Also long-term Korea expat, ask me anything.
Korea general
Why do you hate your own race?
Is Google maps banned in Seoul? I visited a few months ago and was shocked how garbage the service was. Absolutely nothing was mapped, not even walking directions on major streets.
Have you stopped beating your wife?
What the fuck kind of question is that?
You can use it, but Google Street View doesn't work and the maps are far more limited than the equivalent domestic services live Naver Maps that co-operate closely with the government.
Google opposes the national security law's restrictions on that stuff, so the Korean government has issues with the company as a result
U still virgin cause u play too much?
Play what? You're not very clear.
Video games
No. I used to be into SimCity and Civ and that kind of thing back when they were still good. I suppose I could still play the old versions with an emulator on my new PC too but I haven't been bothered.
When the norks finally lose their shit what is your plan?
How much child support are you hiding from?
Ye what is ur plan when kimmy nukes ur capitol?
Sit tight. Yes the South Korean conscript army sucks but their technological edge and the fact that the North Korean military are all weak starving manlets means that I do actually have confidence in the government here to take care of it. Would probably tank the economy though so I would have to consider moving, life in Korea after unification will be shit for decades to come. I suppose people in Jeolla will be happy though since they will become the #2 most hated people in Korea instead of #1 :^)
How is teaching english at 35 years old? Have you found something to fuck other than a pillow with a kpop star on it? How do you feel knowing you will never rise to any position of consequence and you turned a vacation into a lifestyle of zero progress and awful credentials?
No. Really. How much child support do you owe?
How easy is it to fuck those racist cunts?
What's the average one like? Obviously not as edited as the kpop stars eh
>How is teaching english at 35 years old?
I'm not 35. I'm in my late 20s.
>Have you found something to fuck other than a pillow with a kpop star on it?
>How do you feel knowing you will never rise to any position of consequence and you turned a vacation into a lifestyle of zero progress and awful credentials?
I'll pass the TOPIK 6 and get a DELTA, get an F visa and make a fair pile of money teaching private lessons legally. Whether that's of consequence to Koreans is of little concern to me.
I have always wondered why foreign English teachers without particularly impressive jobs are asked by the likes of you to justify their choices more than Korean office-monkeys earning even less.
Why the angst? I somehow get the feeling there is a buttmad kyopo behind this comment, am I correct? We're all just trying to make our way in the world man. Try to find peace in your own life.
>How easy is it to fuck those racist cunts?
depends on how much drink they had
>What's the average one like? Obviously not as edited as the kpop stars eh
Most look pretty but be ready to shit your pants when they remove their make up.
neat, thanks
How do make do with all pornography being illegal?
Korean girls are actually not racist, just choosy and/or cunning.
To do well with chicks in Korea (for free), you have to either have Chad-tier looks or lots of money.
Hookers are everywhere here though. And it's very much socially accepted among men, pic related. The flipside of course is that a lot of the older women here must have a history of sex work as a result.
There's something of an irony in that despite being a culture that values chastity in its women to an extent found nowhere else outside the Middle East, a huge percentage of men here eventually end up marrying women who have had potentially thousands of other mens' dicks inside them
What I've never understood is why Korean dudes seem to enjoy fantasizing that it's ridiculously easy for foreign guys to date Korean girls.
To be perfectly honest, being white doesn't seem to get you any further here than other Asian countries.
Fuck, a leaf bringing the bantz.
I did the English-teaching gap-year thing in Japan, and everything you describe is spot-on. Ask him if he has a fake Bachelors Degree from Thailand as well.
None, srsly.
On the other hand, I did have some college debt but that's another story.
How much are whores? Kpop tier?
Pretty cheap apparently although it's not my thing. The bottom range (kek) ranges from 70,000~80,000 won for a Chinese-Korean girl who will scam you and take all of your money to 300,000-odd for a 9/10 k-pop tier college girl in her early 20s.
>although it's not my thing
Not mine either
>300,000-odd for a 9/10 k-pop tier college girl in her early 20s
OK maybe it is
Why do you guys hate Japs so much?
고홈 하기 싫은데 ㅠㅜ
>you guys
I'm not Korean, but the answer is relentless conditioning in schools and the media, same reason why Americans are so into muh Holocaust or the Chinese are still buttmad about the Opium Wars even though that shit was their own fault
Google maps korea hasn't been updated in years
Why is Kim chi the worst thing on the planet? Also are you sick of eating seaweed yet?
Fried kimchi is actually alright. Even though it mostly sucks.
>Also are you sick of eating seaweed yet
I don't actually eat it that much except in Samgakkimbap. It's OK but bland.