Was zomby right about the internet's busiest music nerd?
fantano knows jack shit about dance music, of course he was right
Anthony is too pure for this world
All of Zomby’s songs sound half finished.
he's acting like a fucking child lmao
maybe some valid points about him not knowing about the genre, completely drowned out by butthurt autistic screeching and generally coming across like he can't handle negativity around his work
zomby makes shitty music but fantano doesn't know d*ck about electronic music. fatmano won in the end though since he's the biggest critic right now(possibly all time) and zomboy is literally who.
Zomboy /= zomby
Yes. Critics are subhuman cretins born of failure to follow their own musical ambitions.
always said by shitty but persistent artists who don't like being reminded that effort doesn't equal good art
though you are somewhat right
>its jungle not breakbeat
huh, it just occurred to me that in a way zomby got exactly what he wanted. funny
>this review (free publicity) doesn't kiss my ass like I'm used to
>time to sperg out on Twitter like a child
I don't even like Fantano but what a fucking prick Zomby is.
Anyone who responds to critique of their art in that way is retarded
>he'll always be melon
>from here to eternity
>no matter what
zomby was a merciless monster here when you think about it. the "melon" label takes just enough legitimacy away from fantano that no matter what he ever does or accomplishes his work will always have a faint stench of clownshit wafting in the air around it. people use the term "savage" too loosely these days but this certainty qualifies
>not a sub-genre of breakbeat
i meant melon never touching his music again
because why would he
>burn me once, shame on you
>burn me twice...
melon ain't stupid, he don't want no more of that
exactly, unless you're saying melon gives a fuck about his whining and isn't just forgetting about his music
Due to the way Fantano talks with such authority about everything (it used to be just music but nowdays he's an insufferable prick on every topic), it's great when he gets splashback. Shame it's been 4 years since this, though.
this whole soyboy takedown of anthony was the cringiest Sup Forums-related thing to occur in recent memory. the fact that he had interviewed sam hyde was enough for some faggot kike """journalist""" to come along and write a hit piece about him. and then vince staples IR etc. started shitting on him too.
lole your ass still hurts this bad, anthony? damn zomby full on broke it off after he stuck it in huh?
>Zombeta is man-child confirmed
>crying while making vocal chops in fruity loops
>copy paste song structure
>wub wub serum preset engaged
>kick hat snare hat kick hat snare kick hat snare hat
I bet you could show jungle fans breakbeat and they Couldn't tell thr difference
minus the fact that one is 120 bpm and the other is 160-175?
>he's the biggest critic right now(possibly all time)
>who is scaruffi
Am I supposed to know any of these people...?
It's true that critics usually wanted to be musicias at one point but suck shit so they decide to criticise others works instead
Fatano wanted to be a musicia but hes garbage
Anthony fantano is pretty famous dude, especially here on Sup Forums.
How new are you...?
he's right tbqh. melon outright refused to review elseq and a bunch of other electronic releases. he's weak at reviewing electronic music
Zomby could have destroyed Fantano because it's true that he knows fuck all about electronic music, but instead he decided to sperg out and made fantano look reasonable
>who is scaruffi
Some Italian faggot that retards on Sup Forums jizz over for no legitimate reason.
Scaruffi is your daddy don’t lie
Look at him. So happy, so youthful. So full of hope and ambition. Now? Now he’s just a some fat slob who does meme reviews in his underwear, scratch that, DID meme reviews.
this is scary because he probably set a camera timer, sat down, and then made this face for the picture. What a psycho narcissist
jfc just imagine melons parents watching him put on that outfit and taking the picture over and over again trying to get one he likes for his social media pages
>criticise anything from england
>'you just don't get it cause you've never been to england mate'
why do brits do this so much
now he has a qt3.14 black wife tho
spppppppeeeerggggin ouuuuuuuta here b o i s
melon is bigger, and thicker
name a bigger patrician than Scaruffi
Literally who?
Even Oscar Wilde admitted it
this is the same line of thinking booking agents who have never touched an instrument in their life have when they book bands and expect to be praised. you're retarded and just as bad as teresa cole
Yea exactly. Who is Scaruffi?
To be honest he's a shit critic overall, but he has some of the best reviews I've read and you must admit they guys has a very comprehensive database and GOD TIER taste in music (except for Metallica and Fear Factory)
Don't kid yourself.
this. she looks like a monkey anthony
Because they're inbred fuckheads
Qt. Clearly bought into to Mac Demarco meme though