Why do black "people" smell like shit?
Why do black "people" smell like shit?
They cant be bothered working a job, they cant be bothered to follow the law, they cant be bothered to learn the most elementary things to survive and you think they can be bothered to personal hygiene?
Because they look like it.
It's harder to stay clean when your skin is dark... On white people you can see the dirt so you know when you are clean. With black people they think they are clean because they can't see the filth on their skin as well.
sauce on this baboonian mistress :^)
They neither wash adequately nor make the positive lifestyle choices that prevent said smells.
So that blind people can hate them too
How the fuck do you have electricity/computer/internet etc wtf. What have you been eating? People?
How else blind people could compare them to shit?
>dat pic
what how and why
There's only one explanation: He must be Maduro.
why do whites smell like BO?
we have a lot of power cuts but that doesn't mean we have all 24 hours without it
internet is shit but works
computer i already had it before things went to shit so much but if it breaks then im fucked forever.
and to eat is really bad we have to buy highly overpriced food to eat or eat whatever the fuck we can find on stores like it or not.
Have you killed anyone over a can of baked beans?
On the other hand black people can tell when their skin is dry because their skin would become visibly ashy/flakey/chalky while white people can't, so black people moisturize their skin frequently to prevent that look and therefore age better
Their świat smells diferent
Because thats what they are. Strip away the hair and organs what do you have? SHIEEEEEET
no, we dont have baked beans here
Apocrine glands.
>Although the evidence available on Caucasian/Negroid sweating is somewhat inconsistent, it would appear that the Negroid population is capable of producing more malodorous substance in the axilla by virtue of the larger size of the apocrine glands and more prodigious among of secretion observed in experiments. In addition, eccrine sweat gland secretions in Negroids also seem to be higher than in Caucasians, thus providing a volatile medium for radiation of any axillary odor. Mongoloid populations also appear to have active eccrine glands than do Caucasians, but due to the low number of osmidrotic apocrine glands in the axilla, there is a lower level of axillary odor present than in either of the other two groups."
This was referred to in the wiki article on apocrine glands (en.wikipedia.org
Immune systems have a massive genetic factor to them. People from different places have different natural flora not only because of environment, but because of their genetics. Bacteria on our skin feeds off of excretions from sebaceous glands, and it produces odor. How pungent the odor is depends on the type of bacteria and its waste products.
That is the base facts of life behind the typical black stink.
Now there is an entirely cultural aspect to this as well, and its true among a majority of blacks everywhere be it Congo or California. Many blacks don't clean themselves like other people do. It comes down to shit parenting, and even in the US 4/5 black kids growing up today are born to a deadbeat single mother. They're less likely to properly wipe, clean ear wax out of their ears, shower as frequently, or keep their nails clean and trim.
I've often wondered if blacks have a genetic predisposition towards a muted sense of smell. It could explain why they're oblivious to their own odors, and why they abuse cologne to such an offensive degree.
So there you have it.
Working can build up a sweat.
Keep Cristina in check put her in a cell or something
They have larger and more active apocrine sweat glands (the stinky ones). They are objectively the smelliest race and East Asians are the least.
This right here desu
>doesn't even have baked beans
you poor starving bastard
White people smell like shit too. Youre just used to it.
Asians can go to shower once a week, and still wont have any smell.
I honestly feel bad for you m8. I hope you don't starve, turn to cannibalism asap. Don't eat the meat near the spine, or brain. You'll get Kuru.
That's a fucking lie, I went to Japan and you fuckers smell like rotten fish.
I'm pretty sure the different races smell gross to one another. Whites probably smell bad to Asians and blacks smell fucking awful to them as well.
An attempt by nature to prevent race mixing I guess.
no we dont it's sad, that said got any advices in how to use a boomerang? how to hunt animals or something? im sure it's a pretty fresh memory for your people
What's going on in that picture?
> that said got any advices in how to use a boomerang?
Yes, you throw it for hunting, apparently it's supposed to return but any time I try to use one I get arrested for hate crimes. Maybe it's because I'm white.
>You're just used to your own smell
>We don't stink
My time in Asia has shown you all smell sour as fuck. I can't even explain it, but I hated it.
Pussy smelled good though. I fucked so many gooks man, thanks!
>tfw no qt 140cm japanese non-stinking boyslut bf that I can embrace with my strong white arms and enclose within my musky european aroma
I used to work with a nigerian guy. He was a nice guy, would always let me take his time schedule if it was better for me. But, one day he came to work and he stank like really acrid weed shits.
they do have a distinct funk to them
it actually comes from their nigger ears
Hentai is degenerate.
Every Asian I have ever met smelled faintly of fish.
Dubs of truth canadabro
from my experiences the 5 smelliest races are niggers, albanians, old white people(like 70+), mexicans and indians
someone make a smelliest race power ranking, I love Sup Forums science
>old white people
it's true, what the fuck is up with that?
Haitians are the worst smelling people on the planet. They honestly smell like shit infused with dick cheese.
They are dying
Criminally underrated
So blind people can hate them too, of course
Is it true that people are eating street dogs there?
Chinks reek of garlic and mothballs. Japs, sour fish and mothballs. Don't know about the Koreans. The rest of Asia is simply too dirty to sniff.
There are two reasons
the way that their skin is, is has more SURFACE area and can hold more dirt
in addition to dirt clinging to their skin more easily, it is masked by the color of their skin
(harder to tell if it's there)
protein is produced around the armpits and balls.
bacteria eat these proteins and shit out a gas
this is why your balls smell and armpits and feet smell
for black people, there is slightly more protein produced in these areas
more protein = more bacteria = more gas = worse smell
also CURLY hair traps the sweat near the glands rather than pulling the sweat away from the skin,
concentrating the shit and making the problem worse
for those people, they can't ever be as clean as a white person, so they don't even bother
also its a cultural thing
poor = dirtier
poor = don't shower as often
poor = don't care as much
I worked with all these black people in a temp job. You could smell them a mile away, i could tell they didn't bother showering before coming into work for an 8 hour shift
Femanon here. The fish smell is from their dicks.
i haven't seen none on that, but im sure at some point it's gonna happen
like your vag?
White ppl smell like sour milk.
H-how do you know that?
go flip a burger nigger.
what the hell is that
oh god one time at Uni I was in class, and was stuck sitting behind this mulatto black with dread locks. It was the most vile, horrible stench ever. There was no where else to sit, and the class was an hour in a half long. Fucking disgusting.
>more surface area
>they don't wash
>more protein = more bacteria
You can't be this retarded. Those are all wrong
I've said this on multiple occasions
Black people are either the WORST or the BEST smelling people on the bus.
Fresh of the boat Africans clearly do not use deodorant but swagged out ones usually got fancy cologne on
A packed local commuter train across Tokyo Bay always fucking reeks.
The meme that Asians don't smell needs to die.
>white skin
>attractive to whites, chinks, and black girls
>cant smell other black people
>still stink
please give me more scientific information about this
what do you mean about the skin having more surface area
its a culture thing
they shower less
btw its an easy answer, the sun makes you sweat, sweat on black people smells like shit, they stay on the sun for longs periods of time because it doesn't affect them
im pretty sure its genetic
i went to africa and couldn't smell anything at all
but half of the whites i was with said everything reeked horribly, including me. the other half said everything was fine
it seems like only certain people can smell
Apparently we smell like shit to them as well.
Their musk is a sickly sweet smell that makes you want to vomit and from what I have heard our musk is more like wet and miff animal hide.
white people smell like wet dogs and dog breath
asians smell like sour fish
idk what blacks smell like
They have a sickly sweet smell to me, like a rotten guava fruit.
Then you get the central africans that have a fcuking strong sent, I cannot even describe it but its hard to be in the same room as them.
I am only talking about people who have been sweating allot though not someone fresh out of the shower.
>fresh out the shower
black qt confirmed, check ID
By that logic, blind people should smell like shit, but they don't.
they do
They don't. Blacks and browns definitely have some odd body odor that has nothing to do with cleanliness.
Good soap and shampoo cost more than a bar of irish spring.
No, I'm not lying. An old coworker gloated that he only used a bar of irish spring and said that body wash and shampoo was too expensive.
Hahahaha hahah
Probably lion repellent or something.
Like cats spraying and dogs pissing on everything.
Man niggers smell like green beans. The end.
because white people do that. And they cant be bothered to raise their kids. And so black people never grow out of immaturity because there are no mature adult blacks
>White "people" take showers every day
>BLACKS wash up in the sink occasionaly
>White "people" use deodorant
>BLACKS use antiperspirant
They do not take showers everyday.
French have the same problem.
Ear wax really doesn't need to be cleaned out as much as people do
I don't know
I saw blacks only a couple of times, but they weren't pavement ape scum, but some foreign students so they were like normal people
People smell like what they eat. Because after all it ferments inside our bodies and comes out from various exits. So Japanese people will smell different to someone used to a western diet. I've heard white people smell sour because we eat so much milk products
Kidneys begin to fail. Skin try to pick up the slack, processed urine exit pores, smell like piss.
it's evil and racist to imply that niggers smell like shit because that's what they eat
hahaha lololol le funny racist meem xD
You sure fit in now xDDDD
thanks bro, means a lot to me, will write it in my diary
acceptance at last!
high concentration of melanin which has a very potent rotten onion/garlic type smell. probably something else we havent learned yet too.
Not an argument, not all of them do, some of the more sophisticated women smell like cocoa butter which is rather nice
>not having baked beans
nigga even africa probably has baked beans
goddamn 4th world country
Holy shit
For once Canada says something good. Are you the last true Canadian of our century?
>implying gooks dont smell like sake and the other 5 million spices and other things you have to drench your food in to make it taste good.
in other words
sure you're not just smelling yourself?
>people who have been sweating a lot
isn't that everyone?
Nigger detected.
Also, we don't smell like BO since we use deodorant. Indians and other sand niggers, however...
not even i shower everyday and i still smell pretty good
t. a white person