I noticed pewdiepie hasn't uploaded a video today. Did we destroy him?

I noticed pewdiepie hasn't uploaded a video today. Did we destroy him?

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No.... he is too busy worshiping Allah. If anything, he has been saved!

did i miss something

He told his 61 million subscribers about Sup Forums yesterday and we retaliated

You barely did anything, retards

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IDK maybe he just couldnt be fucking bothered?

PewDiePie didn't get where he's at for being a poser. He obviously frequents Sup Forums and knows his shit. He probably saw how shitty Sup Forums is getting with these autistic fb and celeb fap threads. He can end Sup Forums if he wants to.

You sir underestimate our collective power

Nah...nah he doesnt

Sup Forums can not be ended. Sup Forums is a concept, a place where degenerates meet

you know he dosent upload everyday right?.

>this is me
I agree with this post as well, Sup Forums doesnt do shit any more, but you cant kill be unless you literally close the servers

you spelled "sperged" wrong

It's the billionth time he's done a video containing Sup Forums and like always he didn't mention the name of the site. Why are you fags so mad?

This entire post is a shitshow

Because that soyboy cuck makes money by destroying our website

the best thing to do is get nudes of his gf.

Sup Forums is no different than western civilization. Its being destroyed by worthless cucks, and queers who like dickchicks

Lmaoing at you if you think a few thousand kids pouring onto Sup Forums will change anything or affect this site. This is already the containment board for normies and underage kids- the only reason I come here is because of the porn threads and sometimes a random golden thread.

The little fags that do come here will just stay on Sup Forums and if they venture to other boards their autistic posts are just gonna get them banned anyway

If you think Sup Forums likes traps you are being trolled. Traps are just a meme

Moot did that for years, who cares?

m00t was an alpha compared to pewds


That's hilarious. Moot an alpha compared to anybody, pfffft.

>Hmm, I found who was behind of it...

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this, same user



>number 1 on trending
Oh God...

Thank you for having the right frame of mind, my bro. I was personally very happy he said "reddit" instead of Sup Forums, although I would have been much more happier if he said "ebaumsworld" or "9gag"

Can anyone tell me precisely what Sup Forums did to retaliate? I was looking for a thread about Felix the whole day and couldnt find one.

Pray tell

It was like three fags total that posted like five things in his subbreddit that literally didn't effect him at all. I doubt he even knew it happened.


LMAO I hope this is true.

Newfags don't realize he is actually on our side; and having the world's most subscribed youtuber on your side could be a powerful thing.

He already showed that he has an edgy side (although it bit him in the ass in the end), but at least he has shown he is far from being a normie.

I used to hate him.

I am subscribed to him now.

I've been on Sup Forums since 2007.

He called us Reddit newfag doesn't know this is 9gag

also dubs confirm truth

You're a faggot.

Check Sup Forumsois

You're not fooling anyone Chuck.

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I have been typing like that since the first moment I've touched a keyboard.

I have also never been to reddit in my life.

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He didn't even mention Sup Forums yesterday. Name never left his lips. Go be an autist somewhere else

Yeah because Sup Forums was a secret olace. Shut rhe fuck uo you stupid newfag cunt. “We retaliated” you did nothing. You are nothing.

Sup Forums's power isn't near what it used to be. It's a vacuous shell of its former glory.

He literally overreacts in his gaming, he IS a poser

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does he do a video everyday?

>I am subscribed to him now.
Go back

>He literally overreacts in his gaming, he IS a poser

tfw he's already come clean with that years ago and has almost stopped doing gaming videos for a year

you're late to the party bud

i personally am a fan of felix


Me too.

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wtf he has a nigger nose??


i never knew about this, really nice to know for future reference

Yes but during that year, he had the largest spike in subs, and he still does gaming videos right now

I wish they'd kill retards like you


What do you mean destroy him? I haven't seen anyone do anything. It's just been the same porn threads, furfags, and draw threads. Didn't see any raid threads.

Log posters are commenting on all his videos.

That's retarded.

Hey don’t blame me, I’m not a log poster.

You hear that?
Yeah, it's the sound of me grinding in your bitch. While you cucks are sitting here shameless on your laptops, I'm shooting for the stars, as well as shooting up any fool who happens to get in my way, you hear me haters? See, I've gained the attention of multiple record companies and they love my rapping, I spit bars so hot like when I cum hot loads in your bitch. I'm a true player, and if you don't think so then fuck you. Soon enough I'll be living in a mansion with my gucci and iced out roleys, with twelve bitches on my 27 inch cock. You wish you had this life, but it'll never be in your grasp and it never will, so why even bother get up in the morning knowing that theres a player who trumps you in every single way? In fact, I'm already ballin' now, take a look at these fresh yeezys.

Peace out, bitches

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Pewds is probably reading this thread and laughing at you faggots that think he was at all affected by your bitching and moaning.

You say that, but he still ain't upload a vid

w2c creps my g

Is that you Macklemore?

any nudes of pewdiepie


don't make me kek

Proves nothing.


Do you mean cutiepie (marzia)?

come to Sup Forums mate, Sup Forums is dead

Sup Forums should just get the thumb out and sponsor pewds and ice considering that's where us plebians / the traffic is coming and going anyways, also this goes without saying that I might be a retard but pewds could actually be respecting rule 1 & 2 regarding the site, can't hate on that now can you, or are you a newfag, newfag?

>implying 2018 Sup Forums would rather have nudes of females than males
wishing won't make it so monica

i bet hes hung like a horse lol id totally be his Mr Hands

First off, anyone who says "We" or "Us" or any kind of collective pronoun when talking about Sup Forums or the acts of Sup Forums are the biggest faggots known to man. Y'all ain't shit. Second, pewdiepie, while a faggot, is old shit. Spending time making fun of him is the same as making rage comics about justin bieber. What we need is an incest thread filled to the brim with spiderman, not this.

but do you got nudes?

my nigga whatchu want?

nudes of pewdiepie or other hotties like him lol

Dude. You are faggot

Sorry nigga, all I got is me.

No hate nigga, you gotta learn that sometimes a man just needs a dick. We're all faggots here.

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lol hope

post some dick pics im sure it be good :-)

got a problem with how god made me?

Im sure "we" destroyed him by what, raiding reddit or whatever was planned? Oldfags holding on to the past and newfags wanting in on the Sup Forums club are so retarded. Times change. Come here and enjoy the content, or GTFO, no one cares.

You can’t stop Pewds.

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Aright nigga, no judging

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Bro look at that time pew missed a video on Monday. It's been years. Coincidence? I think not

less cloths more dick bro come on

>always write in short paragraphs
>been here all summer
>used to just be a fag
>now redditfag

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he is too busy speed running get over it




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Whoa my nigga, no one likes a desperate ho. Gotta keep it cool as a cucumber

ick girls

i got a cucumber lol

Sup Forumsro tip - moot wasn't always chinese

Well nigga, why do you gotta see mine then?

>collective power? LOL. Sup Forums is so fucking retarded they can't individually count to 5. Collective power my asshole.

any dick will do yours is nothing great im sure lol

>Implying moot wasn't a soyboy
Damn you're cucked
