Sup Forums, say hi to your new queen

Sup Forums, say hi to your new queen.

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why is she bald

fuck off spammer

Because her hair believed in gun rights

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It's weird that she is supposed to be this loving, anti violence, liberal, but she supports concentration camps for gay people.

Lets test a hypothesis. She is a shill brought to you by the Look it up you'll be enlightened.

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She's perfect for Sup Forums, bet she's lurking right now.


Spamming on Sup Forums, get that Buzzfeed dyke away

Nothing wrong with buzz cut girls btw. Rose Namajunas the current women's ufc strawweight champ has a buzz cut and is a total fox.

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Dirty diseased unkempt fucking roastie. Get out of here.

Admit you love her, deep down in your heart.

If she is against the guns that kill children then surely she is also pro-life.

Fuck off gloria van graff

Fuck off with this ugly cunt. Shes a traitor to her country and is against the constitution .


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Completely dismantled paige.

buzz cut girls are shit tier

I wish these little attention whores would go away; stores are having a hard time keeping ammo in stock and my shooting range is crowded as hell now.

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I can hear how impressed you are with your absurdly flawed analogy

>be bald girl
>bully a guy for decades
>eventually guy mass shoots 50 people killing a few of them
>go to brag on tv while hair slowly growing
>"bullied him, but NRA made him go kaboom-kaboom, wtf"
>shill trolls start lots of thread Hurr Durr New Queen of Sup Forums


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no latin coal burner will be out queen

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No one else finds her fuckable?

nudes when?

Literal 10/10

would queen

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Only a true Sup Forumstard would be able to capitalize on a situation for the lulz.

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everyone does. I think that's why MSM chose her to represent the fight to make Clinton more appealing to the young demographic. she gives all the boys boners

Such a funny fight. Paige needs to develop more at a new camp. She is kind of stuck right now. And moving up a weight class was a bad move imo. And not just because of how fucking TIGHT she looked after that weight cut.

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Dem titties must be pert as fuck.

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>both dykes
>both pussies

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>being the mouth piece for the established anti-constitutional movement
She's an idiot. more excited to see herself on camera than to accomplish anything worth while. Common sense gun control is a unicorn chase. Slippery slopes everywhere. She remains an idiot regardless of change or lack of change. It's the trendy cause to involve yourself in, to justify wasting time in your youth to your peers on social media.

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Just like all of our past queens, what's your point? Don't lie and say you wouldn't put it in her pooper if she let you.

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stop making threads about yourself you fucking shill

Actually here?


police warned several times about the shooter

did nothing each time. unforgivable.

letting a deranged child end the lives of so many.

Nik Cruz stated several times he wanted to shoot up a school, demonstrated volatility and hostility, everyone knew he was dangerous.

>mfw being this misguided

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10th amendment, freedom of speech, they can't do shit if he posted he's gonna shoot up a school.

wrong. people have gone to prison for statements made online. threatening speech is not protected speech.

statements that cause an individual to fear for their life are enough evidence for police to detain you and investigate the threat further.

many feared this Nik Cruz, knew he was dangerous, had seen him harm dogs, cats, and small animals.

then he began to post about shooting the school and posted pics of his weapons.

Then you've broken the 10th amendment, which means we can break the 2nd.

with all the trap threads, a reverse trap would be about right, plus all the fags would love a boy queen.

>You'll never get to watch her gangbanged by BBC and lick her clean afterwards


Yeah but her old man seems to be into much much younger women.

no, there

is being retarded your full time job?

holy shit dude
I am so sorry for how the educational system wherever you live has failed you

Why aren't blm and antifa's going after her for being a "skinhead lesbian"? I know there's a difference among the spectrum, but they don't. Her family is well connected like most of these shooters tend to be.


oh good, there haven't been enough threads with this chick lately

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That could be manipulated by the corporate dogs that fund these faux activists. Claim McDonalds sucks because of bad service- they claim fear for their livelihoods and have you imprisoned.

Its a fucked up world..

>no worthwhile reply
>lol u are dumb

Doesn't prove me wrong, keep trying, we'll break that 2nd amendment, together.

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it's fucking hilarious seeing all these trumptards getting mad at a 17 year old, insecure teenager with a buzz cut

i thought you had thicker skin than that, but i guess i was wrong

Wouldn't she have been better dead?

what...? you're post reads like an edgy 12 year old wrote it.

I mean getting shot isn't the worst way to die ay?

I want to rape her

she looks good with a gun!!!

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She'll allow it after she takes your guns.

the naval piercing makes me wonder....

Fair enough

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Who do you guys thinks diddles the most kids on a yearly basis: Skippy, Alefantis, Brock, or Biden?

She's the cause of the shooting, and we're supposed to name her queen?
>false-flag bullshit

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They are definitely not putting up Clinton again. They are not that stupid. They are merely conditioning young voters to vote for any Democrat no matter how bad because "think of the children"

>Sup Forums
>not crowning a school shooter

Are you lost?

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why do they both like like they don't even have a gender you could assume?

Neckbeard s have rarely been this owned

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Do you have that drawn Emma image?
I need it for my queen folder.

>Be in school shooting
>get recruited by CNN to be a crisis actor
>Be Emma Gonzalez

>be queen of Sup Forums