Nope. Not going to allow it.
This is a thread for you faggots to convince me to not vote for Trump.
Only verifiable facts will be allowed in this thread so shitposters/redditers gtfo.
Do not make a claim unless you have a source.
Nope. Not going to allow it.
This is a thread for you faggots to convince me to not vote for Trump.
Only verifiable facts will be allowed in this thread so shitposters/redditers gtfo.
Do not make a claim unless you have a source.
Voting is consenting to slavery.
No source.
No explanation.
gtfo of my thread
Voting is consenting to slavery.
He's racist. You want proof?
Google "Trump judge comments"
Read a couple articles from any of the sources on the first page.
He claims, asserts, implies (insert whatever word you feel comfortable here) that an American born U.S. Court District Judge is not capable of doing his sworn job and having a fair stance at his case because he is of "Mexican" heritage.
That's racism.
>inb4 whatever pathetic excuse you have for not wanting to admit it
How is that racist?
Curiel is a (former) member of La Raza, an organization based on identity politics. Assuming he would have a bias due to his ethnicity is not entirely absurd.
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
-Sonia Sotomayor
Shitpost and gtfo out of my thread troll.
If you don't provide sources then gtfo it's that simple.
dont liberals always say white judges cant try niggers fairly because of racial bias? also that mexican is part of la raza, translated to "the race." what would liberals say if a white judge was part of a racial supremacy organization?
No sources.
OP here.
This isn't a baseless accusation thread.
You wanna say something like "dont liberals always say white judges cant try niggers fairly"
You better have a fucking source.
not an argument
I like the cut of your jib Op
Honestly just sick of people just saying shit.
I can be convinced one way or another but I want to see some evidence.
Here a reason. He most probably has a lower i.q than you. Do you want to put someone that doesnt have your best interest at heart ( a republican, billionaire, unaware, idiot with no composure, deos not reflect or interepret just react as bombastically as possible, also willing to hurt the middle class even more by giving wider tax rebates to the billionaire class) or vote for the best Presisential candidate in modern history : Bernie Sanders.
>but I want to see some evidence.
There is none.
For anything. There never was.
Illusion of choice, just like every other election. We have:
>A literal Jewish communist
>A female cunt criminal
>A politically incorrect businessman/reality TV star
Now at first glance these people all have wildly different policies and beliefs. But there is one common denominator amongst the Big 3: unwavering support for Israel.
That's right. Supporting Israel as an American is such a top priority amongst our politicians that we literally don't even have a candidate to pick that opposes Israel.
Trump's meteoric rise is way too convenient and well-timed. The media bashing he gets is controlled opposition. They WANT him to get elected. I mean what do you expect? For the last 30 years our country has been exporting jobs and letting illegal immigration go unchecked. A great majority of Americans are affected negatively by this and then suddenly the gilded god emperor shows up just in time to save us.
>I'm gonna bring the jobs back!
>I'm gonna deport the illegals!
And no American who has been taking heavy losses this whole time is gonna oppose these policies, because it's in their best interests. But it's all just another part of the grand scheme.
I'm starting to think that supporting Trump is the ultimate bluepill. Convincing everyone that Mexicans are the problem and not Jews infiltrating every aspect of our society.
He was found guilty racial discrimination in his housing businesses. - Evidence of racism
He has had a "private session" with Henry Kissenger. - Means he is another establishment sell out
He cant use words that are more than 3 syllables. - Just watch his stupidity
He is not really a billionaire to the extent he says - As is shown through his assets and past
He is a pathological liar - I dont even need to present a really why because he will probably tell you new lies today we didnt hear yesterday.
>voting is slavery
No. Apathy is slavery. You don't just let people do whatever they want to you.
Judges across the country show everyday that they're incapable of objective justice bc of one reason or another. They are not more stoic than any other person.
>b-but he a raycis!! he offend me! I deserve to be a citizen!
Honestly, the fact that the entire political system is opposed to him, but the American people are huge fans of him (large portion of anyway), is enough to make me want to consider him. Also bc he's not a socialist or a felon.
He uses Alex Jones as a source for info.
He has said the man has a good reputation.
His grandkid is a Jew.
Trump """"""""University"""""""""
Why did you make this thread about other people's opinions if you disregard any which you dont like?
Holy shit.
And you don't think you want to vote for him because of the points outlined here?: You should want to vote for him. When Jews have slowly and steadily implemented so much bullshit that fucks us over, of course you would want to vote for the guy claiming he can fix these problems. Good goy.
we already won lad
Put this on the mark to vote for Trump, because fuck you.
What were you expecting sources for? It's no secret that he's pro Israel. Every single candidate has been on record saying they support Israel.
Beyond that all I really claimed was the media was controlled opposition, but you can observe for yourself. There's really nothing citable there, everything I claimed was either objectively or intuitively true.
You can find a dozen similar quotes to pic related. Bernie and Hillary's support for Israel is also published and verifiable. I'm not making outlandish claims. I've done enough spoonfeeding already.
I support Trump, but he needs to learn to SHUT THE FUCK UP! He says some unbelievably indefensible stupid things. a Judge being of Mexican decent does NOT mean he is biased against Trump. He MAY be biased against Trump but it is not because of his decentage. Banning all Muslims from entering US is STUPID, banning all Serbians temporarily is OK. What Trump is TRYING to say and do is NOT what he is SAYING, he needs to properly SAY what he means. He can still be UN-PC but he needs to clarify what he is saying.
When the fuck did Trump say he'd ban Serbs?????
>When the fuck did Trump say he'd ban Serbs?????
Damn auto correct.... Serians not Serbs.
Just like a mayor of San Jose being Mexican had nothing to do with peaceful, pro Trump people trying to gather for assembly and becoming sitting ducks for the illegal Mexican horde that was waiting to attack.
No conflicts of interests here. I mean it's really the same thing with Jews. You cannot trust them in political positions because of the very fact that they're Jewish. You can see that they adopt stances that benefit Israel more than America so it's a conflict of interest to have them in power.
Same exact fucking thing as having a Mexican Supreme Court Judge at a time when illegal Mexican immigration is the topic dujour.
They do the same thing with juries when hate crimes get committed, they diversify it to avoid bias.
lol kk I was worried cuz I love Trump and I am Serbian lol
the pandering for Hillary and Bernie is insane
I didn't know Mexican was a race.
I agree. He's completely incompetent. There is in fact a possible conflict of interest that has to do with the judge being associated with a Mexican nationalist group, and being associated with donations to Hillary's campaign, but the fucking fool doesn't take advantage of those. Instead he says 'lol he's an ethnic Mexican therefore he can't be my judge'.
Trump is the ultimate redpill. There's no going back.
>wahhhh he rayciss
prove racism is bad. only verifiable facts will be allowed. do not make a claim unless you have a source.
Spoken like an intelligent user...
What do you make of this?:
He didn't ask for an opinion he asked for facts you fucking autist
That you have absolutely nothing credible to back up your hypothesis. It's a nice conspiracy theory, I can dig it. However, there have always been leaders that have sprung up "at the right time" without any external kikery.
Hillary also said this though...
>This is a thread for you faggots to convince me to not vote for Trump.
He doesn't believe in climate change. His policies will remove all population laws and regulations out there. That alone is why you shouldn't vote for him.
This is Jew propaganda.
Yeah after trump did and after she wished the fucking Muslims well. She knew she fucked up
he said to a bunch of Jews he doesn't want their money
There isn't one, now stop shilling on my fucking board, every goddamn day
He is a stupid cunt mate we had Tony Abbott as our last PM he was stupid bigot cunt just like Trump he fucked shit up something shocking and believe me the two are cut from the same cloth last thing you want is this peanut in power unless you a stupid bigot cunt as well in that case go for is sun :)
>Hillary Clinton
>defending the values they fought for
Only Bernout hippies and complete plebs believe that man has an effect on climate. Go ask a geologist about the climate ten of thousands of years ago. You wont like what you hear.
Leb cunt
>pointing out that a racist mexican is racist is racism
lel, make it more obvious that you hate white men bro
if our ancestors only knew what they were fighting for
they would probably have stayed home
no more white-hating judges in america
Vote for the one who is strongest. The one with the best will to make your people great.
Why WOULD you vote for him? Give examples w/o Sup Forums memes.
Funny yeah, couldn't find anything at all from Bernies twitter about DDay, atleast the witch knew she had to say something.
I'm gonna need a source on that....
The Big 3 candidates support Israel. It's been published and you can find numerous quotes about the fact that they all support Israel.
So tell me why a Jewish owned media wouldn't want to shill for Trump, who:
>Supports Israel, thus ensuring their multi billion dollar annual siphon from the American economy into foreign aid to Israel will most likely keep going
>Has convinced the great majority of Americans that illegal Mexicans are the source of all evil instead of the (mostly) dual American-Israeli citizens who have infiltrated our banks, media, Hollywood, and government
>Will most likely not oppose the Federal Reserve, allowing them to continue depreciating the value of our dollar and control every artificial economic up and downswing this country has seen since the Great Depression
What about my stance is conspiracy tier? Are you new on Sup Forums? You've never seen the myriad infographics that show just how much influence Jews have over every aspect of American culture? You don't know they've followed this same pattern of parasitic usury for 2 millenia (and they've also been expelled from every country that's let them in)?
Jesus, he really is the bluepilled candidate. At this stage of the game when Israel is sitting on something like 700 nukes and their utter conquest of Palestine is pretty much finished, I think they can start to relinquish pushing cultural Marxism in American and start to push for a right wing candidate who will conveniently continue to send them billions of dollars in foreign aid.
>trump is not racist
>wanna argue about it?
If you hate American then vote Hillary, that's literally it user.
trump is just a lightweight socialist, he wants to control to much, its not going to work.
>Trump is racist
Goes both ways user.
Judge has ties to La well as the law firm that is bringing trump to court over Trump U. La Raza...translated = "the race", is a radical ethnic group. Trumps views on ILLEGAL aliens doesn't set well at all with La he wants the judge off the case.
How long have you been a low information sheep.
whoever you guys elect it will be a win for us cuz hillary and trump both are shit and both will destroy the USA making our lives better
I literally called out Jews as the supreme menace in the post, how would that be Jewish shilling? The bluepill is that he's painting Mexican illegals (who are awful) as the source of all of our woes when that honor actually goes to the Jews.
>USS Liberty
>Federal Reserve
>King David Hotel bombing
The more I see this blatant opposition to those who question Trump's meteoric rise that does nothing but serve Israel's interests to a tee, the more I question whether or not Trump is really the redpilled candidate.
There's this mistaken notion on Sup Forums since Trump became popular that standard conservative/Republican views are redpilled. That's never been the case. Most conservatives support Israel; THAT'S redpilled? Fuck man. Neo/pol/ has gone to shit.
Im a white Aussie sunshine :)
trump also denies the global warming, and something something vacs cause autism which is obvious bullshitting. one may argue that he just does pandering to the republican retards but you never know.
Fear of the Kraken
>lol trump is a racist hurr durr
If you can't listen long enough to actually comprehend what Trump was saying in that interview, you're an even bigger retard than everyone already thinks you are
>inb4 any logical response lel
Hang yourself
0/10 b8 try harder
Why wouldn't you vote for Trump? Look what 8 years of Obama got us. What do you think the token female democrat will do? Probably worse to be honest. The biggest foreign policy blunders happened with here as the secretary of state. To be honest, I don't even like Obama but people look at him as the fuck up but it's probably more Hillary's fault.
>Whoever wins will be a win for us
Top kek
>implying white people have a second layer of skin
yeah if hillary wins we will be able to get the US army to die for us fighting ISIS while we sit back and eat kebab
if trump wins we will be able to laugh at the USA trying to invade another 3rd world country like the war on terror and then spending 8 years trying to fix their image
It was bantz reginald calm your tits
Fuk man I missed the banter bus fml
>yeah if hillary wins we will be able to get the US army to die for us fighting ISIS while we sit back and eat kebab
You mean you can take the boat in to the US and live the shitskins life of living off the tax payers.
>if trump wins we will be able to laugh at the USA trying to invade another 3rd world country like the war on terror and then spending 8 years trying to fix their image
Implying the US gives a shit what inferior Countries think if them
Also, Trump's plan would more than likely push ISIS into Libya. that combined with the US not letting in refugees you'd get your assholes pushed in with goatfucker dicks. You may like that so I guess it is "win win"
for you still.
My bad user. Go back to not mattering.