You know it fags. It is time for some serious gun control

You know it fags. It is time for some serious gun control.

1.) Muh, self protection.
You gunlovers are stuck in an arns race with the 'criminals'. When the police has a monopoly on firearms (and enough manpower) that would protect us well enough. It works in all civilized societies in the world (Europe, eastern Asia). There is only one winner in the firearms race in the US: the arms producers.

2.) Muh, defending ourselved against the government.
Sum dumbasses keep promoting the idea that armed civilians would be able to defend themselves against our own government, by simple outnumbering of the police and armed forces. This is total bullshit, because it assumes that one one side there is all civilians and on the other side there is the government. Reality, of course, would be that - whatever the matter is - opinions in the society are divided. So the war would not be armed civilists vs. government, some civilians would definitely support the armed forces (which probably would also disintegrate in two fractions). So, a full blown civil war. Again the winner is the arms industry, in this case they are promoting an arms race between civilians and the government authorities.

The arms industry is constantly fostering the fear in all parts of society, and is then selling their guns to all parties protect themselves. It is time to bring this to an end, implement strict gun control and give the police and armed forces the resources to protect us all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Sum dumbasses keep promoting the idea that armed civilians would be able to defend themselves against our own government, by simple outnumbering of the police and armed forces. This is total bullshit,

Viet Nam
...we hsd better weapons, tanks ect ect, thats a war the smerkcan government lost vs a less powerful force

American revolution.
Won vs a more powerful force.

Please read more, i love you

Also check out how then-world power Russia got it's shit handed to it by Afghani guerrillas.
You're aggressively stupid.
Fix that.

The Vietnam war was largely lost on the homefront, with ever diminishing support, the American government was pressured to pull out. Besides, it was a proxy war, so the USSR had a lot to do with the loss

The revolutionary war was only won because of French help and British bankruptcy after the 7 years war

Vietnamese aren't fat and lazy lol

Sup Forums should be renamed /JIDF/

Why are you shilling this here? Did Sup Forums tell you to fuck off again? You know that nobody of legal voting age even visits this board anymore, right?

>When the police has a monopoly on firearms (and enough manpower) that would protect us well enough
Because they helped the kids in Florida, right?

This. Also, a quarter of Americans fighting in Vietnam were drafted, and draftees are way less effective than professional soldiers.

Finally, some good bait!

And how "effective" do you think soldiers would be today if they were ordered to shoot their neighbors and countrymen?

you should really read the post before answering.

> Reality, of course, would be that - whatever the matter is - opinions in the society are divided. So the war would not be armed civilists vs. government, some civilians would definitely support the armed forces (which probably would also disintegrate in two fractions). So, a full blown civil war.

For sure you cling to your illusion that your guns will be used for a fight of the good guuy against the bad guys. Reality in the US is, that it is NOT like in Afghanistan or Vietnam where a people fought against a foreign enemy. In the US is a conflict between different parts of our society which is fanned by the arms industry.

The NRA is loving you, dumbfucks. Go buy some more guns for your war against our own people.

Soyboys need to leave Sup Forums.

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If the militant right were really interested in stopping tyranny, they'd have taken out the entire ruling class by now.
Combined with the interests of the founders in creating a feudal aristocracy with appearances of self-rule, the 2A has failed us, whatever its original intent.
Make the world a better place today. Shoot the ruling class.

I dunno, I bet some of those sick fucks would be into it.

Back when reloading after an inaccurate shot took roughly the same time as writing the constitution

>big hot topic shotting
>big poopy pants returd soyboy
>wants to impress imaginary GF with b8 thread
>lololololol guns is ebol!
>waits for anegery responses
>currently so giddy he actually forgets his pathetic nature for a few minutes

kinda happy for you i guess. kill yourself before the bliss ends

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good luck

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>implying effectiveness of weekend warriors
>likely has no Idea what a weekend warrior is
google it nigger

Porportionality and collateral damage retard. that all factors under jus ad bello. Idyit

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yea cause those work so well in high pop urban areas with unintelligeble civilian masses


I can feel the hate. Feels so good. I'll keep my guns.

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The problem is that kids aren't carrying guns, dumbass. If everyone was armed, there's no way a mass-shooting could ever take place.


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Everyone should be armed. That is true equality

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We think alike. Love the pic.

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i know right

this dummy op must not of seen the video of the M1a1 Abrams tank getting hijacked in iraq

I saw the bridge at the end, and the egg oscillator.

Op I understand your upsetti cause niggs are getting blatted and kids are playing irl cod, but the fact still stands that Op is gay and guns are never going away.

how do you control individual parts as they are not consider fire arms or weapons

fyi you cant

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This is some typical distortion of reality. Kinder eggs were banned in an effort to reduce smuggling. Guns are a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution. You can try to change it, but it will never happen.

funny how i haven't seen a counter to this argument that is valid yet.