What do you honestly think about peep and his music

what do you honestly think about peep and his music

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Kinda gives me that 2005 emo band vibe, brings me back to teenage years, it's alright

Awful Things is okay. Dunno about the rest.

He’s really irrellevant to the genre. Maybe if he had more time he could have developed into something significant but his music is really mediocre. People liked him for his image.

Music was absolute trash, kinda sad he died I guess but fucking hilarious how people were saying he was gonna be the "future of emo" or whatever

I enjoy his music a lot and it's quite a shame that he had to go so early.

he’s my god


his style isn't emo, his music is fine, 'better off' - such a good song

Trash. Good thing he's lil sleep now.

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i gave his music a shot after i heard he died, as i never heard of him before.
i actually really like it, but i have always been digging chill rap songs like his so it didnt surprise me that i liked his stuff.

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Thank God he's dead. His "music" was absolute dogshit.

Totally agree with you

yeah it was pretty much the same for me

seriousely his was just fantastic dont say that

i wish id hear him live

This guys was just amazing man

i want him back

I listenes to lil peep before he died cool huh
i like the whole take drugs dgaf thing. We had eminem and linkin park and they didnt make drugs look like fun as much as this stylw does
Smrtdeath is hilarious

never heard of him

I've never heard the music. But by the way he looks and his name, I'm guessing he's a modern day rapper?

i find more and more of his songs, older songs and i like them, that just makes me more sad that he's dead


Yeah I just had a look on youtube. He's exactly like every other rapper out there with cookie cutter beats and absolutely no knowledge on how to rhyme or write.

9/10 by todays standards because he has tattoos on his face. 0/10 in reality.

maybe you are right, i enjoy his songs though

And you listen to the popular singles from 2pac, Biggie and Eminem exclusively, right?

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At first I wasn't too in to his flow, but he grew on me.

Seems to me just as he actually found what worked best for him, he died. Xanax is for fools man.


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Nothing wrong with that. I listen to absolute garbage metal that doesn't take one ounce of talent. Keep doing you.

I don't like pac, biggie was the shit although I rarely listen, and i haven't listened to an album by eminem since his first release. I'm more into Del, Busdriver, El-P, etc. You know, the hipster underground shit.

Degenerated music.

Popular because kids listen to any trash available.

Shouldn't be encouraged since it enables a destructive drug-usage/other pathetic behaviours.


Give save that shit a try, awful things gers people into lil peep but save that shit is amazing

Love Peep and his music. Its sad af that he died so young, he changed the game.

He was killed by a (((new drug dealer))) so he was doing something that resembled red pilling. Even if you don't like his music you have to admit he was starting a new genre that everyone is ripping off now, he would've been big

Careful with your words

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if im not wrong, he took a lot of diffrent shit, if he only ate xan he would have probably lived


Gustav Elijah Åhr

Who? Never heard of him OP. Sorry.

peep dead my dude

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yeah rip peep

>what do you honestly think about peep and his music
A combination of piss, feces and vomit. An utter asshole. That "music" is unlistenable.

loves him for about a year now. Wish he was still here

>Lil Peep
That's a funny way to say "Felix."

very good new era sadboy music, a nice transition from artists like yung lean and bladee. His music was very good at incorporating strings and orchestral instruments, a very nice change. While his singing voice wasnt always the best, its one that grows on you heavily. He has a very nice music range in which he makes trap bangers, towards very emotional and sad, but skillfull music. (Check out the song gym class, and the song crybaby) Overall its music that resonates with me quite a bit and i enjoy it heavily, regardless of its affect on my mental state. When i start thinking about my ex too much, i just throw some of this on my headphones and it realize thats its not so bad, and things will get better, everything just feels worse in the moment.

the xans that killed him has laced with fentanyl, xans alone is not that bad


exactly, xans is just an antidepressant

I had never heard of him before his death. I'm not really into much rap, but I think a few of his songs are surprisngly decent.

Gym Glass, Beamer Boy and Witchblades are all surprisingly competent. I like the emotion behind a lot of his music. Wish I had heard of him earlier and would like to have seen what other music he could put out because it seems like he was really coming up.

Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug retard

Lil Peep was a friend of mine. I produced some the songs that went archived I was on tour with him. He’s a great soul and was an avid 4ch reader.

his music doesn't touch me at all.
I like punk, hiphop, trash and whatnot but the whole emo scene I never understood.


You said ylyl fred?

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r u bexey, friend of great peep?

what's the difference

I like one song, would have liked to collab with him had he lived

Antidepressants don't work lol

honestly a legend, he was a voice for the people who didnt have one and helped many people struggling with depression and heart breaks.
gone too soon

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>Hmm, I found who was behind of it...

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It represents the decadence of the occidental culture. Pathetic.



Danny DeVito
>triple dubs

1 off

Fucking again