I got tinder, uploaded 4pics, swiped like 200 girls of which I only liked about 60-70% cause of the algorithm...

I got tinder, uploaded 4pics, swiped like 200 girls of which I only liked about 60-70% cause of the algorithm. I even got premium and gave some a super like and stuff. Its been 2 hours and I have 0 matches. Is this app just a big pajeet scam?

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Don't give up user! I wouldn't use tinder for a relationship, more like for hookups, but you just need to be patient

Two fucking hours? Freaking out already?
Come on you fag.
Post one of your pics you degenerate scum.

>Is this app just a big pajeet scam?
Yep. It only helps people who have no trouble finding dates already. It's a wankfest and an ego boost and very, very little else. I'm a gay and trying to find someone I actually want to be with and in a city of 4 million I can't find ONE fucking guy who wants to even know my name before he blows me.

It's honestly more cancerous and useless than 80s video dating.

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>Using Tinder to "date"

Maybe I'm on the wrong track. What should I use good user?

No, that's just you being a shitty person

Nah you are just a pleb op , gotta charge my phone

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Wait how so?

This is my profile picture

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That's why

Hair and face is fine, so is jacket. But get rid of the cigarette and scarf. Smile instead.

Oh no, it's because you need to tone down the autism.

OP stop, you're making everyone here just as uncomfortable as the poor girls who had to look at your face because they couldn't swipe left fast enough.

Didn't realize I was posting in a cringe thread

You´re a faggot for paying money for superlikes. They can feel that. The area between their cunts and assholes tickles weirdly if they see a faggot.
That´s why you dont get matches.

What's with the stupid look on your face? You look like you just shat yourself also take that cigarette out of your mouth. Everything about this screams tryhard and aspie. Also get a fuckin haircut you ding dong

Jesus Christ dude...

This pic is making girls pussies seal shut so fast they whistle

yeah, you´re a faggot.
That cigarette looks like you´re sucking on a teeny tiny dick.

Damn, sounds worse than trading system in Panini Digital Sticker 2018

You’re kinda ugly as fuck, I’d say get a different haircut and get some better angles, maybe use a black and white filter?

>80s gay band "petshop boys" haircut
>unlit slim ladies cigarette
>metrosexual scarf & knit sweater
>dirty old jacket
you look like a homosexual weirdo

yeah, your skin looks bad, your hair is gay, that cigarette is a no-go for most women, your scarf looks awful with that ugly-colored sweater that only teachers would wear and your cloak or jacket looks cheap. Go for not-quite black but a very dark grey next time. Oh and dont wear a fucking man-purse. Because in reality, there is no such thing as a man-purse. It´s just a purse. Which is fucking gay.

paaaahahahahahaaaaa this thime OP was funny

>0 matches on tinder
>posts this picture
>no wonder why

I like you.

Were you in a fucking elevator or something? Did you take out a cigarette, put it in your mouth, pose for this ridiculously cringy selfie, and then put the cigarette away? Or did you walk around with it hanging out of your mouth like a fuckin goober until you got outside?
>either way, mfw

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You should light that cigarette, and also your face.

>2 hours

This is incredible in a 'who in their right mind..' sort of way

>replace cigarettino with cock
>replace Tinder with Grinder
>replace penis with yellow tiger from Voltron

100% success rate

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg (660x800, 54K)

OP here, just got my first match! Pic related

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Who are you trying to attract with that bed sheet around your neck?

>Hmm...He was behind of it...

Attached: whvadoi8811p2543790000000.jpg (481x620, 27K)

4 dick pic...

saving this

Copy pasta material right here.

This can't be real

>it's been 2 hours
.... stop being a Little bitch, wait a day or two before jumping to conclusions.

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Obviously hasn't seen pic related yet

I've just started out again too OP but my usual strategy is…
>Make account
>Upload pictures of me and my dog
>Don't swipe anyone
>Wait until the likes come in
>Like back who has liked me by matching the images
>Feel pretty good about myself
>Delete account
>I'm not stupid enough to expect a genuine relationship from tinder, it's an ego trip and a means to fuck people around

>this is me guys, honest

I hope a screen-cap is made of this thread so we can all continue to publicly shame you for this indefinitely.

Poot meh intha sgreen gap

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Scoot be fin buh teen crap

Cringing so hard my back is starting to hurt

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you need a smiling photo

Oh i'm sure OP doesn't look THAT bad..

>sees his profile pic

Attached: 1521825878106.jpg (640x448, 21K)

Needs a little fixing but you're doing god's work user

working on the patch update

Haha, holy shit. You look like one of the biggest fags I've ever seen.

You're only going to get black, fat, or masculine ladies matching with you, if any.

Gotta show the sheer volume of replies OPs cringe-pic accumulated

Grinder, duh.

OP here. Thanks for taking my bait guys. This guy was literally the first picture I found on /soc/. Check out the rate me thread there if you don't believe me. Thanks for the good laughs tho. Never change Sup Forums. Never change

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You look ok, user. A little stern, like the next Dr. WHO, but ok. Wait it out.

Bumping because more people need to see this shit

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Dude, two hours is nothing try 2 years

Post profile pic also, user


Ruin ur life

Attached: E2FA8FD4-90FF-4732-8BF3-EFC2213E48C4.jpg (966x1288, 475K)

>user puts his phone back into his pocket
>Takes the fake cig out of his mouth
>Elevator doors open
>A 9/10 qt walks in and sees user has a ciggerate
>Asks for a light
>"Ahh, yes, a spark of my lighter for a beautiful woman as yourself!"
>She looks at him and doesnt say a word
>user pulls his lighter out of his pocket
>Elevator doors open
>Qt walks out
>"Fucking women"


Hahaha, got over 250 matches when i used it, ur just a beta

I'm happy you made this mainly so that OP will see it once in a while whilst browsing and his dick will shrink into his body

>trying this hard on an anonymous board

Protip : Anyone wanting to up their tinder game, go google tinder threads on bodybuilding forums.

Those places are goldmines and full of honest answers and tips. That's all they do after all, get jacked up and fuck bitches.


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Thanks user, I needed this to always remember what a huge faggot OP was

Make OP 1st comment larger


YLYL material

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I hope you're still here and reading all of this OP

Yes if you would scroll up a little bit you would realize that you all have been baited but seems like nobody was reading my comment


Check the rate me thread on /soc/ if you don't believe me. I literally took the picture from there

>going on /soc/ for any reason ever
Still a massive cringy faggot, OP

This has to be bait. I can’t say if your good looking or not as I am straight. But the fag that said this should be screen capped so we can continue to shame you is spot on. Plus I can save it in my cringe bread file. You could be a new meme

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Are you even scrolling through the thread fag? This WAS bait

European men always look so feminine