Fell sorry for all ye ameriFags

Fell sorry for all ye ameriFags ...

One day she's gonna be president .....

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Who is that? I see this shemale posted everywhere

Emma Gonzalez

I hope she dies in a structure fire


hedgehog of aidssmog

And it will be the NRA's fault. A refusal to compromise leads to over reaction by the other side.

She'll be forgotten about in a couple months.


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this. at which point she will do porn. her jewish masters have already planned it out

Pretty much. Too nondescript. Not memorable. The only thing she has is that she fits a stereotype very well, and can be used to spread a bullshit message and to support a crappy narrative because of it. The truth is, though, because of this she just falls into the same nameless pile of girls I just label as 'Katniss'. Boring, old, and tired meme.

Advocate of gun control? Oh.
I hope she sees all her family die in pain and becomes handicapped to stretch the misery of her life to maximum.


Over my dead body, that bitch runs, anyone will end up running. I'd rather vote for a dog than this cunt

You'll shoot your eye out.

i hear you but
she's too fucking stupid to be a politician

Retards like you voted for a gameshow host, who gives a fuck what you'd vote for, shillfag?

Never said I voted Trump shithead. I wouldn't give a shit what your commie ass votes for either, btw not a shill. I bet 20 you are

>anyone will end up running

he says as his country is being run into the ground by a reality TV figure with no political experience and a history of bankrupting his own real estate projects

>stay mad amerifat

Sure she is

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You stupid fucking child. This cunt will be forgotten in a month or so.

Just like Shillary was, right?

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LEL. And so will your guns after you're forced to hand them over. It's okay though, you were never going to use them anyway tbh

first trap president of the world

We already have a bully in the WH. We don't need another like her. She is a self centered cunt. Again, we already have one of those in the WH and do not need another.

Choose again teen faggot.

Sure kid

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cnn knows better

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President of the bullying club

Yes, just like all those young people who started "Occupy Wall Street" and then went on to have illustrious political careers.

No, because this guy isn't American.

Shit, you faggots are stupid.

Forced to hand over a gun? How can you be forced to hand over something that no one knows you have? Hows school going by the way? I can tell you are a still kid, so thought I would ask.


>too stupid to be a politician
you do know who the current president is..?

where's her nudes?

Has billions of dollars.

Can't be that stupid.

> illustrious political careers.
you mean the street urchins in every major city in the us?

A trillionare business man.

Honestly she'd make a good POTUS. We need more women in all offices. I mean, its been dominated by men for hundreds of years and look at the shit show that has got us into. It's time to embrace the age of the woman anons. First step is to grow up and put your guns away the days of cowboys and dukes of hazard are gone. Time to live in reality now conservacucks, not the GI Joe comic life you've been living for the last 5 generations

In due time. Her fame will be over in a year and she will feel desperate nd will do porn to get attention

I'm sure what you just said will totally change her mind.

This. The NRA’s almost liberal-like smugness and unwillingness to compromise will flush them into irrelevance.

Versus some trap that hid in a classroom, and then had some wires hooked up and became a shitlib marionette.

Who would win?

You’ll probably beat her to death with your terminal obesity

This is the most hilarious lefty Poe I've seen in a while.

>Honestly she'd make a good POTUS.

Uhh, no she wouldn't. She is a teenager. And even at 30 or 40, she still wouldn't be suitable for the role. Quit living in a fantasy world. Social media is not real. You obviously think it is still. Because you are a child.

Worse - it's a leftist.

you are wrong

>inb4 somebody shoots her

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La creatura

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Honestly we need to let younger people become president. why should people who will be dead within 10 years get to make decisions that last generations? We should let people 21 and older run. Id vote for her.

I wish these little fruitbowls would go away. The store where I normally buy ammo is crowded now and they can't keep .223 and .556 ammo in stock.

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she will be the 1st hispanic president?

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>unwillingness to compromise
Yeah, just like the Founding Fathers of the United States, whose unwillingness to compromise led to their total irre - um, wait

President of cock sucking

I work in close proximity to a store, and know the owner personally. The place has been fucking lit, they literally can't keep shit on the shelves ever since these shits have been campaigning to ban guns.

I don't know what people were thinking. This whole movement has made regular people who normally wouldn't purchase a firearm go out and purchase one without a second thought.

Its the crisis actor. Muh daddy works for the FBI i swear this isnt a setup


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>One day she's gonna be president .....



No. 35 is a reasonable age for POTUS. I'm not gonna go the "HURR TIDE PODS" route that a lot of people seem to go, but I can tell you that within the last 10 years, my views on a lot of things have matured, and I still don't think I'd be ready for that kind of responsibility, to be the face of the nation. 21 is, flat out, way too young to have that kind of responsibility thrust on you, and I don't care who you are.

Go to thebarchieve and look up the photos name in this pic

You will see them

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One of my buddies who has never shot a gun in his life just bought a beautiful Windham Weaponry AR and signed up for an instructional course. He is a registered Democrat.

so youre fine with a mentally retarded, senile, manchild-troll with a 6th grade reading level to be president but not a passionate, intelligent young american? Interesting. If you can kill for your country, smoke, drink, gamble, drive, vote, work, etc. at 21, you can be President. Its not fuckin rocket science.

Funny crumpets.

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>political issues

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> but not a passionate, intelligent young american?

Really, try to hide your stupid..at least a little. This little cunt is none of those things, not even the American part. She is a bully and has no issues with that. She is in this for herself. She reeks of it.

lmao Brits can't decide whether to be racist or scared of being racist!

I didn't say that. I'm simply saying that even at 21, a lot of people have a lot more maturing to do, and having that much responsiblity thrust on them with so little room for error is insane. Some people mature faster than others, yeah. Don't get me wrong. Some mature slower than others. Just look at Tweety von Tinyhands. I think 35 is a perfectly reasonable age to set for POTUS qualification though, since a case by case basis on something of that level of importance sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

>founding fathers
>unwillingness to compromise

The bill of rights is nothing but compromise.

Roughly 3 million libtards

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wow you sound like a faggot. 21 is fine bro. its just POTUS. if a guy can smoke weed and play sax and get his dick sucked while doing it... and if a cokehead, a nigger and a reality tv host can do it Im sure this girl can.

>Start of life with millions
>used millions to invest, scam, and deal to billions

Yeah, successful, doesn't mean smart.

>what are financial advisors

Lul, gr8 b8 I r8 8/8

You forgot the m8 in there
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

as you've seen, we don't do women presidents :)
(just blacks)

You're not even worth debating with. Go on, your tendies are ready.

lol nice empty repsonse faggot. clearly you know im right.

Yeah? You think someone in their 20s is gonna have a pretty solid mental fortitude talking one on one with Merkal or Putin? Bitch please, people in their 20s are still figuring themselves out.
I think your thinking of local politics, that actually have a direct impact on your day to day life, not the macro international responsibilities of the POTUS. Seriously, what kind of aid do you think a 21 yr old is gonna offer Africa? Do you know Africa still celebrates all the work George W Bush did for them? That guy's a hero over there, but your spoiled ass is way more concerned about a single issue that wasnt around 50 years ago despite zero policy changes in that area. It's already illegal to murder people. Making guns illegal too isn't going to change it.

Whoa there it seems like you are reaching levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible, have you tried just kys.

No sense in having a battle of wits with an unarmed individual. All you have are insults and name calling. You are claiming that a kid who just gained the right to drink is capable of being commander in chief of the most expensive military on the planet? No, they're probably gonna be on a bender, not thinking through decisions that effect the entire country, and often the entire WORLD. That's a lot of responsibility for anyone, let alone someone that young.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some young blood in politics. Tossing someone that young into the highest executive position in the US like that seems like a fatal mistake though.

Nah. If Trump can do it so can a 21 year old kid. Especially a woman. Trump is literally a retard in his 70s who didnt even probably expect to win. she'd be fine. dont be dumb bro.

And we see how well that's going now, don't we?
I stand by my points.

I'm all right with it

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Listen to Alex Jones here lol

>Tossing someone that young into the highest executive position in the US like that seems like a fatal mistake

Yet you support a fucking cheeto that tries to pick a fight with the most unstable dictator in the world over fucking twitter. A 21 year old on a bender would be a welcome improvement

Honestly, 30 is about the youngest I could see working, with prior experience in government. Say we lowered the age requirement of congress to 18, president to 21. By 21, the individual would barely have had enough time to complete a term in the Senate, assuming that their birth year worked out with the election cycles. Frankly, I'm of the opinion that nobody should hold the office of president without either experience in government prior, having graduated from law school, or military experience.
Yes, I support Cheeto Jesus after calling him "Tweety von Tinyhands". Holy fuck, you're both idiots. Only reason I don't think it's a samefag is because it was one second apart.

HA! voanews.com/a/us-south-north-korea-diplomacy/4308985.html America wins again.

>tweety von tinyhands
I wonder what hundreds of traits you have that I could slander you for, lol

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I love how fucking scared you all are of one girl with empathy

They still think girls have cooties lmao

Welp, unlike Fuckface von Clownstick, I'm not in the public spotlight, sitting there playing golf and bashing anyone who I disagree with on Twitter while I'm supposed to be running a goddamn nation.
Also, go take a shower. I could change the oil in my car if I just wrung your hair out into a bucket.

You talk like tumblr lmao

believing this propaganda

>HuR DuR WinNing

So she's against free speech?

She must have some legitimate momentum behind her to make all these republifucks this butt-blasted

mediabiasfactcheck.com/voice-of-america/ time to get offline and read a book, user.

>United States government-funded
>rated as factual in 2016
>site doing the rating is operated by volunteers with no stated vetting process

Done all the reading I need to