You have 10 seconds to explain why you support this guy.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you support this guy
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He's attracting gays votes to conservatives.
He triggers leftists
I'm going to laugh when this homo gets aids.
He's like me a drone, I'm so young that I still care about politics and think I can make a change. I love not thinking formyself and following the hivemind that is Sup Forums, brb making a feet thread disguised as a pedo-bashing thread.
I don't but some of these cuckposters love their internet celebs, *insert meme
I don't. Only the poofs on Sup Forums do. Seriously, half of the posters on here are closet homosexuals, especially the Americans. Fucking vile.
Because he triggers the fuck out of the idiot leftists.
Anyone who does that is okay in my book.
> brb making a feet thread disguised as a pedo-bashing thread.
god speed good user
I dont
Southbro you're embarrassing the flag
He makes it "cool" to be conservative for millenials. He pisses off lefties which is entertaining.
I wouldn't hold his opinions at much value or defend his degenerate life style though. It'd be better if he wasn't a leader in the alt-right but whatever. Take what you can get I guess.
He triggers Sup Forumstards who are as pearl clutchy as SJWs
Actually is good that he is Right leaning Fag.
Because that is same technique Jews are using to conquer white race.
And if we have more mixed personalities people will be confused who to vote for.
He's right & he has facts and arguments instead just emotions and lies.
I support his destruction of leftism. His faggotry wouldn't bother me if he didn't go out of his way to broadcast it along with >muh bbc every day.
>"i think gays should go back in the closet"
>posts bbc memes and faggoty tweets everyday
Because I'm not a freedom hating commie that gets triggered by what two adults do in a bedroom.
He's a revolutionary he loves the cock he loves Trump
I don't support his faggotry. I do support the fact he triggers all sorts of people, including you.
You do realise he's just as bad as that whore evalion? Why are Sup Forumstards so gullible? He just repeats Sup Forums memes.
Because he is an antibody to the sjw-disease.
I don't
And he says he's Christian? What a fucking retard.
He has done more to trigger leftists than any of you fucking losers have done. While Milo is out there in public making feminists cry you guys are sitting in your moms basement shit posting about him on Sup Forums.
You think his cock-loving spamming is normal even for a gay guy? He's in politics which is a relatively serious business. I don't see Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux constantly reminding people they love to fuck women.
Your point?
That's rare.
Like, I get why he's so popular, but when it comes down to it, he just spouts rhetoric that we already know and then adds in some heavily gay shit.
I haven't decided if it's a good thing though. On the bad side, shit is massively degenerate. He seems to be spreading that kind of gay culture which is destructive to society in general.
On the other hand, he has an immunity against the left because he's a giant fag. Although the left loves to eat itself, it's harder for them to call Milo out on his opinions because right now he's still an "oppressed minority". However even white gay males are starting to fall under the same spectrum as Straight white males in terms of privilege, so who knows how long he can hide behind that banner.
tl;dr He's the hero we currently need, but not the one we ultimately deserve (we deserve better)
milo is only tolerated because he can speak to the core of the LGBT freaks and shut them the fuck down
I don't.
>explain why you support this guy
I don't.
>say you love Jesus in interview
>blasphemy on twitter 6 hours later
I suppose even a Homo can be saved if he puts his faith in Christ
Because he angers the people I dislike.
fucking kike takeover
Sup Forums is mainly an image board for racist and butthurt gays
My point being that he is taking his growth and support and disregarding it for 20 minutes of attention whoring and being a diva.
I'm not mad at all. Just wanted to hear honest Sup Forums opinions on one of the faces of the "alt right" movement.
nobody wants that
okay kid
I guess homosexuality must be pretty common in the dutch society.
I don't
its just funny that he is the only person who can't be silenced for his opinions bc hes is Gay and Jewish
So is drinking water and crime.
"Support" is a bit much.
He's a raging faggot that currently pisses the hell out of liberals and Jewstice Warriors.
He amuses us. We'll kill him last.
Triggers leftists
Supports Trump
Dont really care that hes a homo
Lol he's triggering the right as much as he's triggering the left these days.
Based Milo.
I don't.
faggy little annoying kid just like all the newfags
Furthering the Sup Forums agenda.
I support the happening, not the individual. So long as people are losing their shit because of him I am entertained.
he is jewish and gay , he goes to maximum hell.
doesn´t matter what he does or says.
>I haven't decided if it's a good thing though.
His fans are pasty, weak, estrogen filled weabs wearing MAGA hats and aviators with a stupid smirk. Point is, if they're embarrassing to congress with they're cancerous in my books.
>disregarding it
And yet he's growing bigger every day, clearly it works.
I wanna fuck him hard and then whisper "No homo" in his ear.
Assmad potato nigger. Why can't gays be redpilled?
>Ewww gross *8 year old voice"
filo the maggot must go and hide forever
Enemy of my enemy and that shit