Which country?

which country?

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saladwise i'd say germany, switzerland or austria.
that breaded sausage somehow says no.
the way the mustard is put on this thing looks very japanese or korean.
i'll go for some euro-style restaurant in an asian country.

Croatia, dipshit



Judging from that mat, some one is eating at the food court in an ikea

Holland, it's a digusting croquet


One fishstick? lol...China

so? is it holland, kutje?

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Netherlands or France.

You win motherfucker !



and i thought you guys ad some sort of food culture. admit it, your belgian.


damn, too tired...

somewhere that soyboys jack each other off and congratulate each other for rimming the most boypucci

triggered by foreign food...

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Non im french, i have drink one bouteille de sauterne, et je me suis dit one saucisse of Toulouse paned its a fucking bonne idea! And yes! Fucking bonne idea!

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foreign food obviously turns you into a massive faggot that craves cock, so yeah no thanks

there's a thin line between trolling and looking like a complete moron, friendo.
go and "praise kek" in the containment board you came from

>hue hue i call people friendo to diminish their accurate worldview, it hurts me and my faggot ass to be exposed as a French cocklover
go back to /pol and praise Obama and French Obama whoever it is that faggots praise in France