In this thread we are polite and nice to everyone, except 65

In this thread we are polite and nice to everyone, except 65

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What a wonderful topic for a thread OP. Thank you and have a very pleasant day.

what a splendid idea for a thread. I hope the day is treating you well good user

You too, sir :)

How is your day going, gentlemen?

Well done with those dubs!

I say. Good day OP.

Rolling for compliments

You are the best person out there!

That was one fantastic post

Good day my good sir, I hope this thread is found within good health gentlemen

but of course, sir.

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I hope everyone is having a good time, my friends

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I like traps. They are girls with a big clit

It is your choice and we respect that, right gentlemen?

Nice 14 ;)

no dubs there user, but doubtlessly this thread will bring you some

Indeed! What's not to love?

well rolled Sir, well rolled indeed. checkd and witnessed.

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I love everyone!

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it

Dodged a bullet there my friend.

I hope this post brings joy to you all!

Good morning, sir! I have that same hairstyle, in fact, although a bit higher forehead. It’s quite “Reviewbrah-ish.”

Share your smile with the world.

Why, hello old sport!

What a jovial group of fellows!

Wonderfully thank you old chap.

I do hope so that all of u fellow kind people are having a nice day today

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A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.

So, what are y'all doing on this wonderful day?

What a wonderful day! Joy to you all

Top of the morning to you all

Today is the best day ever

Nice dubs!

Going to see my in-laws who I love dearly


Fuck you

kill yourself faggot


Would you look at this cocksucker

Thank you that comment warms my heart and have a blessed day

fuck right off

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ur mom gay

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Nigger Baby KKK FAG

Get the fuck out of here, you fag!

Ahh, a nice thread with good chaps

Absolutely, old sport, absolutely! I hope you find yourself well on this fine afternoon (GMT)?

And this bitch just HAD to come along

You fucking disgust me

I like you.

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OP is a fantastic person

Oh god.. why always me.

Hahha you are such a goof lad sir!

Stfu you fucking faggot

die homo


A smashing chap, I agree old boy!

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You worthless piece of shit. Niggers like you are why the world wars were fought. Had only your mother had the foresight to abort your pitiful cunt. Kill yourself.

Evening, lads!

Oy vey.

Whoops, terribly mistaken there's a nigger here

I hope everyone is having a fine day.

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You, sir, are a coward and a ruffian.
Vacate the premises right this instant.

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fucking jew detected

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Do us a favor and kill yourself!

Get the fuck out cocksucking fag stop trying to fit and go fucking die already

You fucking cunt

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You too. Get the fuck out of here.

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Furry Trap with AIDS in the house!!!!

I'm happy to be alive, but more importantly, I'm especially happy to be sharing this moment with you gents. I dare say one of the finest group of men I've had the pleasure to converse with as of late.

Fiend! Wretch! Foul Creature!!! Away with thee I say, begone from this league of distinguished persons!

My word, impeccable dubs, user. Be wary however, from a distance, I thought you were a kike. Good thing my judgement cleared up.

Glad IM NOT riddled with ------------_____tinnitus---_____-------- eh 65?

>go on Sup Forums
>see nice bread
>decide to comment and not lurk
>has to leave bread


Nigger kys.

Please give me 65 I want hate.

Uncle Fucker

Oy gevalt.

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Nive dubs there.

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I love you Anand. Bless you. Peace and Prosperity on you and your kin

Nice dubs, my white supremacist friend.

You sick pervert

65 get

for a second I thought... Well, nothing wrong here. Have a good day, gentlemen.


>Hmm...He was behind of it...

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Shalom! How are you gentlemen doing?

if you post with swearing/profanity it'll ask you for captcha. what is this new madness hiro?

65 get

65 get pls

G'day officer!

I fucking love threads like this, everyone's so nice and wholesome, and then some retard rolls 65 and gets scolded at by the entire board.

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How is everyone's day?

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