Why are Indians so obsessed with shitting in the streets? If we came and installed toilets you'd still poo on everything. Shitskin is an understatement, you live in shit like pigs do.
Easton Martin
Asher Jenkins
This is true. I never said it wasn't.
Julian Peterson
>look at me im such a brave and good person supporting this poor oppressed minority
Same with all sjws
Bentley Garcia
I dunno Pajeet.
Just.....just don't do that shit when we're gone.....ok?
Why is the whole LGBT thing the fetishes Western governments have chosen to promote?
Connor Ortiz
you are such a bigot
Nolan Nelson
Whites are idological people. We consider our values superior and we love to interfere with people's shit, thinking that we are doing a good deed.
David Murphy
What was the name of the political wing that uses the term Bigot overwhelmingly to push their agenda and silence opposition?....Oh yeah
Fuck off swedecuck. Slavs should burn up the likes of you
Ryder Taylor
>their buttfucking
Someone hasn't watched porn. Anal is a big heterosexual fetish.
Julian King
you will look back in 15 years and regret not supporting lgbt and multiculturism. YOU are on the wrong side of history.
i am housing 2 homosexual migrants, thats how committed i am to humanity, it will be people like me that will be rewarded after death
Kayden Long
I am an ubermensch in my personal life. I don't do poo in loo degeneracy of my people and porn watching sex-obcessed degeneracy of your race either.
An ubermensch masters will to power. And I have mastered it. And that is foundation of the 14 words.
Oliver Miller
You should know that in the Slavic countries there is great preassure to 'accept' these trends. My country is being blackmailed to do whatever the EU pleases so that we can one day enter the union. Nevertheless the people are clear about this issue - nope.
Cooper Martinez
> - nope
What did you mean about the nope?
Ethan Kelly
Most people don't care (as with a lot of 'Western' social issues) or have a mildly negative attitude. The only people openly supporting are left-wing idiots and NGOs, but no one really pays attention to them. Our isolation (especially in the 90s) really kept out patriotism and tradition intact.
Andrew Brooks
Poo in loo
Joshua Nguyen
Isn't a lesbian a gay woman? So that's covered with gay. And then I'm pro bisexual.
If you want to cut your dick off with your own money, power to you. But beyond gays and bisexuals the rest of it is a bunch of psuedoscientific nonsense that should be discouraged.
Matthew Turner
But how will you preserve it? Your race is preserving it passively, while the left-wing opposition is pushing degeneracy actively. Surely the next generation at some point of future will be influenced to becoming pro-degeneracy due to the constant pro-degeneracy activism?
Joseph Martinez
North indian here.
Try explaining to me why homosexuals have a higher IQ on average.
Wyatt Johnson
I feel that in a society like mine, there is a 'glass ceiling' for what the left-wing can do. The parties that support them fell from power four years ago and nobody is there to push the agenda. But since a significat part of the population is againt EU integrations and this being one of their 'gifts' I feel that it will be rejected as part of the whole package.
Evan Nguyen
Just by reading your post I could tell you listen to CF. he's truly doing Gods work
Aiden Scott
He sure is
Camden Gomez
Go listen to Common FIlth's channel on youtube and you'll find out why.
Jeremiah Peterson
Good people. I hope your country continues to stay resistant against their virus.
Mason Peterson
Just because they have a higher IQ doesn't mean shit. What have homos contributed to the world besides AIDS and pride parades.
William Richardson
It was the Jews, Pajeet. We screwed with Jews, they made Hollywood, and then spent decades promoting total and complete degeneracy on the white. We really need to turn the clock back to before the 60's if we're going to survive the Jewry, cut out all the cultural bullcrap.
Colton Perez
Because ""whites"" are obsessed with whatever the latest ""good"" cause is, which right now is LGBBQ rights. This is because of the guilt at being responsible for all of the world's ills.
And the alt-right (sometimes) accepts them because whites are so cucked and without political power they'll take any allies they can get.
Pretty fucked up, isn't it?
Leo King
you are such a cuck
David Thomas
You talking about Milo's faggot cult? No one I know on alt-right websites has accepted that jewish faggot.
Michael Gomez
I hope so too, I hope that the EU project finally fails when people see that it lost its purpose and is serving the wrong people. And with it the 'way of the cuck' will hopefully die out
Alexander Torres
Watch Common Filth's channel on youtube man. There you go deeper in the rabbit hole of the infiltration of the right with this degeneracy.
Grayson Taylor
Yeah. Hope your race rises from the grave. The spirit of decay is trying to subvert each race one by one through degeneracy and multiculturalism.
Jackson Green
And with his degenerate behaviour (for example, him saying 'i suck mean dick') will lose him the rest of his truly conservative following..
Nolan Campbell
Whites have been so influenced by christianity that "protecting the weak" is almost universally considered to be a morally good action.
Jack Sullivan
Active resistance can help you with that. The problem is that left are ACTIVELY pushing degeneracy on every movement and breathing thing NON-STOP, so even the future right-wing movements getting their filth. Your race needs an active defence.
I learned about this on Common Filth's youtube channel.
Christopher Baker
Christianity? That's plain stupid. Most Christians in my experience have been the most active against degeneracy and mutlicultral bullshit, especially in Poland and Dixie states of America. (((SECULARISM))) and this bolshevic fedorautist ((((atheism))) (((materialism))) (((nihilism))) (((materialsm))) is absolutely to blame for it.
Christianity at its core is about protecting the weak. This has nothing to do with christians individually. It's about christian philosophy. Mercy is the most important principle of christianity.
Mason Brown
I wanted to say that to! The West, cleansed from tradition and ideals, turned secular is to blame. They feel as though they MUST help. Orthodoxy stands pretty strong on the topic of anti-degeneracy..
Brandon Morris
So how much traffic do you get per post on an average day of shilling yourself?
Aiden Sanders
>Why are (((whites))) obcessed
It's a (((coincidence))) then that the gay agenda is only being pushed in white countries primarily by one race
Adam Morgan
I am not CF, obvious fuck. He is a rare jewel of truth which few intruders can't stand. I shill him as much as possible, considering his smaaaaaaal amount of views and subscribers and how compromising faggot enablers in the alt-right fucking can't stand him and want him shut down.
Ethan Ortiz
What is it about him that resonates so powerfully?
Benjamin Ortiz
Mercy is an important principle to your neighbor. Forgive your personal enemies is said. But where in the Bible does it say to show forgive to GODS enemies? None.
That's the reason behind Traditional Christianity, such as Slavic Orthodox Christianity and Calvinists are a driving Nationalism is Sourthern Dixie states in America and Slavic nations.
Dominic Cruz
*Driving force of Nationalism
Isaiah Watson
Matthew 5:44? That's not what I said, though. I think christianity has a lot of merits, but it has the potential to destroy nations, as it puts so much value on mercy. Of course I don't think there's nothing wrong with christians individually. That would be idiotic. But I do think that the philosophy which has resulted in today's liberalism begins with christianism.
Jose Martinez
Kind off. When it appeared it was liberal by todays standards, but today most Christians are conservative.
Elijah Cox
I think the right has defended christianity, as it has defended tradition, and I think that's why today most Christians are conservative. But I think Christianity is, in its essence, a "left-leaning ideology".
Kevin Hall
Christianity is centuries older that the notion of left-wing politics and that's why I wouldn't call it that. But, I could see Christianity as an 'influence' on the left.
Lucas Edwards
One famous Christian academic here in Serbia once called communism 'inverted Christianity'
Landon Peterson
whats bigot mean? doesnt it make you a bigot to call someone bigot?
Tyler Collins
Unless you profess Christ, abstain from idols, and aren't partakers in their sin (sounds like you support their behavior) then you should be gravy for reward.
Connor Morgan
That's why I used inverted commas.
Carson Anderson
Trying too hard
Matthew Flores
> I think Christianity is, in its essence, a "left-leaning ideology" No it's not. He has His own Kingdom, His own Laws. King of Kings there Tony.
Anthony Cruz
Christians can be in positions of power, and as I said already, there's nothing wrong with christians individually. But Kingdoms require power, power requires force, and I think christianity is, at its core, against force. I guess it is a matter of interpretation. Machiavelli talks about this in great detail.