Is he gonna be ok, bros? ;__;

is he gonna be ok, bros? ;__;

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a good thing he hasn't got a gun to shoot himself with!

why do tumblr autists always have ridiculously retarded long-distance relationships?

Who is this autist and why should I care?

he is gay (looooser)

It's not just tumblr autists, all of them do it.

Just look at steam, fuckloads of weebs, bronies, and other autists have online relationships with people they hardly know.

Poor guy.

My best mate has done it twice.

First time was a fucking disaster. We were all 15 and it nearly destroyed our friendship group. We were all horny and jealous and she was good at manipulation.

The second one has gone great. They've been dating for 2 years and she's moving in with him now from Germany. It can work but in general it doesn't.

I swear he wasn't gay when this started
why do leftists always go fag?

>by a guy

Makes sense, this guy literally has less test than a woman.

Then again this guy is a fucking CWC level lolcow so I'm assuming he was trolled by someone in order to get this crying video out.


just when you thought fatgordon could not sink any lower

I can't wait for the day that he suddenly just stops uploading.

fucking look at him

I mean I don't like his political views, but he makes a decent point here. I can sympathize with him because I was in the same situation a month ago. I don't understand the point you are trying to convey, OP.

But even the fags don't want him
I've noticed the leftist pattern is
Normal>bi>full gay>tranny>suicide
I have a few friends on various stages of that

Look at him... Did you think he can have a real relationship?

So this guy is now confirmed to be a faggot?

>I've noticed the leftist pattern is
>Normal>bi>full gay>tranny>suicide


Again, using CWC as a template, this is pretty accurate.

Leftism is powered by self hatred.

I can't watch it fully, its too painful, tldw?

designated snack trays

I know it's accurate because I've seen it happen, the first sign is sharing a shitload of leftie stuff on facebook, then in a few months they start sucking dick
from there it's a few years to an hero or crippling addiction

What the fuck is this why does he have two fish eyes. Is he ill

Too much estrogen in the water supply in England.


How far is too far?

My current gf is 2:45 away, we see eachother about every week or so.

This guy is destined to commit suicide in the near future.

no way he would act like this if he wasn't so fucking ugly

She's fucking everyone around her, every week she gets to have you buy her dinner to get the taste of stale Chad cum out of her mouth.

I didn't think this was a real person

Fucking Britbongs, can't stand them

>What the fuck is this why does he have two fish eyes. Is he ill

Yes he's ill.

>tfw I talked to Gordon once
I still feel star struck.


CWC will never commit suicide. He's too powerful.

If there were ever a poster-boy for the untermensch, this is him

No, he looks like a lesbian.

Hahahaha he's a faggot? Who saw that coming?!

As a bi conservative and past lefty, you're talking shit.

They can't interact with people in person so can only form relationships online. Also long distance means they don't have to spend much time together, so neither one realises what a gimp their partner is

Gordon is actually an intelligent guy, he just cucks out on every single fucking issue because his body is so pumped with estrogen that he has a psychic feminine aversion to violence, conflict and all forms of right-wing politics.


>not just blue lefties

Go back to Germany then.

Man i sometimes wish i was bi. Would be nice to be attracted to the same sex when youre tired of womens shit after a while.

lol, I love that the guy clearly rejected Gordon because he's a freak and then told him "yeah sorry it's because of the distance :("

He's moderately above average and too arrogant to assume the left-wing papers can lie too, like most lefties

>as a faggot

So someone talked to him for a while and led him on and asked him out then said " wait we live far away nevermind" and broke off contact?

Its gr8, cuddles with your best buddy is pure

maybe you shouldnt have been a fat fuck communist.

He has a sword on the wall.

Someone call the police on him. He didn't bin that knife and now he needs to face the BBC in jail. I'm sure his scent alone will even disgust the niggers in jail so he will be alright.

>Calling anyone faggot

Why are hamsters so violent and politicly vocal?

>being a faggot

it's a pain, mate
especially when the fags are as bad as the women.

t. bifag

You're a faggot, lad.

A dick sucking faggot.

>being this butthurt

>being a faggot

>being a canadian

>sucking emu dicks

well lad, got me there.

This is how much a delusional waste of breath you are.

You are literally a dick sucking faggot and are trying to defend it.

CWC never went full gay
even as a tranny he still wants women, which makes him biologically straight

Gordo's a catch, he will have another CWC-tier boyfriend soon.

I hug my friends platonically

>he mentioned us

that bedside table is fucking filthy


Has anyone got the posts where he says his cum doesn't come out properly because of all the estrogen?

You are the delusional one here, faggot. You are seriously getting pissed off at my lifestyle that harms literally no one and is totally healthy, on an anonymous board full of circle-jerking alt-right faggots who can't hold a real conversation for the life of them, situated in a niche part of the internet for echo-chamber teens. It's really pathetic, user, because chances are we agree on most things.

I bet it boils your piss to know that Trump said he'd let Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner use whatever bathroom he wanted in Trump Tower.

he cant ejaculate because his fat rolls cover his knob end, mate

I'm happy for him. This is a redpilled moment for him. You know this is how 90% of Sup Forums Got redpilled.

Except for being a fag.

Ha I have a very lefty friend who entered the "Maybe Im bi" stage. He went on grindr and went on a date with a guy even. They didn't fuck though. But he recently met this girl (3 weeks) who he's already in love with...Hopefully this girl will knock the gay stage out of him. Though honestly if it ends up being a bad breakup I could for sure see him go full gay.

you new here mate?

shit nigger, just close the laptop and walk away.

>. You are seriously getting pissed off at my lifestyle that harms literally no one and is totally healthy

Uh well, that's not true. Gay have a significantly higher rate of STD's, and something like 1 in 5 have HIV. You guys are a fucking receptacle for diseases. Healthy is one of the last things I would call gays. Even worse that you guys are demanding to be allowed to donate blood now.

He's gonna starve bros

Triggering stormweenies is fun though. Half of Sup Forums is smart and the other half is dumb as a Berniecuck.

S'a good thing I ain't gay then. I'm not even promiscuous about it, I think it's degenerate.

you're completely right, mate.
the faggots are cancerous aids riddled sub humans who have fucked us on poltical shit for too long by making their marraige shit not a non-issue.

i for one do enjoy having sex with men and women, and i am aware of the dangers it presents.

im not prideful, but im not self hating

>my lifestyle that harms literally no one
>epidemic level STDS
>significantly more likely to abuse children
>significantly more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
>makes children think it's okay to be a disgusting pervert
>further destroys the family unit

Stop being a disgusting pervert if you don't want to be treated like one. It's as simple as that. You're a suck fucking pervert. Your lifestyle is not legitimate


Always a sure sign of a dumb-as-fuck post from a dumb-as-fuck poster.

He's got better luck being a fag. Fags will fuck anything, unlike women.

mmm... really makes u think

>>epidemic level STDS
>>significantly more likely to abuse children
>>significantly more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
>>makes children think it's okay to be a disgusting pervert
>>further destroys the family unit
Did you not read the part about me being conservative or are you gonna continue this cancer?

Did you not read the part where I called you a disgusting faggot? What's that have to do with being conservative? conservative fags are immune to disease and aren't pedophiles on level exponentially higher than straight men?

you have to go back


You need to learn how statistics work.

Let's say we have statistics that show people who are A do activity B at twice the rate of the general population. This doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion that people A are more likely to do activity B because B inherently follows A. It's equally possible that wanting to do B is and being A is caused by unrelated factor C, and B and A are both symptoms of C rather than A causing B. Or, it's possible that A tends to make people want to do B, but there is a subsection (A2) that bucks this trend and is no more likely to engage in B than the general population - so A is in fact split into A1 and A2. Perhaps people who are A do activity D at a higher rate, which causes activity C - so the correct thing to target then would be activity D, not people A.

The simple fact that people who are gay are more likely to abuse children does not logically lead to the conclusion that homosexuality causes child abuse. That's not to say that your statistics are wrong. If you grab any random homosexual the probability is higher that he abuses children than any random heterosexual. However, the conclusion that because of this statistic homosexuality causes child abuse is wrong. Homosexuality and child abuse might both be caused by something else, both being symptoms of the same problem. Maybe homosexuals have liberal sexual philosophies, which eventually leads to child abuse, meaning that child abuse can be curbed by targeting the intermediate (direct) cause, rather than merely the demographic of offender.

Etc. etc.

Basically, statistics is a multi-billion dollar field for a reason.

>gays significantly more likely to abuse children
>children who were abused significantly more likely to be gay
>children who were abused significantly more likely to abuse children when they grow up

Pretty safe to spot the trend here friendo. The "correlation doesn't equal causation" argument is a cop out when you've got such a significant trend and can't argue anything different.

how can a roach be so cute?

>"correlation doesn't equal causation" argument
It's not an argument. It's a fact.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Unless you can show the mechanism in reproducible experimental conditions, you have no evidence. Only aspersions. I don't concern myself with aspersions.

didn't know he was a fag, expected i guess

He's close to the edge.

Chris was never gay nor bi and even as a tranny hes a 'lesbian'

>Unless you can show the mechanism in reproducible experimental conditions
You can. As I said. A child who was abused is more likely to be gay. A child who is abused is more likely to abuse children. These are observed consistently.

but still
>implying constant correlation isn't evidence. >Implying consistantly made observations are useless
Might as well start accepting blood donations from fags too since it's just correlation they have significantly higher aids rates

>You can.
Then why haven't you?

>Might as well start accepting blood donations from fags too since it's just correlation they have significantly higher aids rates
This just shows the depth of your ignorance.

Refusing gay blood is a matter of probabilities, not empirical fact.

Discrimination against homosexuals ought to be a matter of empirical fact. If you discriminate based on probability you really do enter a slippery slope. Today - gays. Tomorrow - anime fans. Thursday? It might even be Canadians.

>Then why haven't you?
Because that's not my job. The people who's job it is are doing it for my by constantly collecting data that supports everything I said and never showing anything other than that trend.

>If you discriminate based on probability you really do enter a slippery slope.

Did I discriminate? Pretty sure I just pointed out you're disgusting faggots who have a sick perversion which can be influenced by trauma in your past, making it completely illegitimate as "just a different lifestyle" and nothing more than a dangerous and culturally damaging fetish. I don't believe I ever tried to take away your right to vote or something like that.

>What starving looks like in America

>Refusing gay blood is a matter of probabilities, not empirical fact.
>Discrimination against homosexuals ought to be a matter of empirical fact.
Wow I just realized you're actually defending fags giving blood despite the enormous increase in aids that would spread just it might hurt someones feelings. Jesus Christ. Should heroin addicts who self confess using random syringes off the ground be allowed too since it should be about fact not probabilities? You're a sickness of society.

>I just realized you're actually defending fags giving blood
Re-read the post you stupid fuck, I did no such thing. Medical care is about balancing probabilities. The probability of contracting a life-threatening infection is much, much higher in hospital. How do you balance this against the probability of a patient dying without appropriate care? That's what doctors do. Differential diagnosis is literally probability.

Discrimination as a matter of public policy - as opposed to healthcare - is not a matter of probability. Rather, it ought not be.

I can see why you struggle with basic statistics. God forbid I ask what makes a histogram different from a bar graph.

>tfw we're the only ones who really watch his videos
It's fascinating watching this fuck hell he even knows and admits hardly any lefties watch his videos. I just can't help but to watch, it's like watching a car crash.

>that's not my job
Then why do you expect anyone to be convinced by your baseless ramblings?

>Did I discriminate?
>followed by an entire sentence of pure bigotry
Yes, you did discriminate. You are continuing to do so. You are assigning fault to an entire demographic without any empirical mechanism that shows the fault is all theirs. That is not good policy.

>an entire sentence of pure bigotry
>wahhh someone doesn't accept my perverted fetish
Go post on tumblr faggot, you'll have plenty of people to reassure you you're being brave and revolutionary by sucking dicks and shaming your family

>Medical care is about balancing probabilities
Great. So the fact a Fag has a much higher probability of having aids, a much higher probability of abusing children, a much higher probability of being abused themselves in the past, and a much higher probability of abusing drugs and alcohol makes them a concern to the medical industry.

You asked if you had discriminated. I replied. If you don't think you'll like the answers I'm sure you'll find it very easy to avoid asking the questions. It seems to be something you're good at.

But you do like the answer. You want to play the victim. You love complaining about how you're bullied at work by filthy leftists and how mum doesn't share your right-wing views. It's like virtue-signalling for the nu-right - basically oppression olympics, where he who has suffered the most at the hands of 'cultural marxism' and 'perverts' gets to claim some ancient and noble title.

>So the fact a Fag has a much higher probability of having aids, a much higher probability of abusing children, a much higher probability of being abused themselves in the past, and a much higher probability of abusing drugs and alcohol makes them a concern to the medical industry.
Correct. This is why most governments have specific public health policies targeting men who have sex with men.

Congratulations, user. You are slowly learning how to govern.