Is psicology the most subversive career in the west?
Is psicology the most subversive career in the west?
any sort of liberal arts is completely leftist at this point.
Such pretty young girls, I'm sure that Ahmed, Muhammad, Abdullah and Mehmed behind them will take good care of them
What is that racist picture? Where is Tyrone and Jamal?
In argentina
This ugly as fuck Syrian refugee is fucking hot german girls and basically you're just stupid.
Anthropology is also pretty bad.
I mean I know lots of girls that have gone full sjw after studying psicology, it's basically a nation wrecker grade.
not as bad as economics, but pretty bad.
No. In fact, psychology, postmodernism, feminism, SJWism etc. have been very useful to me. Virtually all my beliefs come from them. I get these beliefs by taking their claims, and then doing the exact opposite of it. When you do this, you'll find that you'll lead pretty much the ideal life
>Be conservative and christian
>Be studying philosophy
>Be failing because leftist teachers are ruining my life
Wew lad.
It's army time for me.
More like pakistani.
Gee, you might be a reactionary. Think for yourself, cunt.
and they wonder why we have such a horrible mental health issue in USA
How is economics bad?
I'm second year Econ, SJWs on my course are triggered half the time and call it "Capitalism studies"
edgy reactionary kanker
>It's army time for me.
I'm 24, is it late to enlist?
My parents were both therapists and also hardline conservative christians.
graduate economics is basically the process of unlearning everything your 60-70+ year old professors taught you so they can stuff your head full of shit that doesn't work
Sociology is worse, but none of the social sciences do any good.
I took psychology almost 6 years ago and it was pretty red pilled. Especially cognitive psych and neuroscience. Really talked about inherent human biases and everyone being racist, our limited memories and perceptions of things. It showed me that racism wasn't an issue because we're naturally like that, and people that cry racism are hiding something else.
Depends on the rank you're aiming for and the army branch.
You can't enlist as officer and I think you have two more years until you can't enlist as NCO
Maximum age is 30 something I think.
leftist infiltration of western academia happened over the past 30-40 years
older people are mostly unaffected
we're going to be fucked in 20 years.
it would be funny the muslim invaders are /r9k/ tier betas who don't realize the white slags want theit brown dick so end up being wizard mode virgins.
That dunecoon could lift weights with that brow
I wonder what his max press is?
Anything sociology is. One of the three main schools is essentially a Marxisn analysis of society.
>Sociologists working from a Social-Conflict perspective tend to view society in terms of conflict between groups. They focus on the power struggles and inequality that exist in society, usually focusing on the influence of race and class on societies. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels brought the perspective into the mainstream, and it has heavily influenced sociology since.
it's the difference between b.sci(or m.sci) vs b.arts(or m.arts)
psychoanalysis and evolutionary psychology is redpilled af
Le let's fake an alien invasion guy
Pretty much yeah. It could have been one of those things were actually useful, but then once the Juden found out they could just exploit it they did that instead. Claiming that glorified guesswork is a "science" is fucking insulting, have you ever actually seen a psychologist?
>"It sounds to me like you have X"
>"What brings that on?"
>"Something traumatic in your childhood"
>"I don't remember that-"
>"Do you have any proof of that?"
>See quack
>"This is a definite case of X"
>"Do you have any proof of that?"
>"Of course, you just told me when you were under hypnosis" :^)
You could tell it was completely worthless as soon as they start claiming things like trannies were "normal" so they wouldn't get hurt feelings. What's the fucking point? It reminds me of "criminal profiling" and how they like to claim it's some highly strategic "scientific process", in case you're wondering the likelihood of a criminal profile being accurate is ~52%. Almost as accurate as flipping a fucking coin.
Than happens in all degrees and all universities. My ex from Bachillerato (last years of high school) is now a a transfeminist and she is studying a science degree.
I mean I was just talking with a gorgeous girl from highschool and she was working on a subject about how everything was misoginistic in school and we should make everything gender neutral, good lord, she also put a nose ring, that's like an initial ritual for psicology graduates.
how much of a frustrated cuck virgin do you have to be to see every white woman in the general vicinity of a non-white man, and immediately think they are fucking?
Money Printing is by far the most subversive. Psychology is for unserious weirdo's and a handful of seekers of truth.
If the Psychology text your are reading does not at least give you a few chills, you are reading bull shit feel good propaganda.