What's your method of getting high in public?

What's your method of getting high in public?

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Go to bed

magic flight launch box and jenkem

yeah go to bed

my positive mental attitude.

A blunt.

Joint in car
Vape on the street.

Used to just put hash in cigarettes

stairs, but i take the elevator when its more than 3 floors

its been quite a few years since i was an edgy 14 year old, so i don't need to get high in public

I get high before i go out. You are a retard

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Go to bed

When you live in Vancouver, you dont gotta sneak that shit. Walking down the street, passing suits, blowin dube smoke in their face as they walk by, its a sweet life my brutha

I don't get high in public.
Used to when I was a kid and didn't give a fuck, but now I'm an adult and prefer to sit alone smoking away from everyone.

So you never get high before a movie or during a concert? The point of being discreet is that it's the opposite of trying to be edgy. You're not showing off or making a scene.

Wow. That's like drinking alone, only more sad

The responses in this thread.

It's like "reee. How dare you go out and try to have a good time in public". All that's missing is a "get out normies"

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If I'm going to be out and about... I prefer edibles.

Well, sitting in a little smoking circle in a garage or basement somewhere at 30+ isnt such a good look either.

I find them unpredictable. Some days 10 mg hits me like a wall, and others I can take 30 and be relatively sober. That worries me. I do however have some nice butter right now. One pot boil method. Now I have to heat it up in 3 days and separate the flour from the butter.

You obviously haven't been to Colorado. If you ever do then go to a dabs bar. Most have chess. Is smoking while playing chess, poker or trivia a better look?

I should probably add that the stakes are usually pot. These places are bring your own bud. Then if you win you have to sneak an illegal amount back to your car.

going to funerals

More weed for him. More economical, once you get past the age of 15, smoke circles are boring and a waste. Especially because there's always one asshole who rips the whole bowl.

That's a thc inhaler. I get it now. You all thought I was getting high off an asthma inhaler. Yeah. That's a dangerous thing kids do. Aero inhalers are kind of like dabs only slightly more disgusting.

That's why we use dabs and you don't get to load your own. Plus it's a lot harder to get herpes off a bong.

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>Is smoking while playing chess, poker or trivia a better look?

No. It's what they offer. Adults like playing poker, trivia and chess. Would you rather it was duck duck goose?

How many puffs does it take to get decently stoned?

2 to 4

Smoking weed

We have smoke lounges up in Canada where card holders are allowed to sit in a sports/entertainment bar setting and bring their own weed. You can also rent or buy paraphernalia, some have drinks, snacks and even a kitchen.
They're in no way forced to check if anyone is a card holder, only ID needed for age, but they do not sell any weed.

Same in Colorado, but I'm talking concerts and work. I have a medical condition. I have to keep my intercranial pressure down

Colorado fag to. I use the wax pens . Everyone knows what the hash oil carts look like so i just keep my little wax pen on me. Couple hits im good. I go to CCD and smoke on campus all day

That's too obvious, because of the smell

Used to use a Puffit. It worked decent and was discreet. But it died. Now I just buy shatter and mix it up as an ejuice and vape it like I would any normal ejuice.

That's too obvious, because of the smell