She is perfection

she is perfection

Attached: perfection.jpg (700x1048, 70K)


also its a child u pedo


Cosplay is retarded.

There's a dick there isn't there?

uncanny valley much?
she looks a bit like a render, or a doll.

Attached: 17038921_2030764990483680_5875148429708996725_o.jpg (2048x1795, 166K)

>inb4 fags say shes a he because of how gay they are
Oh wait oops
Dumb fuck heads

11/10 in my opinion

a girl i "perfect" only if you cum for her every day. Is she really "perfect" for you?

There's nothing to nut to, except her cosplay pictures in which she isn't nude, sadly.

It isn't Rei Ayanami, so you're wrong.

No. For the love of god no. Dont listen to the trap fags who need a dick on something to jerk off. She is real and an actual female for once. Its just a shitty meme to say shes a he.


i dunno... for a sweet face like that i could cum just looking at her face...

True true, but for me it doesn't get me going.
That face only makes me want to cuddle and love her.

Attached: 17159180_2034488226778023_8088384028253368762_o.jpg (2048x1842, 163K)

Which will always lead to a dick in an ass


Let me fix that for you.
>cum for her every day...
Cum in her every day is the proper words.

That's only natural.

>cuddle and love her.
believe me, me too... but she also makes me relly, REALLY, hard.... Maybe it's her Asuka cosplay.... i dunno....

need some rule 34 photoshops up in this bitch. even just some had nips under that suite and a hint of cameltoe would get me rigid

i'm a virgingfag.
only thing i'm able to do is cumming FOR a girl... and this is sad...

He, she, who cares if they are cute, really

Attached: 09.jpg (480x584, 202K)

Especially the pics where theres major booty on display

>So, I found who was behind of it...

Attached: xyfj01khwawt2544504000000.jpg (820x496, 39K)

indeed... i bet you too are going burst for her today. she really deserves it

She's decent but in this case the 2D version is superior.

Attached: 1519885061124.png (1692x1440, 1.2M)

This one's better.

Attached: Asuka (2).jpg (960x720, 114K)

is best for fapping, or "in general"?

Attached: 1470995664287.jpg (800x800, 78K)

Attached: 14705862_1434385313256135_247067606414313886_n.jpg (720x720, 66K)

more of OP

Who dis?

as always