I've been here for about 7 years and still consider myself a newfag. Sadly enough...

I've been here for about 7 years and still consider myself a newfag. Sadly enough, I've been here long enough to see wave after of cancer going by. Some of it sticks and grows, other fades away into obscurity.

I usually ignore threads about traps (and porn in general), rating threads and all that shit, threads about making the wrong people heroes. Should I waste my time and shitpost until post limit? Where is Heaven?

Also, as far as I know there is only one Queen of Sup Forums and there was this thing about rule 1, which most of you won't know, since the fappening opened your gates to the deep web/Sup Forums, right?

I'm not angry or butthurt, just curious. How do we fight the cancer?

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Lurk moar fagit

uuhh, so close m8

This realm is beyond saving.

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It the number past Satan so u kno I'm gud guy yo.

Once a newfag, always a newfag.
You dont like "grow out of it", newfags are the generation of fags that came after oldfags.

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>where is heaven?

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nice file name, are you from your phone?

>nice file name, are you from your phone?

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(͡° _ʖ ͡°)

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( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

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oh noes

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▲ ▲

>fuck hiru

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There never was a time when Sup Forums wasn't pure, unadulterated cancer. The only big difference between Sup Forums in the past and Sup Forums today is that things like raids and shitposting were new and hadn't been done before. Take off the nostalgia goggles, OP.

how do we fight him

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there is no way.

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No no no..listen guys. If we come together and try really, really hard, Hiru will notice us and we may be able to summon Heaven.

It's time for a change.

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