Why does nobody talk about how much of a shit hole Europe is?

Why does nobody talk about how much of a shit hole Europe is?

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I find that very offensive, you hurt my feelings. I'm calling the cops!

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You seem to be ignoring the constant stream of 'hurrr Europoor' threads that plague Sup Forums as an excuse to post yet another one.



>english talking board
>just as much of a shithole as anglosphere

That dog should be sent to the pound to be put down for hate crimes.

Just glad britain isnt europe

That's because they don't exist m8. Until now because you've proven our point. They took your guns, then they took your jokes, opinions are next boi

I support your right to say that kind of ridiculous thing.

Because it isn't majority black.

Do tits stimulate political interest?

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But you can't make a joke. Nobody seems to want to talk about it here


Eurofags are the most insecure shitheads. They love shitting on Murrrrrica but their countries are getting flooded en masse with moslems. Seriously the insecurity and fake obliviousness of theirs is palpable. I would much rather have a country with westernized fun loving Mexicans than moslems.

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Also checking.

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Can I review this thread on Yelp?

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You don't have the right to be offensive asshole. Why should you?

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You know you can always move if you think your area is a shithole.

And you sound like a butthurt eurofag

Yes it is. Along with its tiny squish faced pug people gene pool

And who determines what is offensive, asshole?

I find this post offensive see u in prison faggot

It's literally the only thing Americans talk about.
We're living in your head rent free (plus tip).

The police you dumbshit. Which is why I won't be in prison with you. Good luck getting raped

Oi m8 listen eer an I tell ya a tale of whoy dat is IP
Is becaus tha ole werl owlready kno ow much of a wanglegagger we ar that thay sawn na barley a raisin ta poent tit owt m8

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Because it is common knowledge.

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Dubs have spoketh.

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Fucking this. At least Mexicans by and large aren't easily offended. In fact, most of them hate the snowflakes who get offended on their behalf. Meanwhile, mudslimes are so on edge that UK police warn people not to offend them, or else violence is liable to occur.

Britons are the worst kind of euro-trash.
Followed closely by the swedes.

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>forgetting about Germany and Greece

Eurocuck detected

To think I actually believed they had a chance because of brexit
So retarded

what's wrong with greece

>be Greece
>birthplace of western civilization
>oppertunity to shore op economy by joining eurozone
>forge the books to show economic stability
>still get excepted
50 years later
>stageringly bad tax system and horrendous social spending have absolutely fucked the local economy and now we're on the verge of collapsing the economies of 27 other states


Shut up Amerimutt.What Britain does is not reflect ing all of us.Brits are Cucks

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They honestly have the trashiest, ugliest English accents in the world.

Out of fear of getting arrested, probably.

>"birthplace of western civilization"
> greece as a country and a state, began back at 1821 after the othomanic dictatorship
>got loans and different governments from gb, france and russia
>most greeks didn't even have the knowledge of greek culture, jobs, or schools
>be greece 1910-1925 WWI rekt the place
>Be greece 1940-1944 WWII italians, germans, egyptians, turks, bulgarians, all attack greece for it's natural wealth and stratigical place of the map
>1967 greece goes through dictatorship, collapsing it's whole political system
>1973 greece finally gets it's democracy
>country is already collapsed so joining the eurozone wouldn't change shit,
>still gets blue balls for not returning the whole of the loans from germanfags and sweedfags and all of them
>researches say that greeks still are the most working people in europe, most of them working 12-14 hours a day for 4-5E the most
>give 'em a brake

thanks for turning my own inner monologue into a retarded britbong for a minute there

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I'm interested....please continue

I don't like to kick sheep while they're down. And they've been down for the best part of a century.

>best part of a century
My mind goes straight to the world wars. The first half of the 20th was terrible without argument, so was the end though. When were they doing okay in the past century? Because best part of the century implies there was a time

Most of us forget you exist. Quit projecting faggot.

>best part of a century
>largest part of a century
or, even simpler
>most of the last 100 years

>fuck the murdering, biased police
>let the popo have final say on thought censoring

Well when you guys insist on poisoning the west

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>having to explain this

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But when were they okay then? 1982 and 83 maybe?


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why don't people constantly beat a dead horse?

Best part = most = not all of = there was an okay time.
>this retarded

Because everyday the USA gives another reason why it's the shittiest.

Most people on b are American they have no knowledge or experience of what goes on outside there state let alone country.

Probably too busy talking about how much of a shithole America is.

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Nothings on CH4 user, i was l8

Because everyone in America has known for decades. Its kind of old news at this point

>Why does nobody talk about how much of a shit hole Europe is?
Probably because they're not retarded and paid attention in biology classes.

No it isn't. It's just obvious to the rest of Europe how America is so degenerate. It's the British genes.