New trap/cd thread! Question of the day: am I allowed a real orgasm or just a ruined one...

New trap/cd thread! Question of the day: am I allowed a real orgasm or just a ruined one? Should I be punished for being teasing slut?

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What do you all think??

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buddy, you need to learn how to shave properly. Or at least only take pictures right after shaving. That looks pretty gross

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Would you let this poor little cock cum?

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every stinking one of you should be put down for being the stinking filth you are, or at the very least - have the word freak branded into your forehead so when you walk down the street, people will know exactly who to give a good fucking kicking to.

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Yes, but you aren’t allowed to touch it. Cum like a good girl

Should I lock it up or nah?

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I'll give you an option.

Ruin your orgasm and drip your cum onto your feet
Or cum normally, but slap yourself hard in the balls when you cum

Now go do your nasty shit and stop pestering these threads with your pathetic requests

Lock it up and keep it locked up.

So mean. But hot. I'm gonna go with option number one. Do you want pics?

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Depends. Are you cute like these pics you're posting or are you just some ogre rp-ing with reposts?

Last two are me; what do you think???

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Then yes, show us


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a real one. But lick it up at the end

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Faggot clocking in, what’s up nerds?

Sleep deprived and wanting to die.

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This is why we should never put anything other than "trap" in the OPs

Looking good ;)

Would have slow passionate sex with

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I'm starting to think gif related is the only time Jenny Flowers has ever looked attractive

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Real orgasm and never wear a cage again.

Any in Arizona?

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33 year old author based out of Richmond, Virginia seeking trap wifey. Location doesn’t matter. Will fly for someone worthwhile and a story worth telling. Kik: Tsagatar

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Post cock pls

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Serious question for any traps in this thread. How do you prevent shit dick? I like anal play, but any time I stick things up there I end up getting shit on my toys. Seems like everyone online can manage somehow but nothing works for me. Makes it so hooking up is probably something I will never get to do.

use a douche and dont eat for a bit


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Eat very light, avoid foods that make you gassy or give you the runs and don't consume caffeine 24 hours prior to engaging in anal sex. Take a shit if you have to, then hop in the shower and clean your ass on the outside with soap and the inside with an enema. Is the water coming out brown? Keep squirting fresh water in your ass until the answer to that question is no. After that you're ready to take a pounding. Use plenty of lube and foreplay.


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Excuse me, anons. What does "cd" mean?

compact disc

Real one, but only if you compel with 3 conditions:
1: You can't touch your dick during the first hour of play. Everything else is permitted.
2: Must have something deep into your ass when you cum.
3: Must be propperly dressed, and post pics

carbon dioxide

That changes everything

corpse defilement

Clit destruction

ctrap dboipussy

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count dracula

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More oc

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Think ahead by a couple hours and drink a lot of water. It will naturally hydrate your insides so when you go, you go smoothly and solidly. You could also mix it with some light fiber supplements, I'm not talking about the full fiber pills but the ones that are supposed to be part of a diet.

Matthew ?

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Honest opinions of me pls :^)

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hot, post more

too masculine

looks like my friend kevin

ive heard thick ass saves lives

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Hey all have some OC

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Same :3

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R8 me

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I wanna rip those leggings open and suck that asshole

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Post dicc

Mom?! It's not what it looks like

Not girly enough. Everything from waist up minus hair looks like a guy.

Hey, I remember you, been waiting to see you in one of these threads agin, any moar webms of you playing with toys?

Honest opinion?

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Pretty ok, I suggest thickening up a bit through for some softer curves.

Moar, so smooth and soft looking, any or you spreading?

NJ is a barren wasteland for traps, pls tell me I'm not alone qwq

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Hips area? I feel like my shoulder to hips ration is bad.

Would squating and such help?

Or how to improve?

More oc :3

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Any in AZ?

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Feel the same way about PA tbh

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Show your hole slut

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. Squats, running, and situps. Those should really bring out your hips more. Have a ton of anal sex or toyplay to develop your muscles more. Also lets see how you look bent over.


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armit gross
jawline emma watson style
no tits

He said hole, so spread em.

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