Be 25

>be 25
>really attractive male but only 5'6
>get nothinf but meaningless sex with dumb women
>what do

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at least you have sex you faggot.

Stop Complaining

Don't call me a faggot if you're not getting laid lol.


Fuck off

Fuck why aren't you guys getting laid.

Grow taller.

Wow this is sadder than me.

First time here?

I tried growing taller, but it didn't really work

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Is that chris jones?

It isn't my first time, maybe I needed /adv/ not this baww shit


Self defense


Not a faggot I'm I'm getting laid. Unless of course if as a male, I sleep with a male. Which would make me a faggot, but I'm a male that sleep with women.

wear heels you idiot
you can also tie each of your limbs to horse and let them pull (ps : work for your dick too)

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>he doesn't know how people speak here
>he can't even reply
>claims he is not a newfag

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living the life, still complaining. STFU faggot