Hey faggots, my grandpa died last night, I got the call this morning...

Hey faggots, my grandpa died last night, I got the call this morning. He was one of the few who didn't see me as a total failure. This thread is a tribute to him, anything goes, ylyl, bananas, feels, cringe, fap material. Just make me feel less alone.
>tl;dr random bread

Attached: Random.gif (411x228, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Had thesame thing a month ago.
RIP grandma. I love you user.

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Hi Chris


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let the feels flow through you
allow them to wash your soul

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RIP grampa

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Sorry for your loss user. Triple zero. Very fitting for a thread like this.

Sorry for your loss. Here's something that always makes me feel better: youtube.com/watch?v=yBLdQ1a4-JI

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trap or androgynous female???

Checkin' em for my Papo

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(checked, hail satan)
that's kittens, noob

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Gimme all your pictures and gifs. Slowly. And no funny stuff.

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Sorry user. I wish I could give you a hug.

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Smoking a bowl for him.
What's his name?
Can you give us a greentext abouthim?

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mmm that bait

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Sorry for your loss user. I know the feel, I lost mine last August.
There is great company in the heavens, should we join them again one day.

It will get better, just remember all the fond memories you shared.

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Sleep tight dragon loli

sleep tight dragon loli

sleep tight dragon loli

>one of the few who didn't see me as a total failure
>posts on Sup Forums about him
He was wrong user

Hey user, here's this for you. Enjoy

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Fuck off satan

I'm sorry for your loss.

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I didn't know I know you

Well someone got it

Sorry to hear that op, but im obliged to call you a faggot anyway.

Here's something i found funny

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> dude weed lmao

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nice trips.
both my only friends died last year and my uncle (only family i like) died six weeks ago.
it gets easier after a while.
i still think of calling my friends sometimes and remember "oh yeah, they're dead."
loved all three of those guys and miss them so much. my weekends and evenings are spent alone and now it's mostly just dickheads at family functions without my cool grizzly old charles manson-looking uncle.
i wish you well and hope the shittiness subsides, Sup Forumsrother.
and i hope this makes you laugh

Attached: soccer ball hits worlds least athletic jew .webm (720x404, 214K)


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if the webm doesn't make you smile, maybe the filename will?

Rip in peace Gramps, I never really knew my grandfather and my other parent was a basturd child so I've never even seen em

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i approve of your (likely intentional) misspelling of basturd. have some internets and this nifty picture

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Cheers immense faggots

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I can't spell, glad you liked it