Woke up to my 6 year old brother fondling my boobs this morning

woke up to my 6 year old brother fondling my boobs this morning

so uh... how was your day? :))

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pics or it didn't happen


Choose one


you have to earn it, my friend

Post tits

you told him that you're not a girl, you're just fat, and then he smiled and said he liked it.

No you post tits to have the privilege of posting on this board.


but OP is a fag
also if OP is a woman post tits wit timestamp or GTFO

probably this

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what were you wearing?

did he fondle through a shirt or did the little playa get bare titty

Quads confirmed

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Don't acknowledge until tits are posted

You're just fat OP and probably an incest loving fag too

quads of justice

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boring tbh

tits or gtfo used to be dismissive toward femanons, but now it's all thirsty niggas appearing desperate

Found the beta newfag


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nah, you donkeys could learn something from me, but you're too dumb.

if she got talking about her tits the odds that she would show tits would've greatly increased. Most femanons nowadays that get told tits or gtfo either do neither, or gtfo. The ones that show tits were going to anyway. Saying "tits or gtfo" is fine, but harping on about it, begging, pleading, demanding, insisting that it's the "rules" is just pathetic and counterproductive.

At least your lil' bro isn't a fag edgelord like this bitch

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lurk moar numale

You're a faggot. Goddamn

is he cute, i know youll be into shota being here
fuck him

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>could learn something from me, but you're too dumb.
wow you're are a buttblasted faggot who would of guessed

Found the virgin

Tell your parents and get them to deal with that situation immediately

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nice b8 the internet is for porn remember? Ill get my tits elsewhere if she wants to gtfo then next thread

This guy gets it. Theres always an easier attention whore

kek at image

gb2 gaia

gb2 trap thread

damn I forgot that existed fucking gaiafags

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Just pop your tits out....

>And the catch is OP is actually a man-boy and thus actually means "man-boobs"

no, you have to earn the privilege to post here

you sure showed her


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Tits or gtfo

the rules are if you want people to think of you as a girl show your tits because thats obviously the only value you bring