Would you suck a futa's dick for $80?

would you suck a futa's dick for $80?

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Yes but I might have to save up for awhile.

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am i paying or is she?

If it's only gonna cost me $80 then hell yeah

here's your 80$

gulp gulp gulp

i'd suck a futa dick for $0

I'd do it for 2

For free if futas were real then it would be so amazing.

ill only pay that much if:
the futa is hot
the dick is sweaty
i get to play with it for an hour at least

Why not? Easy money)

80? ill do it for free, but only this girls not some other gay shit

If she's cute and I can wife her, for free.

i like how everybody interprets "for $80" differently

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i like you

I'm your man. 80$ is 80$! So where is it?

Only if she has a vagina inside her anus.

that's not how futa works

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If I can suck their tits then yeah

>Hmm, I found who was behind of it...

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80$ ain't too expensive. probably would have done it for 100$ as well.

I'd pay that money, sure.

I'd do it for free t b h

The best I can do is $3.75

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Yeah, that's not expensive at all :^)

I'd do it for free

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>implying i said it was

ok then

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ofc I would, and if fresh off the treadmill the better

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I'd do it just to see what it's like

bumping with best girl

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