What are the actual, practical reasons why he lost? Was it because he didn't have a real plan for the economy...

What are the actual, practical reasons why he lost? Was it because he didn't have a real plan for the economy? Was it because he was tearing white and black america apart? Was it because he was an old man? Is there anything I missed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because more people voted for someone else

He didn't want to get on the Trump Train...

That's why he lost.


because they spent all their time and energy raiding Trump rallies instead of focusing on Hillary and the superdelegates first

>Implying they already voted

think he was viewed as too old to govern effectively

Because it was over from the start. Debbie Wasserman Schultz got everyone in line to go Hillary.

None of that other shit matters, because if he was to become president, he can't just magically enact his plans by himself. It takes the legislative branch to work with him to do that.

His campaign is nothing more than a old man wanting one last hurrah before he fades to black

This. The fucking idiots didn't realise Hillary was their actual enemy until far too late.

The Establishment wanted Hillary. Do you honestly think the Democrats didn't have stronger establishment candidates they could have let run? The fielded the weakest, smallest field I've ever seen. O'malley? Webb? Sanders? They weren't supposed to be even a THREAT to Hillary, yet here we are. That's how much she's hated.

This outcome was decided in 2008.

His followers

You don't make friends by insulting 60% of the country and sending your supporters to attack people like rabid dogs.

he's a jew, a cuck and a lightwight. Women cheer for this man, but they dont vote for him. Like they always talk with the beta about their problems, but when she has to make a decision, she chooses alphas.

Because he's an old pinko commie who only appealed to young white liberals.

Socialism has no place in America.

The Jew got jewed by other Jews.

Because he wasn't even a real candidate. The whole thing was just a plot to get donations from the most retarded SJWs in the country. And it does seem to have worked out quite well for him. Now that he has earned a few millions he can retire and laugh at the retards who willingly gave him money.

because no one wants high taxes, no matter how tolerant they appear to be, no matter how much white guilt they have, no matter how much they like virtue signaling. You can't virtue signal in a anonymous voting booth, you vote for your own interest.

Because 14 year olds and illegals can't vote

all his money goes straight to hillary after he looses you moron, he was a Clinton attack dog against republicans.

Because minorities are anti-semitic.

Because he is fucking stupid. Instead of attacking Hillary, he attacked Trump. He wanted to debate Trump when he hadn't even won the Democratic nomination.

It doesnt work that way. He does not get to keep any of the money, nor has any of it gone to personal use

What's funny is some of the money may end up going to Hillary


This. Bernouts will go down as the stupidest supporters in the history of US politics.

Also, I would add that instead of questioning Hillary about her emails, he just brushed it off. BIG mistake.

Basically because Americans are stupid idiots.

lol if you think trump has "a real plan for economy"

>None of that other shit matters, because if he was(were* you nigger) to become president, he can't just magically enact his plans by himself.
God forbid if he managed to get his way.
Some of his policies in Scandinavia have been shown to be absolute failures and they don't have the ridiculous corporate tax and tax on stock trades that Sanders wants which would cause even more acute damage.
Scandinavian nations actually stopped using these "Robin Hood taxes" because they were so destructive and when France enacted them they caused a shrinking of their economy of over 6%.
The man is an absolute nutjob that discern his ideological vision and intentions between what these ideas actually do.
Which is make everyone poorer

Bernouts thought he was a shoo-in when he actually wasn't.

He was too soft on her.. Trump is an absolute madman, he is going to rek her m8
>His rape victims
>travel gate
>white water
>huma / muslim brotherhood
>clinton foundation
>only $75,000 to vets
>the fake school ala trump u
>other shit
Jesus I'm salivating just typing this out

If the only thing Trump does is build a wall. He is a success to most Americans.

I thought I had a decent understanding of US politics. Then Bernie people attacked Trump people, and I had to re-check if I missed something.

I know, right? Sanders just need to take the kid gloves off and actually attack her and she would have folded like a wet noodle.

Only White college kids care about Bernie. If there is one lesson Bernfags should have learned from this, it's that demographics is destiny.

>It's Hillary fucking Clinton

Obama beat her because he was black. Before 2007, no one knew who Barack was. Before 2015, no one knew who Bernie was, either. Bernie was never really a prominent senator or important political figure.

>Compare Bernie to Barack

Barack is an excellent orator with a Teleprompter, Bernie is not very good. He's also an old man who doesn't comb his hair and he has a weird ass Jewish accent. Many felt Barack seemed presidential back in 2007 because of his oratory skills and the way he carried himself. He let himself go after 2012 but that's besides the point. Does Bernie look or act presidential? This hasn't really been explored because there has yet to be a chance of him winning.

>Fighting fair when the enemy doesn't

Bernie prided himself in fighting fair against Hillary who has never fought fairly in her life. Hillary never had to go hard on Bernie because she was always beating him. If she ever trailed behind him, she would have brought out his scandals - such as writing about justifying rape against women (sarcasm or not) in the 70s, never earning a paycheck until he was in his 40s, accomplishing nothing in the senate, etc. She didn't because she didn't have to, since he was never winning and never had a chance of winning.

>his supporters acted like it was Trump vs Bernie from the start

They never put pressure on her campaign. They never protested her.

>Clinton is indeed corrupt and so is the DNC
Clinton has the entire political establishment behind her. Her husband is one of the superdelegates, for fucks sake.Bernie never had a chance. Ever.

um, he hasn't lost yet, bigot.

>The fielded the weakest, smallest field I've ever seen
To further your point you forgot Lincoln Chafee.

Also O'Malley was a decent choice because of his Ron Paul esque non interventionist stance on foreign policy which is an extremely rare gem in American politics and no one else running had that trait.
That being said he is a typical antigun eat the rich progressive in other feilds

He basically become Democrat just for this election. He isn't a true Democrat, so the party was against him from the start. Also, Hillary has been making ties within the establishment ever since she broke free from the molten core of the earth.

So basically because muricans are stupid cucks. (He's not building a wall lol)

youre gonna be crying in november.

its too bad really.

clinton is such a cunt.

but trump is to big of a blowhard and made to many mistakes to get the vote in november.

Because him and his supporters spent the first 6 months of the campaign attacking Trump and by the time they realised that Hillary was the one they needed to focus on, it was already too late.

That and the fact that he relies on the youth vote which never ever turns up.

So what do I do now pol... Spent my student loan on this sweet Bernie tat. Now I won't be able to pay for college

To be fair he did really well. I mean like REALLY fucking well.

Who the fuck knew who Bernie Sanders was a year ago? In a year's time a nobody managed to get nearly half of the pledged delegates of a party he was not even a member of, while running against Hillary fucking Clinton. Who doesn't know her?

That's pretty fucking impressive and I have to give him credit for that.

>He isn't a true Democrat
He votes 97+% Democrat.
He is an independent in the sense that Michael Bloomberg is an independent.


Yep, pretty much.

Bernie would have had the nomination if he wasn't such a god damn pussy.


Yeah but they can attack you and Hillary went for the jugular and Bernie's in the cuck shed.

> Reposting pictures between threads.
What an attention whore. No wonder you were born in Australia.

Didn't attack Hillary too much, focused too much on Trump.

That said, Bernie is the worst kind of person for Hillary to have encountered at this phase. He was too soft on her but was strong enough that she had to play dirty.
The result is that a lot of democrat voters are going to be booty blasted about Bernie being out, and they won't turn up to vote for Hillary. She looks like the bad guy, driving nice old Bernie into the ground. This is because she is the bad guy, and she had to show it in order to beat Hillary. And Hillary is going to have a tough time against Trump, because he is the worst kind of opponent for her. She needs not to tear her party in half.

Hillary is absolutely evil, but if she wasn't, I would almost feel bad for her. She had it stolen from her by Obama eight years ago, and now she's she's encountered Bernie, the worst kind of speedbump on her way to Trump, the worst kind of opponent.

I'm sorry, but did Bernie Sanders already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only June. Does not having the lead in June count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie Sanders is still campaigning right now and they have been the best canidate in the Democrat party for how many years now? Hes campaigning against one of the worst president canidates in US history who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of winning his home state. But you know what? He still fuckin sucks. Bernie Sanders is one of the best fucking canidates in the US history, he had been the best politician the last 25 years and would of won the presidentcy if the he ran in 2008. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Sanders wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump not even a real canidate when the republicans really needed to get one, just like the Jeb was. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're an autist who doesn't like Bernie because hes good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking canidates on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>clinton is such a cunt.
That isn't fair to cunts user

Hillary is the embodiment of everything wrong corrupt and self serving evil in government


Not good enough for the party. Hillary is their golden child and has been since the start.

To be fair, it was against Clinton who is really disliked, and they never went after him very hard.

If Biden had run I'm pretty certain Sanders wouldn't have broken 2%, and he'd be about to become the nominee.

He deliberately avoided attacking Hillary as much as possible, his main opposition to the nomination and instead focused on Trump.

He's losing in the popular vote too. Why do bernouts always ignore this?

Why are all Australians and Canadians such shitposters?

Superdelegates, media corruption and bias, Clinton name, and muh vagina. If Hillary was a non-dynasty male running on the same platform she'd be torn to shreds by the media and public for her past and Bernie would be the nominee.

inb4 trump regains favor with the GOP by attacking the DNC mid-debate for sabotaging poor old Bernie Sanders while the GOP allowed him to run unopposed. The drama leading up to November is going to be great...

Roger Stone said Clinton and Soros had their people protest Trump and frame Bernie; though I'm sure a few extremely gullible burnouts participated in the chimpouts.

Bernie is a jew. If there is one thing Sup Forums has in common with niggers, it's a hatred of jews. Hillary one in large part to sweeping the southern states with lots of nogs.

One one hand
But on the other hand
>tasty bait
Clinton has met the delegate count for the nomination, the primary race is over. She won.


Damn, Really makes you think.
its 2016 get over it.

He's a fucking Communist, and we don't want what this merchant is peddling. Also doesn't help that he's weak, and alienates the largest voter demographic with direct insults.

Because hillary bought the nomination by taking yhe heat for benghazi so obama didn't have to in his campaign.

Superdelegates. $hillary already had superdelegates pledging to choose her before any voting even began. California hasn't even voted yet and this cunt won...
This shit is fixed, I hope Trump wins.

You're not factoring in people who want muh first wimminz president.
They'll gladly take a disliked woman over a 'sexist' white man.

He's not a leader, that's why. When the two proud women of color pushed him off the stage his chances were over. Nobody on either side wants someone like that.

Honestly? Because most people still don't know who he is.

If it wasn't for how stupid white college kids are in America, Bernie wouldn't have been a thing. Bernie's shit started on college campuses where he promised them free shit, they all went age shit and he went viral.
Who would have thought dumb white college kids would be so impressionable. Their parents must be so proud spending all that money on them to get brainwashed, by a jew communist.
If it where my kids I would stop paying for their college the second I found out how stupid they are.

He hasn't lost idiot. California, duh! Are you serious?

turns out the regressives aren't ready to accept full blown communists as their party mascots

they want to keep pretending they're interested in helping the little guy (niggers ofc)

He's a socialist. Most of us aren't so stupid that we would ever support a socialist.


California is irrelevant
haven't you figured that out by now?
its 2016 come on.

He's anti-establishment

He lost because of superdelegates

Superdelegates are literally the establishment

Oh, did you think the democrats operated democratically? user, you fool!

>ITT People who still don't understand the dif between socialism, democratic socialism, communism etc.

This right here.

So important.

That is literally it, and they are banking that their followers won't give a fuck and middle America will forget.

>people who know the differences are minute and dubious when talking about a legitimate self-described communist

You Redditors, I swear. An eternal goldmine of keks.


All are bad so that's the only relevant knowledge needed


This thread
>Have a rigged system
>People wonder why somebody didn't win

Bernie lost with moderates, women, and minorities.

There just aren't enough white males left to elect Bernie or Trump.

I'm not a Redditor but I am an independent open to people on all sides.

When did he ever describe himself as communist?

Lots of things in America are technically socialism.

With respect to losing the popular vote, a lot of it comes down to minorities not knowing who he is and just voting for the name they are familiar with.

Among white people, it was mostly to do with experience and not wanting a crazy socialist in the office.

>most crooked party in history
>complain when the game is rigged in the party elite's favor

so many naive children in the left

What if Trump goes easy on her?

It's confirmed that he's friends with the Clintons, so there is always the possibility that he'll fumble in his debates with Hillary.

She was promised the nomination. Jeb was the same but he was far too autistic to be relatable to anyone.
He had no chance before even starting the campaign.

I think they issue is all extremes even out of control capitalism is bad the point is we need balance a a few things shouldn't be left to profits like making sure you get police and fire etc protection for example. If it was up to capitalism you would have to have to pay for a private security firm to guard your house.

>implying western europe and venezuela are the same

how's the 10th grade treating you? excited for summer?

Did you see what he did to Jeb? I have a hard time believing Trump can go easy on anyone.

Hillary had a 500 delegate headstart because she had a vagina


Blacks supported Hillary in droves.

Apparently they don't need to explain it either.

Because his entire campaign was built around DUDE FREE COLLEGE LMAO and only really got support from young naive college-going retards.

Even IF he were to be able to do everything he wanted, his plans would only help out this group of people and would fuck over everyone else. Everyone, including the middle class, ends up getting taxed to hell and back under his plans. Fuck that.

I know what he did to Jeb. That was awesome!

I have a bad feeling about Hillary though. I hope I'm wrong.

If Hilly were to get indicted would Sanders then be the nominee by default?

>Everyone, including the middle class, ends up getting taxed to hell and back under his plans.

He's a white man

he didnt have impeccable connections in the democratic party

This is so stupid it hurts. You bernouts act like hillary is only able to win due to super delegates.

The fact of the matter is she has higher vote totals and more PLEDGED delegates. No matter how you slice it, she won. Even without the supers.

You'd have a point if bernie were winning in pledged delegates and hillary only won due to supers, but that's not the case.

Socialism is the same everywhere m8. It's killed Venezuela and it's killing Sweden.


Because hes a jew.