It's time to repeal the 2nd Amendment! It's a matter of life and death...

>It's time to repeal the 2nd Amendment! It's a matter of life and death. Nothing is more important than safety in schools. KIDS ARE DYING!

>What? Hell no you can't make us have transparent backpacks in school. It's against our rights!

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Other urls found in this thread:

no one cares about that dumb fag that doesnt even go to that school
he's just a crisis actor doing his job working for cnn
no one cares

go nuke urself man

How's the weather in Russia today?

Exactly! If we repeal the 2nd amendment, guns will just vanish!

Youre an faggit.

Good, its good day in Russia, how's the weather in San Francisco?

lol pick 1

Exactly! If we license gun ownership, the 2nd amendment will just vanish!


You are faggot

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Why not just instead of making that crap you all fags make your government invest in something to detect psychopaths and with that reduce the amount of shootings in schools or intead of trowing shit to your chairman you start trowing shit to the incompetent inteligence agencies that make little to no shit to stop this.
But no lets just ban all guns that will help just watch mexico they ban the guns and are all right.

>sir let me see youre back..

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He looks just like a kid on south park, that doeant realize hes a parody of what pussys kids r these days. A fucking safety patrol monitor. What a little bitch! Perfect lib

>What? Hell no you can't make us have transparent backpacks in school. It's against our rights!
Said no one.

whos the femboy

the sheer size of our country in relation to the other western countries and people we have makes that chart a joke

He actually thinks hes tough...... Hes actually been pampered so much and his ass patted so much he thinks hes tough and edgy. Lol
China is going to steamroll this country in under a 100 years. Thanks to all r Marxist pussies. And this bitch will be the first one tortured.

For fucks sake they could have least taken the price tag off the microphone.

Does anyone else not see it's Hogg and kids like Hogg that cause school shootings? Watch how he carries himself, how he speaks and behaves in interviews. He is arrogant, he is condescending, he is a bully, obnoxious, and cliche. But through it all he's praised and hailed as being brave?

What about the other victims? Those who wish they could have defended themselves, or had the security of someone there to protect them? They are out their and they're being silenced, because they're not in the clique. They don't fit the agenda.

Hogg and the clique are not interested in letting anyone outside the clique have the victim spotlight.

>per 100 000 inhabitants

>less people dying violently for any reason than any period in history

Yet they present everything as a worsening crisis to manipulate you. Beside, why trust one side's slippery slope arguments when you deride the other's? School shooters aren't going to shoot all the kids just like gays aren't going to make everyone gay.

In all seriousness the near Alex Jones level of leading paranoia doesn't look good on the left. Conservatives are naturally suspicious, you guys on the other hand using panic and suspicion as the core of arguments looks very alien, weaponized. Liberals ignoring facts is just wrong and weird and says "something's up".

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This shit is the ultimate in boomerposting.
>I didn't dodge the fucking draft in '68 just so some scrawny crybaby millennials could claim they have some made up freedom not to get shot!

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He looks like this kid I knew who always smelled like poop

>conservatives are naturally suspicious
^Fucking this. The term "conservative" is a contrast to "progressive", the idea that you should be cautious before changing the status quo, lest you end up with a worse status quo.

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tfw the US has been killing kids around the world wholesale for decades and these kids don’t know or don’t give a fuck.

double standards from the left.
nothing new here

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If Americans have become truly stupid on any level, it's this level.

The level of screaming at the top of our lungs to lawmakers to "Do something! Anything!"

It writes a blank check to those assholes in Washington, getting nothing done except taking away yet more of our rights.

These fucking high schoolers are dipshits.

No way that's real.

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Want to talk about violent crime stats?


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Foot Status:


The quote is paraphrased from what they've said on guns, just with backpacks substituted.
The whiny little bitch really is complaining about "rights" after railing all this time about stopping a current right.

Hogg has claimed the clear backpacks are a 1st amendment right violation...'s not
...though it could be a 4th amendment violation
...and he's still calling for mass 2nd amendment violation...
...yes, he's that stupid.

That’s right, instead of doing something that’s worked for everyone else, let’s do random shit until we find something that might have an impact.

Why are gun owners the most insufferable hobbyists with the least amount of common sense?

i wonder if they know that

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can't fog the hogg

German here. I think you should ban your guns or at least heavily restrict the gun business. The status quo is totally stupid. But what is even more stupid, is this focus on a few teenage fuckheads to get a change in the debate.

> Worked for everyone else
Like California, Detroit, D.C, and a handful of other places with the highest gun control and worst crime?
...even wonder why mass shootings are 99% of the time in "gun-free zone"?

You wouldn't know common sense if it shit in your face.

So, you individually at the worst point in shown on this graph would have a %0.01 chance of being murdered instead of a best case European scenario of %0.001.

Meanwhile of those homicides around 80% were conducted with handguns the legality of which is not being attacked directly by the current rhetoric. You would have us address something which, at the absolute height of American urban violence in the 1980's still only had a %0.002 chance of happening to any given person.

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Heil Hilter

Here comes the look at these countries that banned guns that are so awesome while they completely ignore other places with gun bans and massive murder rates.

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Other countries bro. It’s kind of meaningless to say “you can’t buy them here, but you can drive an hour away if you want to.

Why are mass shootings in gun free zones? Because that’s where kids are at. If you think that guns make a place safer, try reading about “stress shooting” and what usually happens when a “good guy with a gun” try’s to kill a “bad guy with a gun”.

The reason we're having more shootings is the same reason everyone is fixated on Trump.


Kids have to deal with their parents stress and since we dont talk to each other they dont deal with it very well.

In fact some of them decide to follow through with their plan to shoot a school...

These kids have always been there, they are just dealing with a massive increase in stress.

I wanna hear how we are gonna help these kids not how we are gonna keep them from guns cause as far as I can tell these kids are danger to themselves as much as society.

Actually I missed a step, only 2/3rds of murder victims are shot and I'm using the version of the data most generous toward your argument there. So, reduce all my figures by 1/3rd.

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>Why are mass shootings in gun free zones? Because that’s where kids are at.

Kids are in courts, banks and police stations?

Jesus Christ just looked it up. These kids are fucking retarded and they're being supported by retarded people. Their argument doesn't make sense.

Courts and police stations are guarded with guns. Go up to a court. Look at the guards standing around.

>I think you should ban guns and it's definitely stupid to concentrate on the people advocating to ban guns

true german here

>Black lives don't matter OP, try again.

>we're having more shootings

Factually incorrect, more media coverage is being applied to fewer shootings. School shooting hit it's peak around 1999 and is a fading trend.

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Listen, you people need to figure this out, and spread the word.

Tides Foundation (the people who organize progressive rallying, bus people en masse to fake protests, etc) are paying trolls to post here. You can call it a conspiracy theory all you want, but it's just a fact. Search the Internet Archives, and you'll be able to see videos and memos of their very own mission statements from years ago. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's reality.

Google "Tides Foundation" and start reading. Get to know the people who have taken over Sup Forums. Most of the BLACKED, anti-gun, anti-Trump etc threads started here, especially the copypasta ones, are part of a Tides campaign. It's designed to sow civil unrest and divide us. The harder we are pushed, the more we act out. The more we act out, the more ammunition we give progressives to use against us.

They are trying to change the "tide" or direction of society. That's where the name comes from. They are simply professional shit disturbers.

They pay the minimum wage of your state, and all you have to do is make posts on YouTube, Reddit, Sup Forums, and a few other places for 1-6 hours per day, depending on several factors.


Don't let them control the discussion.


You're a fucking moron if you don't see his very clear point. He values other amendments of the constitution over the second one. Why the fuck do you assume he has to betray the entire thing just because he despises what's clearly a dumb fucking amendment in the first place? Fuck you, are you really some all-or-nothing, black-and-white dipshit who unironically believes his right to own a stupid-ass gun is just as valuable as your goddamn right to free speech and privacy? What a dickhead, you belong in a pit. You can only be so grateful that your willingness to be an ignorant twat is protected by your founding fathers.

I don't even give a shit about what's happening in your retarded shithole country, but you have to be the densest piece of a 56% pile of shit to notunderstand that what he's saying isn't contradictory, and that you're just ignorantly villainising the retarded lanklet.


Holy fuck, I can make money shitposting? Thanks bro, I'm gonna go sign up!

so, the media is only adding stress?

do you think they are doing it on purpose?

>pod eaters foundation

my sides

Typical response.

Unfortunately for you, they only hire at this level (desperate loser level) by directly recruiting at rallies. You can't apply because it's not an official position.

>he is only half betraying it bro

just like how a handy isn't cheating?

You can even see the generation most associated with school shootings entering college on one of the other graphs, thankfully the increase curve is a lot more shallow. Basically this is a generationally relevant copycat crime and our generation is getting old.

Meanwhile let's occam's razor this rhetoric? Why guns and why now? Same reason as everything else, Trump. They're trying to divide his base from him by making him dance on hot coals until he bans some stuff. It's just partisan flak and I actually rather believe is probably correct.

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Are children who had their friends murdered by guns going to be anti-gun? No way, gotta be a secret cabal

>think of the dead children

America is helpless until they solve their mental health issues. That's the root of the problem, you're full of disenfranchised youths with poor fucking education who are infantised by media and corporations to keep them buying and listening to unfulfilling garbage. You load up the mentally unfit with so many goddamn drugs that they become disillusioned to the point of homicide. It wouldn't be that unrealistic to tie a lot of this to the faults of late-capitalism, it's a very scary beast.

no its guns


no its your brain

excellent digits


>the status quo is totally stupid

Dafuq do you mean? Violent crime has been going down in the US. And also even though we have WAY more guns than any country in Europe the violent crime rates are very comparable. So because a psychopath that shouldn't have had a gun got one because of a complete breakdown of law enforcement we should ban guns? No, you don't ban all guns because of a few outliers, that's retarded.

>German here.

Yeah confiscating guns really worked out for Hitler didn't it? The reason the second amendment exists is to prevent a tyrant from ever taking power. If one tried, the armed populous would fight back (well regulated militia). Notice all the countries that don't have a 2A like right have been ruled by an empirical force yet the US has not?

Also I realize this is K-12 only, the HS one is similar though, shallower curve but not much shallower.

They're looking for missteps like the bump stock ban for Trump's base to get mad at him. Honestly the omnibus bill not having wall funding is a way better card to play there, he kind of actually fucked up.

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its the bait

too much, too soon

>It wouldn't be that unrealistic to tie a lot of this to the faults of late-capitalism, it's a very scary beast.
Painfully true, but no American would bat an eye to the concept because to say anything against Capitalism makes you a filthy Communist. Both are horrifically manipulative and heartless this far in.

>ruled by an empirical force
Is this where you try and act like England has Australia on a leash and they're all enslaved? Joke's on you, America owns their leash, so you're wrong kiddo

>The reason the second amendment exists is to prevent a tyrant from ever taking power.

Donald Trump is in power right now

Lowest quality bait, not even the brain-fried progressives have the breath to call him a tyrant anymore.

Yeah, it won't stick I think, they really need to be less emotional. Anyway notice how all the graphs say "non-gang"? That's because the gang ones are much higher, if these people gave a fuck about student's lives they would be furious with gangsters instead of gun owners.

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Civil war is a cool thing to risk I'm down

we are fucked either way. it would take way too much to backtrack from our mistakes and the whole government is manbabies

guns will never get banned, it wouldn't work


Well he seems to do an awfully good job of scapegoating minorities while spouting an awful lot of nationalist ideology.

Sound like, I dunno, any tyrants you've heard of?

ah, numbers, data, and logic my mortal weakness!

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Banning guns is retarded. Fine, Yeah it would stop school shootings, but its an infringement on rights. Okay then, get rid of the rights and then ban guns. No one not even the fucking president has the power to change the constitution. And clear backpacks are also an infringement. Common knowledge I know, but you can't tear down the system to change the system. Even if you ban guns, shootings will still happen. You can't frisk everyone like an airport. I don't wanna see America turn into this. Just fucking leave it alone.

correction, it would help stop school shootings. oops

Humans are fuckin mental m8.

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