Favorite childhood game thread

Favorite childhood game thread

I'll start: Donkey Kong 64

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so close yet so wrong

What's your favorite game?

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Donkey Kong 1 or 2 on SNES

I hated 64 except for the multiplayer

Tomba 1 and 2 for the PS1.

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I enjoyed Donkey Kong 1 but I felt it needed more levels. Haven't played DK2. Ironically, I haven't even tried 64's multiplayer.

Dear God I love this game. It never gets old.

Wait, DK1 was for the NES, you meant DK Country right? I've played that a bit but I've never been a huge fan of platformers.

Age of Empires II

I liked a lot of games growing up. The Suffering, the Tenchu series, DK, Final Fantasy, my brother dug Parasite Eve and still wants me to play it, Shadow of Destiny was nifty, remember those NAMCO Museum games you'd get with the old arcade games for your PS1? I could go on all day to see if anybody else played the same games I did.

Pitfall had great music, and it was really fun.. yet thats what i remember i've never played it since 1998 maybe

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The majority of my childhood was spent on the N64 and PS2. I did have an NES and SNES though. Had a Sega Genesis too at one point. I used to be a huge Sonic fan. I remember playing NAMCO Museum but I could've swore it was on Gamecube. Did you have a favorite game?

My favorite childhood game was "What have I got in my pockets?" with my dad and uncle.

>It was usually a hole, lol and i'd touch their penis on accident

Pitfall was awesome although I didn't like it's sequel as much.

Didn't even know they re made this game. You should try the original.

What the fuck.

This was the shit.

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The one and only

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All my life I wanted to be normal. I stared at the other kids from afar, watching them laugh and play. It seemed no matter how hard I tried to be like one of them it always failed. They saw through my disguise and threw insults at me. It hurt me knowing that life would always be this way. Well no longer I said. One night I took a man from his home and took him to my own. The tools I brought I would use to graft his skin to my own. He screamed and bled but silence soon became the noise. And as I stapled his face over mine his grin became my smile. Now I shall be normal, and I will do things that normal people do.

Actually, the Mayan Adventure had playable demo of the original, i remember quite well that those were fucking impossible.. and even when i finished the game several times never could finish the oldschool-one (though both games are now oldschool)

These 2, it’s why I kept them all these years.

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I can't say that I had a favorite really. I seemed to enjoy a number of them roughly the same. Of course I always enjoy the classics for nostalgia. I can always play Resident Evil (1-4). I remember really digging a lot of SNES games though too. Legend, Warlock, Run Saber, etc.

I played Super Punch Out and really dug that one.

I like this faggot.

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This was great once we finally got an Atari. You basically had to find keys and worry about the dragons. Those fuckers had so many pixels it was insane. The yellow dot is you BTW.

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People who like dk64 were born too late

I haven't seen one of the machines in ages. I used to beg my parents for quarters everytime we went to the laundromat since they had a few machines like these in there. Nostalgic.

Mike Tyson one is better, beating him is almost impossible.

It was also on Sega Genesis but I never owned one

Adventure. I remember this. I could never figure out what the hell I was doing lol.

I know. I actually played it on Sega, not SNES.
Oh, what about Stargate? Have you played that game?

DWM fuck yea!

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All my friends liked bubble bobble but I preferred this one.

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Snow Bros

My nigga

All bubble bobble games are beatable in under 2 hours. Lol

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I watched a video on YouTube where it did a side by side comparison of the game on both platforms. But I think I've heard of Stargate. I'm trying to refresh my memory and go over tons of games I used to play to see if I can't remember more to share

>on accident
Wasn't an accident for them

Pic related

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It's based on the movie.


Dude I loved that game

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Donkey Kong 64 was an absolute masterpiece in my opinion. The only thing I didn't like was how bumpy the difficulty was. It didn't do a great job at slowly getting more difficult, it had some barrel challenges that were just rediculous earlier in the game and some easier ones later in the game. That's my only complaint though, it's a lot of fun.

True, so were most of the mega man games and I loved those too.

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this game made me wtf as a child so hard

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It does look pretty familiar. Just hearing the old game soundtracks makes me miss playing the old games

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Well before the best part of most of you little bitches was dribbling down some ho bags thighs

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One game on the SNES I never finished was Earthbound. That's really good too. I would've liked the Resident Evil games more but the earlier installments made me afraid to miss a bullet. Stressful.

Lots of anons were around in those days, reason nobody posts that is because it’s shit and easily forgettable.

They said SNES and yes country was the first donkey kong unless you count the actual DK arcade game

I'm curious enough to emulated it. Saved.

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Earthbound was definitely a great title back then. The Halloween Hack was interesting too

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Earthbound scared the shit out of me.

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"It looks like your party...... has been cancelled..... blugh! Browwggh!"

anyone else use to load up cs 1.6 when you just felt like shooting someone in the head?

ahh puberty, those were the days

Leon, heeeelp!
Help me, Leon!

oldfag here

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That was a definite con with RE4. Damn that was annoying.

Wrong game fool, that was 4.

Yeah, tell me about it. Enemy is walking slowly and the bitch is too lazy to move away.

Crash bandicoot 2, return to castle wolfenstein MP

It's supposed to be a joke, ffs

>Not Banjo-Kazooie

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This game took 17 years of my life and still gets reinstalled every winter...

good stuff

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FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Super Castlevania 4, A Link to the Past, Super Mario RPG, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Super Mario World, DK Country, Kirby's Dream Course, Harvest Moon, Rock & Roll Racing, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Mega Man X, Pocky & Rocky, F-Zero, you get the idea... SNES was the best.

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¿? I want to know

Finally Fantasy Tactics

Monster Rancher

this looks like a pretty bangin' run & gun. Graphics at the start reminds me of super star wars.

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Yes indeed. One of the only games my entire family ever played. I'm talking grandpa and grandma. Good memories.

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This and outside were my video games as a kid.

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The best fighting game period.

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This one was better

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God yes, my brother used to play the hell out of this. Was that the one that leaned as you turned?

I loved Super Mario Sunshine

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Who didn't love this game? This is one of the first things that come to mind when I hear "Gamecube".

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Legends of Dragoon anyone? I remember dating a girl when I was 17 and when we were talking about old PS1 games, we clicked on that one. I don't remember which one of us brought it up, but it was cool because I didn't know anyone else at the time who owned a copy or played it.

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