Britfag realises it's not so bad

>be britfag
>everyday I wake up and listen to a torrent of weaboo channers talk about how my country is becoming increasingly Muslim
>but then I remember that I haven't seen a coloured person in months and that our government is still mostly white with bishops actively involved in the political process
>remember that most of these channercucks are American and that whites won't be a majority in 29 years, and that in the next 3 years whites will be a minority of under 18 year olds
>every Taco Bell they eat, every low wage labourer they exploit, every racist political movement that gains weight is furthering the demise of these americucks embroiled in ethnic creative-destruction
>mfw all the colonies eventually succumb to race - Rhodesia, Israel, South Africa, India, America
>be a britfag and live in a 92% white country
>feels good man

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You're not fooling anyone, Sadiq


Victorian England wasn't all that white :^)
nothing has changed

Got some bad news for ya Nigel...

Vote leave, or you'll be more (((diverse))) than we are.
>also no guns
>also no lebensraum


hah, fuck off


I feel the same when I wake up every morning to brush my teeth. Feels great to have a clean set of teeth.

Feels good to comment after America save your ass during WWII isn't?

Is it even real? Jesus.

> >mfw all the colonies eventually succumb to race - Rhodesia, Israel, South Africa, India, America
This. Our future lies in fortifying Europe and our native territories. Shitskin colonies eventually return to their original state whatever you do. Too many browns around the borders that keep crashing the comfy white countries.

We defeated the Luftwaffe on our own, thus Germany couldn't invade us. We weren't saved.

See >I'm a retarded argie who learned history from Hollywood films

One school is trying to force this because currently it's not happening.

Some police officers are cunts?

A police officer asks him to put it away; no arrest was made, singular police officer is cuck that was nationally embarrassed.

Party with no political power talks about stuff they cannot achieve


The best strategy you guys use against Nazis were let them bomb you.

not an argument

The US barely did shit in Europe. Bong is right, lay off the Jewlywood WW2 movies.

You're lucky we had the dignity not to bomb Buenos Aires in 1982, with nuclear payload

Unfortunately it is just fake made by EVIL WHITE SUPREMACISTS who are afraid of DIVERSITY.
I dunno why only Trudeau openly tells about his plans.


The best strategy you guys had was to give some Boy Scouts some guns, and leave them stranded on a rock with a couple of rockets. While sailing your glorified cruise ship to the bottom of the south Atlantic.

Best take military advice from an argie

>>every Taco Bell they eat, every low wage labourer they exploit, every racist political movement that gains weight is furthering the demise of these americucks embroiled in ethnic creative-destruction

That's a long way to call the Americans, fat.

Yeah yeah, I hear that Europe story all the time

>America didn't do anything
>We could have defeat Germany without America
Is funny that you guys actually believe that.

>Brits defeating Buenos Aires
You try and got your ass kick twice, nice try though.

show me ur anal hole.

You bloody wish

So what if it's mainly inside and near the major cities. As long as the number of non-europeans is above 0 - your shit is extremely fucked.

The last french president or whatever made those comments about how france must intermarry, that its not a choice

ur anus is gonna be bloody after im don with it.