Would you like to work in woman milk factory?

Would you like to work in woman milk factory?
Also would you buy girl milk?

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I absolutely would buy girl milk..in secret

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Only if they were sexy and I wouldn't buy any.

I'd like to be one of the cows.
But yeah, I'd buy the milk and I'd work there as well.


can we see dem tiddies?

You know full well that I'm a man, user. Don't be stupid.

you implied your tits would produce milk by saying you'd like to be one them cows. Never disappoint me again.

Or maybe I implied that I wanted to be a girl.
You can pretend that pic related is me, if it helps.

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doesn't help. Those mosquito bites wouldn't produce enough milk for a hamster.

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Are we talking voluntary women or unvoluntary ones from prison etc?

is there a difference?

The idea is kinda hot, but humans eat awful food and I wouldn't want the milk she produced , I'll stick with milk straight from an actual cow. Not a fat chick

I would guess the second one would attract more sadistic anons who enjoy drugging people and forcefully alter their bodies against their will.
The first one varies from 9-5 clockout for the women or just women who enjoy getting milked 24/7.

With the current state of Sup Forums you should probably ask about a milking factory for men.

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why not both? after years of milk service voluntary girls are set free, unvoluntary girls gets killed

or both gets killed

Why hasn't there been a human milking biz? Would it be illegal in the US? Just put a pic of cowbitch on the carton so we'd know who's milk we were drinking.

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Gib milkies

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fucking kek

hold still ya lil shit

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Imma need to see her tits before I buy the ice cream.


they'll do

please post perfect milkers.

sauce it damn you

"the tit and the moon" starring Mathilda May

I think we can say rhettal has the objectively best milkers in the universe

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damn it. this is for you

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Damn, that pic is old b/. Like 2006.

sauce it damn you

much love

you have dreamy eyes user

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