like a friend to them and wait months to...
>instead they talk to the girl
This helps one discover if she's really the girl for you. Try it bro.
>and act like a friend
Well, technically speaking, we're trying to make a new friend. Someone who likes pizza and to get nekkid with you.
>them and wait months to
If she likes you, she'll let you know in a week or two, maybe three. You'll get the vibe, and ask her out. If you're still there months on in, that's the zone of friendship you've sailed into.

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This, so-called chivalry is out-dated tradition. Why do I gotta provide? Because I have a penis? That's retarded.

eat my ass. and welcome to Sup Forums

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There's a reason for that - and believe it or not, it's not the fucking kikes for once.

It's because ugly women know what they are: ugly and useless.

So, in desperate search of validation that they're attractive and desirable, the jump into bed with anything with a heartbeat.

This has a perverse (but logical) side-effect. If you plot cock-count against attractiveness, you find a weird, almost perfect-normal bell curve.

Truly unattractive women (the 1-3s) have low cock-counts because no man will stick their end into such a hideous beast.

Truly attractive women (the 7s, 8s and 9s - 10s don't actually exist (Google to find out why)) have surprisingly low cock-counts for a different reason: they have so many suitors swimming around them, they can afford to be choosy, and they don't need to dangle sex in front of them like a carrot. Failure to perform exactly to spec results in ejection, often with blue balls.

This leaves the average women, who are unattractive enough to need the validation, but attractive enough to get a fair strike rate from the men they throw themselves at.

TL;DR: If you want to get an STD, grab a 5/10 girl. They're fucking bicycles.

I like how the man can miss the signal and it's still his fault.
> hey, I'm a guy and I'd like to spent time with you, preferably naked
> 3 weeks later
> So? What do you think, do we have a chance?
> well, I smirked at you last week and you didn't ask me out, so now you're in the friendzone

Yep, a lot of women don't deserve that treatment at all.

Perverse incentives create perverse outcomes.

Believe it or not, I have no issue with you judging me. I know what I'm doing is wrong - especially when magnified through the millions of other Red Pill men out there.

And somehow, Enter posted the last before I was finished.

I was going to add: you're damn tootin' on

> fuck it, you guys spend the last century fucking up human society, you're also responsible for untangeling it, i'm gonna have my share of fun now

I didn't break it, I'm sure as fuck not going to fix it.

kek, if women 'got what they deserved', black eyes would increase by 30,000%


Yeah, i mean in the end it's usually not the common man who ushers in a new way of thinking or society. So I can hardly blame you for making the best out of a bad situation.

It's just sad to me, that most of us have resigned to a mediocre/superficial life now and a horrible future, instead of a hard life today and decent future. Worst part is, those who got us into this situation, still think they did their best and that newer generations are despicable for not cleaning up their mess.

>it's not the fucking kikes for once
actually it is
>beauty standard enforced by hollywood
>and who controls hollywood?

ahahaha get out of your bubble dude


>beauty standard enforced by Hollywood

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I still do this and am proud of upholding great traditions.

In germany, they just accepted to a new regulations that when you catcall, can make you pay fines. Mans choice over there. Feminists probably.

>This helps one discover if she's really the girl for you. Try it bro.
fake and gay.

it doesn't take too much to have a grasp of her attitude, her values, her lifestyle. You may realize she's good for you even without dating her (as long as you don't confuse infatuation with love, as long as you don't subjugate reason to love). today men want to date because it implies some intimacy (if she says you're "dating", it means you're out of the fucking friendzone), and because they know the fucking braindamaged mating ritual in the 21st century requires them to act like retarded beggars.

when society valued virginity, the only sluts were confined into brothels. also, you were able to marry a woman you never saw before, because her family and her society firmly affirmed lifetime loyalty, faithfulness, being lovely at the husband even when he's drunk. as long as you were sober and had a decent job, you were eligible as a husband and entitled to a virgin loyal girl.

today virginity is seen as an illness, the only virgin females confine themselves into monasteries, and you have to go through an absurdly complicated courting ritual, while avoiding the dangers of becoming a betaprovider, a friendzoned, a cuck, a divorceraped looser.

>tl,dr: Jews won

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Yeah, I'm sure a couple women on Twitter who you've never met have seriously degraded the dating situation in your parent's basement.

I am chivalry on legs. Still doing my bit. Please please please pay attention but I don’t ever put myself on video, nor do I take any photographs. Fuck off all of that .

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