ITT: Games we played way too much when we were younger

ITT: Games we played way too much when we were younger

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Why not

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Shoot me, if you wish.

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Naw, I enjoyed that game alot too.


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Keep away with my uncle. He always won.

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When I hit middle school this game was what kept me moving

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Stress issues user?

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*Open Your Heart starts blasting*

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Nice taste op.

Also I'd say I didn't play enough.

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For the win. put hours into this every day after school

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>when you post bait but they bite something unexpected

>> still plays gold hair... goku Blanco these days kid

my nigga

poorfag reporting in. my parents bought me the playstation 1 but no games. I rocked this demo disk like a motherfucking pro

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Generic Pokemon because my parents wouldn't let me play actual Pokemon.

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This game was my entire fucking childhood.

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killed two xboxes playing this

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What game did you play most on it user?

Played the out of this

fighting force was the shit. I was blown away that the shell casings from the guns didn't disappear right away


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It's hard for me to play the old MK games, the fucking AI was atrocious

Yeah. I played this and Altered Beast a lot on my Sega.

MK1 and 2 were my shit

yeah mate.. ive broken many controllers to this one

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All of these games I sunk a ton of hours in to when I was a kid. Including pic related

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Goku: Early, Mid, Or End?

Quake, Doom and Wolfenstein too... pretty much anything id software.

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No money and got 2 games a year maybe 3.
Played the fuck out of Smash

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I much prefer vegeta, but you can't go wrong with early goku.

Lost many many hours to doom 2 while baked off shitty weed

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Also this game. Nice taste.

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Legacy of Kain Blood Omen and Soul Reaver.

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These, and pic related

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the only one relation with the keywords childhood and game is this masterpiece

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Best Zelda of all time, hands down. This is another one I played non-stop

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same here, bro. I enjoyed the sidequests so much


This > Skyrim

lol wut
