Just googled "why shouldn't I kill myself?"

Just googled "why shouldn't I kill myself?"

Everything I read was platitudes that just made me want to do it more. So what say you Sup Forums?

Why shouldn't I kill myself?

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Because you didn't think about how you're going to stream it yet.

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you should

Its ok user the system is rigged to make you want to kill yourself and its not your fault. They want you to believe you dont have value because "you are just another mindless slave in this endless world of pain." Problem is that is all lies. The reality is why do you listen to them and what do they have to gain by you killing yourself? The more that die equals greater availability of resources for those that remain. It is quite obvious really but everyone has been programmed to believe what they are told so they dont question it. You are fine man, stop listening to the lies, and commit to raising your standard every day you still are able to wake up. God Bless!

Because even though it doesn't seem like it now, you will be missed by everyone.
Everyone who didn't get to watch the stream you haven't set up.

Also, if you are serious about an exit to this life just get some magic mushrooms and experience just once and then you can tell me there isnt more to life than what you currently see. Life is infinitely more important than you can imagine.

Humans already have resurrection technology.

If we want evidence of eternal life then we force appearance of humans already accessing eternal life technology. They will understand some of us survive to our resurrection technologies. If we also have an eternal life program, even primitive as only national cryonic program, by military mission and universal healthcare right, then all humans understand some of us survive to our resurrection technologies.

If we freeze our deceased then we are preserving our frozen deceased. If a human is frozen then a human does not rot. If they are not rotting then they are surviving. We will put our resurrection technologies to our deceased.

Humans, already accessing eternal life technology, respect us. They know we live forever: We are here.

Humans have video evidence of eternal life; having millions of mobile cell phones with millions of camera lenses.

Humans requested warrant to access other humans private property: videos of cell phone. The humans requested credit of responsibility to serve warrant by a, "patriot" act confirmed, "Aye" by congress, to fight a global war on terrorism. We should investigate for videos of resurrection.

If we witness eternal life technology then we understand everything is already empirical evidence

Humans already have technologies, and we have called our history and herstory as, "bible" . The people who are living since biblical times are like you, but they have better technology. Like you, they are behaving to you like how you are behaving to other humans.

You and everyone else and everything are all the proof you needed: they are not sharing while sharing is a risk of unalienable right of life.

They have good technology, and maybe they will help us like God would help us. Otherwise, like we did not help the poorest of humans lacking clean water, education, and doctor attention,..others are not helping us.

We need national cryonics.

First question is why do you want to kill yourself? You need to analyze and find the root problem and fix it.
Second, your relatives will feel shitty.
Finally some poorfaf will have to clean your mess up. He might suicide himself. Do you want blood on your hands? Pushing a cleaner over the edge?

Well whats your age range if I mind asking? 20s-30s etc.

Also what goals do you have as a person?

>Why shouldn't I kill myself?
you'll miss all the new movies and videogames and you'll miss gloating over people you hate dying

Holy fucking shit

you shouldnt kill yourself because theres stuff to do.

start a long term project like

building a shitty arch computer with really specific uses that isnt actually very useful but gets a new feature every so often only because you worked on it

riupping a lawnmowers engine apart and buidling a machine to propel your bike faster or maybe just make chainsaw i dont know

destroy your room. throw everything away. become truly nobody. cut all ties, all affiliations, leave this town. become someone new. become someone you want to be.


or maybe shitpost just a little while longer.

You can't just ask that question on an anonymous message board without giving any context. I don't know you or your situation.

Because I'm tired of hurting everyone I care about and everything I try to do to make my and everyone else's lives better either fails or makes things worse.

I have access to pills to avoid leaving a mess.


I wanted to be an actor for a long time, but I've gotten to the point where I just don't care anymore. A lot of days I wake and have to convince myself not to just drive away and start living like Jack Reacher minus the crime solving.

fuck off with that self pitying bullshit. Is there anyone in ANY capacity that would listen to you for more than 30 seconds if you said "hey, I want to kill myself and I need some help"?

If so, then you're more than likely not "hurting everyone I care about" or making shit worse, you're probably just heavily fucking depressed and your perception is horribly skewed to rerun every negative thing you've ever done.

go get fit, see a psychologist, go on medication and eat healthy. do all that shit for half a year and see if life is any better.

fuck throwing it away at the drop of a hat. you and your forefather's didn't spend innumerable decades scraping shit together just to survive for it to end like that

Because you're not a robot

cause you aren't a muslim?

Actor's a tough act, with so many people trying to achieve the same goal as you it can be a real Grind just to get noticed.
How long have you been trying to be an actor? and how much experence do you have?

Just do it

Rip OP
I just wanted to save a life
just because we have it hard doesn't mean we have to quit

Because there's nothing after you die. At least while you're alive there's a chance things might change, and you have some degree of influence over that. Whereas if you're dead - you'll be dead.

It's not self pity. The person I care most about has told me flat out that I've made her life worse and that she hates me. I'm a constant embarrassment to her and I make her cry all the time.

I'm already fairly fit, and I don't trust psychologists because I have yet to see anyone that sees one actually get better.

This isn't the drop of a hat. I've felt this way for a long time and I've pushed the feeling aside and tried to carry on. I'm tired and I don't know if I can do it anymore.

I was actively trying for about three years but put in on hold because I had a kid. He lives with his mother and I barely talk to him now.

I've been in a few fan films, student films, and a stage production of Pirates of Penzance.

Firstly, I don't believe that. Second even if you're right, then I wouldn't exist anymore so what do I care?

Because you exist now, and anything's better than nothing. Do you believe in the afterlife?

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You would be hurting your kid if they found out about you deciding to take your own life. I know you dont talk to him but that can always change in the future. I just want to say that life is always full of suprises and you never know what will come next. Life can be tough but
you just got to be strong.

Nothing would mean no pain. No sadness. No anger. I wouldn't experience any negative or positive. I wouldn't exist to make a comparison.

Yes I do. I don't know what it entails, but I believe there is something after we die.

I honestly think he's probably better off without me. I'd rather he keep the few good memories of me that he has than have him grow to hate me like everyone else I love.

Afterlife is a fairy tale
Unless you're terminally ill the odds are things will get better, and pulling the plug because it stinks now is saying fuck the possibility of experiencing joy I want eternal darkness

just think about all the mess you would make, better for you to just be a loyal dog and listen what i say

>Hmm...He was behind of it...

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what if you fuck up your suicide attempt
you could survive and be permanently fucked up

also im not saying i believe in hell but what if its real and your ass ends up burning forever
better not take the risk thats my advice op

Do it if you want to.
Hope this video helps you decide.

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Honestly those two thoughts have been the primary things that have kept me from doing it before now.

if i had the balls i would've done it years ago OP. this place is fucked up...

Don't let this distract you from the fact that when Paul Walker goes to Vin Diesels house party in Fast and the Furious one, "I got hoes" by Ludacris is playing on the stereo, but in 2 Fast 2 Furious Ludacris appers as a street racer named Tej Parker. So in the Fast and the Furious world who sang "I got hoes"? Was it Tej? Was it Ludacris? Does Ludacris exist? Who has the hoes? Are the hoes okay!?