I'm a true flat earther. Ask any questions

I'm a true flat earther. Ask any questions

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Do you belive that all the celestial bodies in our known space is flat? Like the sun and the moon?

Or is it just the earth that is flat?

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There are many models. I think that only Earth is flat

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Attached: UN flag has flat earth map on it.jpg (1164x1550, 115K)

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When will globetards realize they’re being played? They should get in a car and drive 2-3 hours and realize the earth doesn’t fucking curve at all. Morons.

It's told that earth is flat 75 times in Bible

un flag is a azimuthal project
a map of a sphere earth
research before posting faggots

Did you eat a lot of paint when you were little?

So, OP... The earth is flat, but other celestial bodies are round. Now let's move on to.........

Hold up, what am I doing. Can't learn a monkey to fly. Kys.

I'm just going to leave this here...

In may i'm taking an exam in Latvian. any theme can be chosen. i literally chose "is earth really round" while everybody was picking themes like "how gym has changed me" or "how much i love horses"

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What made you realize the earth is flat?

apparently nobody learned you english either.

Do you suck dicks?

were you home-schooled, or did you simply miss all basic science classes?

no, mostly cat food. have you? probably you are much smarter than me (if im the one who ate weird stuff), can you prove me wrong?

Thats the problem. Nobody can ACTUALLY debunk fat earth theory - everybody say that im stupid, but science is on your side, why dont you just bust my theroy then?

sometimes yeah what does that have to do with anything?

i disagree with this statement. there is no gravity

probably myself, internet just gave me facts to protect my idea

have you never been in a plane to see the curvature of the earth? Does/did it suck to be stuck in special retard classes in school?

Did you even watch the fucking video or is this response just bait?

Thats the problem with you (roundearthers) - the only thing you can say is FLATEARTHERS ARE DUMB KYS. Whell, if you are so much smarter than me, please debunk with facts

Nigger u aint OP, im OP


I've seen it a million times, but it has no real info and facts, it also protects a different flat earth model from mine (in mine there is no gravity at all)

Why? You don't accept facts as facts. Besides, you're the one making the claim that Earth is flat, so you have to present the evidence to back that up.

the curviture is not visible from an airplane. and yes, being in a special needs class is pretty annoying

Do you have proof that the earth is flat?

facts please

"No real info or facts"
Mind providing examples of what's wrong in the video then? Let's hear your ad-hoc explanations then faggot


ok its time for facts


pretty bad fact tbh

It's time for you to prove your own claim.

It's so wrong that it's not even wrong. There's no science behind your theory it's just stupid rationalizations and explanations for any despute. You come up with dumb arguments for all valid arguments against your claim. It's tiresome

Technically, the Earth is a oblong spheroid.

That is a fact

You can't be serious. You're just an example of Poe's law an adage that states that at their extremes, parodies of extremism and sincere extremism are difficult to distinguish. You're just trolling like a faggot.


Earth is rotating around itself and Suan, which is also rotating around itself and flying through Milky Way, which is also flying through space (1702000 km/h). everything in galactic is flying randomly so there is chaos. Why then we see the same stars from earth in the same positions for thousands of years?

*a lot of science

Please refer to
Feel free to counter even a single point within the video, I'll wait...

>Thats the problem with you (roundearthers) - the only thing you can say is FLATEARTHERS ARE DUMB KYS. Whell, if you are so much smarter than me, please debunk with facts

I have better things to do. like laugh at you.

All previous efforts invariably end with you lot screaming "CGI!" when presented with photographs. or claiming its a conspiracy, when presented with the myriad logical fallacies in your ideas. Or plain ignoring it when facts are presented to you.

So frankly, you are dumb. You are fucking morons who refuse to listen to reality, instead making increasingly absurd statements to back up your idiotic ideas.

You are, quite simply, a waste of oxygen, and a waste of my energy.

At what point in your life did you realize you were a fucking moron? Or has that realization not happened yet?

I swear that i really am a flat earther (P.S. a very well educated flat earther)

This fucking dumbshit!! How do people actually subscribe to this stupidity. I honestly feel bad for flat Earthers, because if you are too stupid to realize something as obvious as the shape of the Earth, they can't possibly have any brainpower, and have to live out their life as some of the dumbest creatures that live here.

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"ad-hoc explanations for autism, please."

Ships dissappear from the bottom when they go over the horizon

Live feeds of space shuttles taking off

Hundreds to thousands of years of science

There's no accurate scientific model that would depict a disk being made and not a sphere as a planet

There's no evidence of a flat earth. Or God. It's like playing chess against a pigeon; it's not going to play by the rules and its going to shit on the board and act like it won
Ok you're just a troll I'm out

Real photos from space.

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"There's no evidence of a flat earth. Or God. It's like playing chess against a pigeon; it's not going to play by the rules and its going to shit on the board and act like it won"

you sir have been quoted, totally saving that

This is a good start for you. Even a pea brained jackass like yourself can understand this

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Why the most distant objects we can see are 18km away? Not counting mountains, skyscrapers etc

no, I'm OP faggot

No flat earther has even been able to explain radar horizon. This is the equivalent of a flat earther check mate.

Attached: Radar-Horizon.png (1097x381, 41K)

Nasa is crying on all the news the last few months about how expensive it is to invent a shield that will protect astronauts from radiation. But how did they took humans on the Moon about 60 years ago? Even if there already was some anti radiation thing, that protected them for the time they were in space, then why did they all die in their 90s? And how did radiation not burn the film? there were no digital recorders (or at least Nasa didnt take any digital camera on the Moon). When press is asking the astronauts to put hand on Bible and swear that they HAVE really been in space, they almost always start swearing and saying mean things to press

lol, you do understand "distance" right? how things look smaller the farther away you get from them? go ahead and try it, set down something on the floor and walk away from it.. you'll be surprised that eventually... you'll get so far away from it.. YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SEE IT ANYMORE! omg... wait.. what? but how is that possible???... moron lol

not yet

You mean wall candy?

wow... those images from all those ancient civilizations! In wonder what kind of lenses their satelites used! the images are so.. "colorful"

The pigeon thing was actually part of a quote

the tide is in during that photo, duh

I hope this is a jk, or you are incredibly retarded.

no, you are just faggot, I'm OP.

More solid evidence that you're a dumb shit. But I don't actually expect you to understand what is portrayed here. The people with a brain will know what it means, and it will further make you look like a severely misinformed ass

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His facts are his basic science classes mate. Its hard to break conditioning.

>Ships dissappear from the bottom when they go over the horizon
It's called "the perspective rule". if you put a plastic soldier on one side of a long table and put your aya a few milimeters above the table on the other side, you vill see that the soldier has no legs and is standing on the knees

Could you quote some of the verses for me? I'm interested to hear them

>Live feeds of space shuttles taking off
in different livestreams continents are different sizes and oceans are different colors

This was debunked literally centuries ago.
So, you should probably go back to doing something latently homoerotic

The fuck that have to do with anything? This is why you people will never learn. Too stupid.

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>Hundreds to thousands of years of science
hudreds of thousands of years of science have proven that earth is flat, but the round earth nonsence is an atribut of last 200 years

>Earth is rotating around itself and Suan, which is also rotating around itself and flying through Milky Way, which is also flying through space (1702000 km/h). everything in galactic is flying randomly so there is chaos. Why then we see the same stars from earth in the same positions for thousands of years?

I'm going to answer this one, because I enjoy astronomy.

First, " everything in galactic is flying randomly " is completely wrong.
Everything is flying around, yes. but in incredibly predictable ways. Remember last summer's solar eclipse? Remember it being talked about in advance, how it wasn't a shock surprise? That's because its predictable. planets all rotate around the sin in predictable orbits, their moons around them in the same. The sun, meanwhile orbits around Sagittarius A*, in a predictable path, as does Sirius, Alpha Centauri, etc, etc.

The other stars are not hurtling all over like cars in a demolition derby. They are all going the same direction (orbiting round) like cars on the motorway, all at the same speed.

And as such, because they are incredibly far away, the relative distance between them remains relatively static - if one star is moving 10,000km/h faster, astronomical distances mean that the difference in position is so miniscule that it is imperceptible to the human eye over a single lifetime. Yet they do move - the pyramids, for example, have shafts in them which were aligned to stars - but no, 4000+ years later, the stars have moved a few degrees from their position back then.

I’m a pilot, and this model doesn’t make any sense from an aviation standpoint

Also doesnt appear to understand the basics of light and refraction

So yeah what do you expect, that they shoot a photographer with the sattelite? Who do you think could possibly take a picture?

ne of the best documented methods for determining the Earth’s roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks. This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations. When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow. At the same time in a city around 500 miles north, the stick there did cast a shadow.
If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun. The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles. They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth. They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value – not bad for around 250 BC.

Why do you think earth is the only planet that is flat


flat earthers about to be eternally btfo

the water level rises during high tide, giving the appearance that the tower is partially immersed, flat earth theory confirmed

>The press.

If some god fearing christian faggot continuously asked retarded questions and refuses to walk away when asked..

I think I'd be throwing punches and talking shit just like they all did.

>There's no accurate scientific model that would depict a disk being made and not a sphere as a planet

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>200 years

Try 500 you fucking moron

Wait, you're a pilot, and a flat earther? This would be the pinnacle of crazy shit.

Are you retarded?

You literally just admitted that the proverbial table in this example is higher on one side than the other, I WONDER FUCKING WHY... MAYBE JUST MAYBE ITS THE CURVATURE OF THE EARTH

>There's no evidence of a flat earth. Or God. It's like playing chess against a pigeon; it's not going to play by the rules and its going to shit on the board and act like it won
fun fact - big bang theory, gravity and Darwin's theory are all officialy just theories

Guaranteed Indian thread

Holy shit.

I’m Hindu now.

Isn’t there that fantasy series with the earth turtle?

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Aristotle (who made quite a lot of observations about the spherical nature of the Earth) noticed that during lunar eclipses (when the Earth’s orbit places it directly between the Sun and the Moon, creating a shadow in the process), the shadow on the Moon’s surface is round. This shadow is the planet's, and it’s a great clue about the spherical shape of the Earth.

I mean I could post shit like this all day, it's very well documented and you yourself can do the same experiments as the Greeks did. You live in an archaic mindset

You are aware even the ancient Greeks theorized the earth was round, right?

everyone on internet thinks that adding "sir" makes you look smart and educated

No, I’m a pilot and I know the earth is round