
Red pill me on getting married.

Red pill me on women.

try and convince me why i shouldn't do it.

Other urls found in this thread:

do it faggot

its expensive

You'll live happily for a few years or so, have a kid or two then one day she'll decide she likes Chad at the office more than you and then BOOM half your shit is gone, she's got full custody of the kids, your house and your dog. Then you have to pay child support while living in a shitty studio apartment, barely able to support yourself.

So yeah, get married what could possibly go wrong?



You can marry, just make sure you get your prenup signed first.

just marry someone who really loves you and there's a lot of evidence that shows her love. Also She has to be mature. If you aren't 100% certain she loves you to death then don't do it. People get fucked over by marriage because they don't know what they are getting into and watched frozen too many times.

did this big nosed cunt finally find herself a white man?

If the woman hires a skilled lawyer they can get the prenup thrown out

Just like any contract, because thats all it is, weigh up the pros and cons.

Me and my gf decided long ago that marriage is an expensive waste of time, for nothing more than a piece of paper and 'legitimacy' via religion and state.

She loves me, I tolerate her, if we split up...we take our shit and leave. End of story.

Gross AF

Oh this is gun' be gud. Brace yourself lad.

I got married because I can tolerate the woman I'm with, and her family has generational wealth. Not sure if I love her, but I love the perks of being with her.

If we get divorced, I will seek alimony as I have become accustomed to a certain standard of living



This one is a long read, but important shit.



You forgot the vagimony (alimony) payments that he will have to do the rest of his life. At least with the kids it ends at 18 (they're trying to change this law to make it longer). Also that bitch will cheat on you and at least one of the kids won't be yours.

Prenups are worthless and judges often throw them out.



He asked, I'm answering.

You can always fuck off Romania. You don't have to deal with the shitbags that white women are after all.

Look at his face and answer your own question

Find a good woman. They're rare but only a few people are dead-set on pursuing them.

1. No ink
2. Likes kids and is always around them
3. Dresses conservatively
4. Goes to church
5. Is a virgin
6. Is kind, loving, and helpful in temperament
7. Willing to have traditional gender roles

To get one of these women to agree to marry and keep the marriage alive the trick is

1. Be masculine
2. Don't be weak in front of her
3. Have dedicated goals in life
4. Be respected in your peer groups


It can be really rewarding if you're not just doing it for the sex. Only do it if you meet someone who really cares about you and you feel good about spending time with them in general. You don't need to have all the same hobbies, but some definitely help.

If you're doing it just because you're afraid to be alone, someone will get hurt.



>redpill me on x
>redpill me on y
>try and convince me why I shouldn't do x&y

The fact you need to ask tips on both subjects from an Aztec stone sculpture platform says enough, just don't and keep shitposting.

pic related

getting married is wonderful but FUCKING TAKE YOUR TIME and fine a non-degenerate woman

so many dumbasses get married fast to women that screw them over later. Date for like 3-5 fucking years, pay off your debt, then get married and start a family

and get a fucking prenup for fucks sake


I've not yet completed going through my notes on women and related to give you a full answer, but I can dump all the pictures I've got on the subject. At the very least, these should persuade you to avoid marriage, although the fact that you're Japanese might change things.

Anyway, dumping.

>3 kids
>5 different dads




Yet he still talks about how good women like heroes and shit



>that image
>meanwhile I'm getting married soon


Women are sweet and soft and cuddly and smell good, why wouldn't you want to marry them?



>Red pill me on getting married.

Don't do it.

>that israel

>Le prenup meme
Wake up sheeple

Here's the last one.
Required reading/watching:

Pretty much this desu

I dated only one girl since I was 13. Got married this March. Waited with sex until the ceremony. Both are 18.

I truly don't know, user. Currently I'm just focusing on my studying and I'm becoming a doctor. If I end up meeting a nice girl along the way, I'll marry her. Otherwise, I won't marry the first bitch I date because that will end up in a divorce. In a divorce you lose the kids, your house and 50% of your salary until your kids reach adulthood.

Did you know that the divorce rate in the US is 50%? That's like playing Russian roulette with 3 bullets in a 6 chamber gun. Anyways, I'm religious so I'll be looking for girls in the churches near me. There still might be some decent women there.

Best of luck, man.


Extended list

Roastie Whore GTFO before you get BTFO like your nasty snatch.

>Implying Church women don't fuck around in their teens and are not hypergamous.


there is a slight chance that you'll be happy for the rest of your life so don't do it



Cucks actually believe this. Some of the dirtiest sluts are church girls. They're tempted and suppressed that when they get with someone like me they want to live out all their fantasies and then some. If she's a virgin she will always be wondering and be resentful about all the cocks she could have been riding, especially when her cunt friends tease her about it or talk about all the sperm they've been guzzling.

I like how all the people dumping are British.

Also before someone starts pushing le church girl xD meme

Why not get a long-term girlfriend, and find out for yourself? When it ends, step back, and imagine that possibly going on for the rest of your life.

>having to be this much of a bitch to score sluts


i agree with you entirely Hansel.

> redpill me on X
> Is X pol approved
> is X degeneracy

all cancer threads, and should be swept up by the janitors before they get any replies.

that shit is explained in the goddamned sticky.

Sage goes in all fields

Why he didn't kill her? What a pussy.



only if shes forced to go there, there are those who actually go there out of their own free will and believe that what they do is right.
they are even rarer but still exist.
gotta make sure non of her friends are sluts though

It's not just sluts.

Think about it, a woman will always 'date up', men are so easily obtainable they have no reason to go out with a man who is a inferior to them. With the exception of mail-order brides and the odd nice church girl, you will only ever get a women if you convince her that you are TOTALLY superior to her, if you as much as appear to give a shit about her, you automatically lose. This is also why nice guys fail, love is not a logical thing, it's a game of emotions. You simply must be a dick and manipulate a woman's emotions if you want to do anything sexual with her.

>never reproduce, especially with those filthy religious girls

*tips fedora*
Thanks for the advice, Shlomo.

I'm married. Having my first kid soon. Wish me luck. (I'm not a nigger, we're both Hungarian ancestry)

Modern women are awful. Unfortunately the most appropriate women for marriage are in their thirties but by then they are all washed up.

Take it from a guy who married his college sweetheart who was into anime and a nerd: they all change and cannot be trusted. All it took was a year around a toxic environment which Chad's and douchelords and they are ready for a new dick.

Women are cancer and should be avoided unless for sexual fulfillment or food making. Marriage is a meme that should never be considered in modern day.

Women are the source of men's frustration. When I was married I was always stressed and anxious. Now I'm divorced and am happier than ever.

If you really need a woman in your life, fuck her, let her move in, and treat her nice. But do NOT marry her. I was lucky enough to tell her to go fuck herself and convinced her she's an awful person, so she isn't coming after me for anything.