ATTN: Triggered neckbeards. Name one thing that could possibly stop Emma Gonzalez, the Voice of America...

ATTN: Triggered neckbeards. Name one thing that could possibly stop Emma Gonzalez, the Voice of America, and the confiscation of ALL firearms from sea to shining sea...
>Pro-tip you physically can't
>Inb4 muh confederate LARP resistance - you've been playing too much call of duty, fatass

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I’m just here to read the rape fantasies.

Oh yea, here's a pic of your pathetic trap loving cuck self moments before you turn yourself in to the nice ATF agent who offers to allow your wii U in the pen

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what did this bitch do that makes her so popular on /b:?

These retards think that the target tearing image is the fake one. Imbeciles.

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>protip: kys with this sci-fi movie bullshit

Oh idk, nothing really except single handedly demolishing the 2nd amendment.

will never happen, there is way to much money in guns and ammo so many companies would crumble

An adult could stop her and they will before she does anything serious. Silly children.

>sci-fi movie bullshit
>Had happened countless times in world history

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>confiscation of ALL firearms from sea to shining sea...

That worked out well for the Germans in the 1940s didnt it...

So this girl by herself is demolishing the 2nd amendment? What planet do you live on?

This board is mostly shills posting b8.

>implying a degenerate skinhead will win against millions of based gun owners

I'll just remind all Millennials that we vote every December 5th. Mark your calendars. It's your oppertunity to elect officials willing to destroy the Constitution.

>Responding to this level of b8

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RIP in Pieces: the 2nd Amendment
1791 - 2018

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If you take away guns(not going to happen) but lets say that they did. People will just resort to making bombs from everyday materials you can find at Wal-Mart. There are plenty of tutorials and instructions on the internet that tell you how to build a bomb. Alternatively you can just buy some fireworks, remove the gun/black powder and make your own bomb. Put the bomb in a backpack filled with nails, ball bearings, nuts, bolts, etc and detonate it during a school assembly...

Or people can just take their vehicles and use them as battering rams to kill/wound a shit ton of people. Just imagine pulling the fire alarm, run out to the parking lot, get in your car, and floor it as the kids evacuate the building...

What could stop her? A Bullet. shes only human-ish

the thing is, if you outlaw guns then only outlaws are going to have the guns

>another sci-fi bullshit that never happened and never will

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Lets test a hypothesis. She is a shill brought to you by the Look it up you'll be enlightened.

Right, so there will be less gun violence. The Time Is Now

Silly lesbian - politics aren't for kids!

>Hmm, I found who was behind of it...

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Oh God you have me woke sir

>Giving the wanna be gun violence martyr exactly what she wants

Exactly do when it speaks out of control we have an excuse to let it the rage for not being the one to plug that Nazi nigger bitch

It's been tried before. It'll be tried again. And in 227 years it's never been edited, modified, or repealed. Keep seething, sport.

An attempt was made at using the english language

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Same thing that stopped Obama from being the president he COULD have been; becoming a celebrity. That's a one way ticket to being ineffectual in anything beyond being popular and unfortunately, US culture seems to want to drop the celebrity title on everything that moves these days.

>Being this retarded
>Being unaware of the 10+ landmark supreme court cases that have slowly chipped away at the 2nd amendment so far

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Don't forget that the smarter criminals also probably know how to make rockets, and by extension rocket propelled grenades.

The point I was making was its not the gun that is killing people, its the person. Kinda funny how no one blamed the "bomb" during on the Boston Marathon bombing, but blamed it on the person who set it off...

it makes stuff seem like it gonna be fine and everything is great, but in reality chances are theres gonna be nuclear war within 10 years and within 100 earth wont be able to sustain life

she could be stopped if everyone stops being a cuck and tending to her cry baby tears. fuck her. she should have went with the other class mates.

well if you can take away weapons that dont really have a practical use other than murder, then you could stop a lot of murders, since most shooters buy guns legally

ENOUGH EXCUSES we are CALLING BS on your avoidance of the real issue. Any and every politician who supports 2A and especially the terrorist orgsnization called NRA will be unseated come midterms. The Teenage Vote is coming for you, murderers

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However, if walmart sold bombs and bomb accessories, you can bet that would be a different story.

Yeah, instead they will use illegally obtained guns, bombs, rockets, knives, ropes, chains, and God knows what else instead of legally obtained guns. This shit is why SJWs are a problem.

yeah, if you outlaw guns, then only outlaws have them


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i think we need to ban guns that have no use other than murder, but dont outlaw hand guns, so that you have something to defend yourself with

I think a bullet would do nicely.


which one? I believe it was the "cruz teenage shooter"

>And in 227 years it's never been edited, modified, or repealed.

That's because for the first 169 years nobody gave a rat's ass about the 2nd Amendment, kinda like how nobody really gives a shit about the 3rd right now.

or napalm

Bullshit. Your fucking retarded. Your only defense fir anything is "da j3ws did it" "dey bad" kill yourself dipshit.

her porn tape is discovered.

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An illegally modified AR-15 since any modification that makes a rifle fully automatic is illegal under the national firearms act.

Is this crazy bait or you actually this new? Regardless, lurk more.

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>name one thing
When she gets fat. Fat, bald and shrill never works for women.

How many mass school knifings have there been?

Much like steel pipes, all guns can be used for murder or for defense or recreation or as a fucking paperweight. What people do with them is what is illegal or legal. In 9 months when its time to vote nobody - probably not even this bald dyke - will even remember this little march.

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A shitload actually, around the world

you're all absolutely retarded. Guns can not physically kill someone, the person behind the gun is what kills people. This cruz kid should have had better mental health care. and her and her friends shouldn't have laughed and bullied him. You retards think its about guns, when really its about mentally weak individuals tired of the bullshit that their fellow classmates bully and make fun of. This cunt is a grade A piece of shit. She's part of why he shot the fucking place up in the first place.

And we would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling jews!

>in nine months she will forget about march with millions of people and also the fact that her school was shot up
So tell me whats your deal? Do you nlame the jews for this?

Really? Whats thier yearly death toll? Can name 5 such incidents?

and yet I bet there are weapons you would restrict or ban

big nigga could stop her.

5/10 bait

So its a lot easier to go to Walmart and buy a gun and ammo right now

big nigga

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Shit man he is right

she triggers the fuck out of conservative snowflakes and Sup Forums loves trolling more than anything

You should die. Maybe the next mass shooting will happen where you are.

The 2nd Amendment...

>The voice of America
Fucking apex-level kek, OP... Apex-level...

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>This cruz kid should have had better mental health care
Meanwhile republicans continue to cut away at all psychiatric health funding.
Also where is your evidence that she bullied him or anyone? Are you trying to imply he should have been offered a safe space from bullies and their mean words? He was a special little snowflake who got triggerwd and lit up a school?

>when they see your throat eye and the jig is up

Looks like she's ready to take a face fucking.

Feelings stop bullets

Fake news. Typical modern day Republican

I wouldn't ban shit because im not a politically correct cuck. I'd make sure that mental health is taken way more serious as it is now. I'd make sure people would have the proper mental health care they deserves. You liberal retards think its all about guns. Look at the bigger picture. Taking away guns from the mentally ill won't do shit. because when they're fed up, they will use whatever they can to kill.

Nope !
Exemple : the rest of the fucking world.

Attention Emma shills, she no longer works for CNN/MTV/DNC/Soros. You will no longer be paid to shit that dykes picture everywhere and you won't be seeing "it" on TV anymore.

How do I sign up for this Soros money btw? Need some cash.

>Name one thing that could possibly stop Emma Gonzalez, the Voice of America, and the confiscation of ALL firearms from sea to shining sea...

>The US constitution.
>The courts that are in charge of interpreting it.
>The billions of dollars that the gun lobby and conservative groups will pour into making sure such a thing never happens.
>The millions of gun owners who would resist confiscation. Many of them probably violently.

>name one thing
literally a bullet

Can't argue that

Mortars. You would ban mortars.


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>I bet there are weapons you would restrict or ban

I'd ban phased plasma rifles in the 40 watt range. Bolters too.

my god if you are going to bait at least try for fuck sake

Trying so hard

Why didn’t she get shot?
Really makes you think...

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If yearly death total is what you're interested in why don't we talk about vitamin over doses, car crashes, suicide, and police brutality.

We'll just stack Tide Pods outside the polling places and double dog dare them to partake!

The reason some nations can have guns and nations like America cannot is that those other nations have some basic level of societal cohesion while America does not.

I'm pretty sick and stuck at home, so I've been popping into gun threads periodically to say something like this, because I don't know it gets me hard or something.

A car plowing into her


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There is a difference between actual harassment and the random things that SJWs find triggering.

She, just like that David Hogg were actually nowhere near the action...

But, just like that POGy-ass IT tech support specialist TOC-roach who never left KAF, they think they're Super-DELTA-SEAL-Rangers when they get their CAB's for being within 20 miles of a mortar drop...

even more acronyms than this, please