Prob the worst place to ask considering most people on here are beta virgins

Prob the worst place to ask considering most people on here are beta virgins.
But Sup Forums how do you deal with break ups? This break up has me crushed, can't sleep, eat or have the energy to do anything
What do I do? Pic is her
>break up advice thread

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>emma will never sing to you
>emma will never love you
why live

wtf i just matched with her on tinder

Not sure it will help you, but it sounds like you are trying to get through the breakup. Try instead to get through TODAY. Don't worry about tomorrow.

Who's Emma?

Try to take your mind off of her. Go do things with your friends, make yourself happy. You can stay sad or it'll just get worse. Realize maybe it wasn't meant to be, and strive to be the best person you can be.

that's her you chucklefuck.

Just try to transition back into being single. Hang out with friends more, go back to old hobbies, take more hours at work, keep yourself busy, flirt with other girls or even try just finding a girl you can be good friends with (sometimes it can help having a blunt female perspective on how thoughts work, bringing up your self esteem, & especially having someone you can vent to without them judging you)
It’s not the end of the world man you just need to go back to your regular routine and get it to feel normal again, a relationship either works out or it doesn’t. Don’t let someone else control your emotions.

it's a cliché but it still holds true, just give it time.
it will eventually fade away

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How the fuck am i supposed to know OP's ex you fucking faggot?

they are talking about that bald fuck from the states that is causing Florida residents to lose guns and still have to wear ID and use literal clear plastic backpacks going to school

>not knowing about emma
>believing a gf pic posted on Sup Forums to be real
image being this new and this retarded at the same time

you must believe that she was not the best for you... there is always someone better than the last somewhere.. you will meet this person and than you will realize that this is true.

it doesnt matter if shes good i bet the next will do it better
there is always someone better, trust me.

look for an interesting one, try again
only next love will kill that one

I was devastated after a breakup once.

I then had sloppy drunk sex with one of my big titted friends.

Realized how much of a bitch my ex was, and I'm happy now.

here's more of op's girlfriend

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You need a new bitch, if you cant find one it looks like its suicide for you buddy

Im bipolar type 1. So for me, i was over it the second it crosswd in my head. Even if i l9ved her my mind is like HA YEAH WE GOOD NOW. literally . Kind of a blessing. Maybe im a sociopath idk

wait a minute, how did you have a video of op's girlfriend?

Here's an idea, stop being a faggot.

there will never be enough emma in this world

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