Is 10:30 AM too early to start getting high?

Is 10:30 AM too early to start getting high?

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it's spring break so no

soft drugs- no
hard drugs- contextual

it's past 4:20pm somewhere

you fucking posted this as I started a dab its fucking lit


nah im choochin some meth rn

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shit and weed

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How does it feel?

Depends. Are you at work? If so, yes, it is too early. If no go for it brah

I don’t work until 5

you should just quit if your hesitant.

Yes, go out and do something.

Smoking cigs and kush before noon cause I don’t have shit today

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depends, do you have 12 bendy straws or a Fleetwood Mac roadie to blow coke up your ass?

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it's never too early. you may be surprised to know not everyone lives on your typical day-night cycle. some of us work over nights. who the fuck cares when you decide to drink/smoke. if you don't have shit to do it doesn't matter.

we're not all non functional retards

some of us actually function on a higher level high

Its 9:47 where I am, and I've been high since 7:45 when my gf left to work. 10:30am is pretty much newfag territory.

everybody, get a load of this guy.

like youre happy, and feel good, but thinking super clearly and you're a little smarter and more coordinated than usual and you dont get tired, and are super motivated

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Well it is...

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hes right, you know

I'm pretty sure that's just the meth making you think you're smarter.

I mean, I'm getting drunk so...

this is now a tweaker thread

lol that show was hilarious

It's 8:30 when I started today so I'd say no

really now, well you must have done any research since you're so sure. fucking toolbag

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"even with a drug like methamphetamine, most heavy users in our research engaged in "functional use." They [are] used to enhance cognitive function
(or compensate for deficits), to increase overall productivity, and even to appear "normal" while being high (say, unlike alcohol)."


does higher focus make you smarter? quicker at recognizing patterns or a better ability to do arithmetic and higher math? this article doesn't tell me about someone doing something they couldn't previously do. being hyperfocused doesn't mean you're "smarter". you have the intelligence in there, with or without the drug. you just may not have the motivation or care to do it.

I smoke in my breaks at work :B

smart=/= intelligent

fucking google meth makes you perform better, god why is that so hard

I read cracked, but that's all anecdotal stuff, and not to mention a "comedy" site.
different drugs react differently in the brain. none of them add neuron or axon/dendrite connections.

god why is that so hard?
so if you see a track runner take meth, and beat his previous 40m dash, you think that he's smarter all the sudden because he performed better?

yes but it depends on a summation of balances to all other pros and cons associated with the action

hot dude

and you're unphased by the fact it makes you perform better? that alone is fucking sweet. Not to mention it makes you recall memories and information faster, keep short term memories easier, and multitasking is easier. Id call that temporarily smarter


yes, a lot of factors go into what makes someone "intelligent" or "smart"
and a better memory isn't necessarily one of them.

if marijuana no, if heavy painkillers or heroin or something. kinda

Nah smoke some danky wanky and spank your lanky wanky

look at how happy them niggas is

It's HIGH noon somewhere

wake and bake, unless its like meth or heroine, dont do that during the day

why not?

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if you were a real stoner its too early to even wake up

No, it's 8.30am here and I'm on my second beer

I literally never even thought about this in the past five years of smoking. Admittedly, I didn't really care what day it was, either.

this is a heroine, you mean heroin

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No because its 9:32am here and im packing pipe

It's never too early to start getting high, fam.



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that chick has a strong jaw, clearly superior genetics. 9/10 would clean up and knock up

I've learned the time of day doesn't really matter. But honestly I know how much you prob wanna Wake n Bake but I've found that if you give yourself at least an hour to actually wake up before you start smoking it'll feel a lot better

i said Heroin, lol dumbfuck. fuck your dubs since you are so fuckin braindead

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10:30 in the USA is 16:30 in Germany...

