Hey Emma, take this away from me, I dare you

Hey Emma, take this away from me, I dare you.

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>too fuckin poor to afford a full auto nfa weapon

lmfao, get out of here you nerd

she'd rape you while you cry pussy.

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>not possessing a crossbow

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>bump stock
MFW Trump already took it

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lol how many dweebs does this shithead PR company employ? they don't even manage unique post styles

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Not yet. He's still planning to.

Protip: he won't.

>having enough money and a short enough dick to blow $20,000+ on a gun.
you sure sound tough.
i bet you operate operationally in operations.
lol, poseur.

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not ur gun

states (like commierado) have already put bans in place on funs and fun-related items.

mfw OP is actually a lefty trying to make gun owners appear this faggy (many are pretty faggy, but i don't even see cringey shit like this on /k/ or other gun forums)

>Laughs in Katana

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>Being this butthurt over the opinions of a proactive Teenager

Get the fuck over yourself.
You live in the United States of America.
If its the will of the people to enact change, then deal with that change and stop being a baby.
You literally have a progun president sitting in office, plus a Republican controlled House and Senate. Why are you so scared?

Yes. She will.

>If its the will of the people to enact change, then deal with that change and stop being a baby.

Except that is one of the rights people will die for. The first ten are pretty important to people

I'm so scared of a girl with a shaved head. On second thought that is something to be scared of, never mind.

Shitty optics. And please to god dont tell me theres a feont sight post on there.

They've been told to be scared, so they are.

These aren't critical thinkers.

Doubt she’ll do it herself but please make it hard on the law enforcement that does come for you. We could use some more crazies to help prove the point that this should happen.

>make things difficult and be an example of why this is needed, and eventually have gun taken by force

>make it easy and hand over gun

Either way I’m good

>Why are you so scared?
Because they think someone's gonna take that one thing that makes them feel in control.

Guess what? Rights can change! What the fuck do you think the amendments are?
They were added after the fact. Are you really this ignorant?

It's not a feeling. It keeps the government from being your daddy. You know being free the whole point of the US.

The bill of rights are rights that are not supposed to be taken away. Those are the rights that ensure your freedom.

All these edgy morons saying 'oh why u so scared of takin ur guns' are the same pussies that want to call the cops whenever someone looks at them funny.

I'm still pretty pissed about losing muh slaves.


The government does NOT, nor even the admendments, grant rights. It only officially recognizes them.

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>The bill of rights are rights that are not supposed to be taken away
Where the fuck did you learn that? Seriously, stop showing off how stupid you are, and learn about your government and your rights. You think the Bill of Rights is Ironclad, and not subject to further amendments that change it, then you're a fucking moron.

Right, just try having rights that they haven't "recognized"

Say what you will... but I just don't buy that being 99% of gun owners reasoning for owning a gun. It's the easy response...

Your fucking gun ain't going to stop shit. This isn't fucking Red Dawn.

I don't call pigs and I'm not afraid of gun confiscation. There isn't a legal purpose on earth that can't be satisfied with two barrels of buck or birdshot, and all the tactikewl faggotry and blackgun salesmanship in the world doesn't change that.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not "grant" rights to anybody. They acknowledge and codify the existence of natural and inalienable rights which are inherent in free people. They also require that the federal government never infringw upon these natural and inalienable rights. Actually READ a document before commenting please.

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>The Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not "grant" rights to anybody. They acknowledge and codify the existence of natural and inalienable rights which are inherent in free people.
Oh, so now 4chinz is universalist? Somebody tell muh nashonalists

Are you retarded? Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan all have pushed back against the most advanced army in the world.

So how many times has it been changed in the last 225 years or so? As in how many of the first ten amendments have been further amended or repealed.

Pro Tip: the answer is "less than one".

you are a fucken nerd, go back to liberal school

I'm not a nationalist or a Universalist. I'm a Constitutionalist. Please buy a dictionary and don't assume Sup Forums speaks with one uneducated voice, as you do.

It's really fun to see that a girl saying she will take away your guns has scared so many people everytime I refresh there is another thread about her and guns. Get rekted gunfags.

Wut? Since when are Constitutionalists liberals? The Supreme Court would seem to indcate otherwise. I'm not sure the liberals there have even read the document.

Scared? Just tired of constantly having to talk emotional gun grabbers of a cliff.

I am not frightened by a girl or the scripted statements she makes in public. I am legitimately disturbed by fhe horse of uneducated and largely unwashed sheep who take time out of their day to spew ignorant talking points and mockery. I am confident of the security granted in a document that has held us together for over two centuries and which passionate people will fight and die to defend. I actually enjoy watching people salivate over the change they so badly want being promised to them and then snatched away by the status quo. Its like watching bum fights - even if you win you're still a homeless bum.

>this isn't red dawn
meanwhile Afghani farmers and nomads have been fighting the worlds most powerful militaries for the past 40 years

Vietnam did the same thing with the Chinese and then the French and then the US

Did guns stop Obama from doing all the freedom-destroying things you didn't like? What about Clinton? Carter?

Your gun is your security blanket. At least be man enough to admit it.


but in all seriousness, you're damn right
as long as the world's most powerful militaries continue to wage proxy wars and spark insurrections, red dawn will keep happening

>Your gun is your security blanket
Yea it is thats the fucking point. The day you depend on your government for your security is the day you don't have any.

Your own point works against you. You want to give up guns so people like Obama Clinton and Carter can have whatever control they want.

A tie? They are a communist nation. Thats not a win thats a loss.

You cucks didn't use guns to stop Obama and you never will. It's all about how guns make you FEEL. It's about your FEELINGS, not about facts.

I really don't care about the issue at hand, but it's fucking hilarious seeing how much real estate this little girl occupies in your brains and how upset she makes you. Funny shit.

Do you seriously, honestly believe that if the UNITED STATES FUCKING MILITARY wanted to come and take your guns that you could successfully defeat them? This is a test of sanity user, please don't tell me you do.

PS I'd be willing to bet you agree with the military's bloated budget every year!

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>You cucks didn't use guns to stop Obama
Is this supposed to be some shitty straw man argument? What facts do you want that small groups of people with rifles can overthrow a government? That the violent crime rate in England is much higher than the US and its directly related to gun ownership. Gun crime is still decreasing over the years in the US. A school is the safest place for a kid to be. What one do you want. You have a shit argument.

>i'll use my gunz 2 stop the gubberment

please try

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eh its fun to Cyber RP on 4chin to get (you)'s while discussing hot topics. i don't think anyone actually goes to bed worried about Buzz and Hogg.

Yup asymmetric warfare. There is a history of people doing this. I'll give you a hint its happening in Afghanistan right now.

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If government makes one of my twenty guns illegal to carry around in public, then how will people know I am a man? I'd rather DIE than see a centuries-old policy altered slightly!

But the constitution has changed before

Yeah there will be a civil war if human rights are taken away

Remember all the civil wars that broke out in 1994 when the assault weapons ban went into effect? Oh yeah there weren't any. So much for "from my cold dead hands."
You'll never use your guns for anything other than as a toy. Otherwise you would have used them already. Now be man enough to admit it.

>human rights

Get over yourself

You're so stupid it's borderline not funny.

>Uses a crossbow

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Lolol come get them

>lay down and die instead

>I'm a complete pussy

>Won't fight for my life or rights

There, simplified what you're trying to say

Remember the fact that NOBODY confiscated assault weapons at any time during the ban?

Oh, and remember how well that whole ban worked? Because Columbine didn't hap- wait, that was 1999. During the ban. Didn't stop all THOSE kids from dying.

Pussy. Scared of a little girl.

Except people are proposing confiscation this time you twit.

The author of the original ban admitted on camera she wanted to take everyone's guns.

Wanna try again?

Please, show us how you can keep the military at bay with their tanks to your peashooter.

When 90% of the soldiers and commanders are 2nd Amendment supports sworn to defend THE CONSITITUTION, and won't fire on US citizens. Just like cops already AREN'T ENFORCING local overreaching laws.

Remember when 1000+ Green Berets sent a letter telling him they wouldn't enforce his weapons ban plans? Good times....

if a military force or Emma came after US citizens guns, people would build traps, plant explosives, cause general mayhem for anyone trying to sneak or blast in and they would be justified. no street or property would be safe to tread. the people are firmly rooted in their land. an invasion into homes on a national scale would be so costly and fruitless. you couldn't get all the guns. you wouldn't find all the stockpiles.

don't want to get shot at school? stay home. that's the only way to be 100% safe.

The crazy thing is, this probably wasn't intended as bait.

What a fucking bleak world you live in. Also, because something wouldn’t work 100% of the time, you shouldn’t do it at all? This quickly devolves into “why have laws” which is fucking retarded. Shut up and get your head out of your ass

So if the populace doesn't have guns the military will be fine with slaughtering them?

And if they do have guns suddenly it's a morality no-go? Seems pretty fucked, user. Your logic makes zero sense.

No, you're wrong.

Yes and the drones too. Just another Internet badass.

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>I'm a Constitutionalist

GUESS WHAT? The US Government is never going to try to take your guns away. Do you have any fucking idea what sort of financial implications that would have on the world economy?
If you think otherwise you're delusional. Fucking delusional.

This is what happens when Sup Forums threads are done on Sup Forums. Everyone here is a faggot. I own anywhere between 0 to more than 0 firearms. Now you're all triggered. Enjoy jews

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Please, do explain. I'm very interested in a sixth grade persepective.

Your point?

Things like seatbelts and ABS are dumb, since car accidents still kill people. We really should get rid of them or at very least stop wasting money developing cars to be 'safer'. I never wear a seatbelt and have yet to die in a car crash, but all these pussies keep crying about it being 'dangerous'. Pathetic.

Americans are the stupidest people on the planet

American here, can't argue.

I want to sign up for my local militia but I hear the constitution requires it to be 'well regulated'. I am strictly against this kind of gun control but I also respect the 2nd, what should I do? Should I keep protesting against improving gun regulation like the NRA tell me to or should I value the constitution? :/

Rural Indians and tribal Africans are dumber but after that yeah, it's hard to disagree with you.